Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 928 hospitality

Ah fan is dead.

People can't come back to life after death. Ah fan can't be the support of Mrs. Hirano any more.

Thinking of this, Mrs. pingye hated Cai Changting and said, "you should have protected ah fan at that time! If you don't know what you're doing, how could AHU die miserably? "

Mrs. Hirano was full of resentment for ah fan's death.

But she can't say.

She knew that Cai Changting had her own selfish heart. Once it was pierced, she would lose even Cai Changting.

Now there are only so few people who are easy to use. They are like hunters who raise hounds. They know that hounds kill their own sheep, but they also rely on hounds.

Because when hunting, hounds are more important than sheep.

Mrs. pingye didn't know why Cai Changting had to go to ahuan's death with the help of Gu Qingzhou's hand. She hasn't seen the clue yet, but she is not ready to find out.

"It's my fault, ma'am." Cai Changting whispered.

Apart from the last time, he didn't quibble about it any more, and he didn't lie that ahui asked him to hide it.

Today, Mrs. Hirano's anger will not help.

"You've been wrong once. I don't want you to be wrong twice. Canoe, she must come back to me, you know her importance! Changting, she's not a hawk dog or a pet. She's a facade.

Without her, nothing we can do can be justified. I have a headache because the boat is too clever. I don't know what she wants so far. " Hirano man.

Cai Changting is silent.

Mrs. Hirano gently rubbed her temples.

Cai Changting said, "madam, I want to talk to the light boat."

Mrs. Hirano pondered and shook her head: "wait for her to come back. Since she likes Si Xingfu, let her keep warm for a few more days. She's had enough of it before she knows she's home. "

At the same time, Mrs. Hirano was thinking: can Si Xingfu give up Yuecheng and come to the north?

In the territory of the south of the Yangtze River, Mrs. Hirano has an alliance with the Japanese, which cannot be shaken.

Once Si Xingfu is attached to his hometown, he is the enemy of Mrs. Hirano. At the beginning, Gu Qingzhou left because he didn't see the power of Yuecheng or want to cause trouble.

Now it seems that this matter has not been done properly.

Mrs. Hirano has been dealing with people all her life, but now she feels regretful, because she has never met such a difficult person as Si Xingfu, or such a powerful person as Gu Qingzhou.

Si Xingfu went to Taiyuan, and Mrs. pingye tried to block her, but failed.

Even Cai Changting himself can't restrain his running.

If he is not so capable, why should Mrs. Hirano worry? Who Gu Qingzhou wants to sleep with is her freedom, and Mrs. Hirano will not be angry at all.

Mrs. Hirano can't be at peace, just as she cares for the light boat.

Instead of going back to bed, she stood in front of the living room floor to floor window, deep in thought.

Zhou Yan didn't disturb her.

At dusk, the crystal light in the room was on. He saw Gu Qingzhou standing alone in front of the window, with long hair and shawl. She was in the dark shadow, unable to argue.

He went up and put his arm around her.

Sensing that her cheeks and hands were cold, Si Xingfu was slightly surprised and asked, "what's the matter?"

It's like looking back at the boat.

Smile like ripples, slowly in her face swing open, dimple like flower of her, look no worry, smile and say: "wait for you to come back."

Si Xingfu carried her upstairs.

He is not easy to fool. He repeatedly asks Gu Qingzhou what happened.

Gu Qingzhou said, "it's Mrs. Hirano. She urged me to go back."

"Tomorrow, we'll visit her," Si Xingfu said with a heavy face

Gu chuckled: "why do you want to visit her? She's not one of my people. "

Si Xingfu mistakenly thought that Gu Qingzhou took Mrs. Hirano as his mother.

But Gu Qingzhou said that she only regarded them as enemies.

If they don't die, they will keep pestering and caring about the light boat endlessly, and they will make some turbulence for the disaster of the world.

Gu Qingzhou, whether for himself or for the world, should approach them and get rid of them.

"Si Xingfu, the royalist party is deeply rooted. I haven't got the trust of Mrs. Hirano so far, so I don't know where the core is." Gu Qingzhou road.

"How can we get their trust?" he asked

"Opportunity." Gu Qingzhou road.

She needs an opportunity.

Cai Changting and Mrs. hepingye all know that Gu Qingzhou has calculated people. Whether she obeys actively or resists passively, she can't get their trust.

They always look at the light boat with suspicious eyes.

How could they easily deliver the great undertaking they have planned for more than ten years to Gu Qingzhou?

Gu Qingzhou returned to Mrs. Hirano for only half a year.

Kinship needs to be cultivated and acquired through constant company. The one who gave you birth may not have maternal love for you.

There is no doubt that Gu's "parents" are her master and mistress.

He killed them.

Gu Qingzhou will think, once there is a conflict between Gu Qingzhou and Mrs. Hirano, which side will the mistress and master stand on?

She dare not think deeply.

A lot of times, she will also use escape to anesthetize herself.

Life is a day by day, meet what can't flinch, also have no regret medicine.

"The opportunity is hard to say." "The opportunity depends on the number of transportation, sometimes you can't get it for a long time."

Gu Qingzhou thinks so.

So, she wasn't impatient.

She is still young and her career needs to be planned slowly.

She is waiting.

After the first snowfall, the weather is getting warmer and colder.

He insisted on taking Gu to buy clothes.

This time, they went to buy mink.

A mink coat has a good texture. It looks like a circle of ink.

Si Xingfu bought one for Gu Qingzhou.

"Very nice." "Now it's a little expensive to wear a coat," he said with a smile

"Not before?"

"How old were you before? Young girls wear it only for the sake of playfulness. What grace does it have? " He said.

Gu Qingzhou immediately catches the point, sinks his face and asks, "do you think I'm old?"

Si Xingfu didn't expect that his cat would be hairy because of one word.

"Don't worry, I mean you grow up." Si Xingfu put his arm around her waist, leaned over her ear and said, "don't you know, I've been looking forward to your growing up."

Gu Qingzhou gave him a white look.

The clothes were warm. Gu Qingzhou thought that he was in Gu mansion before. For such a dress, Qin Zheng and Gu Xiang designed to ruin Gu Qingzhou's study. Gu Qingzhou was in a trance.

The past is years away.

"Buy it." Gu Qingzhou said, "I like this body."

"And a short one." The Secretary pointed to the other side.

He took it and had to take care of the boat and try it.

The short fur is less cumbersome and more beautiful and lively, which is more suitable for her age.

So I bought several sets of clothes.

Gu Qingzhou looked at the good goods in this house, and the manager was enthusiastic and could speak. He bought a set for Cheng Yu, Zhou Yan, ye Wu, ye Shan and even Mrs. pingye.

The manager was stunned.

The price of a piece of fur is amazing. The young lady bought more than ten pieces at a time. The manager just felt dizzy.

This time, it's enough for him to eat for half a year.

Happily, he wrapped up his clothes. The adjutant was in charge of delivering them to all places. Gu Qingzhou went back with the secretary.

She was wearing that fur when she left.

When they went out, they met Cai Changting.

Cai Changting's car has been parked across the road. It was not until Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu came out that he got off the bus: "Marshal Si, Qingzhou, do you have time to have lunch together?"

Gu Qingzhou smiles at Si Xingfu.

A cunning flash from the bottom of his eyes, Si Xingfu said, "will someone invite you to dinner, go or not, light boat?"

"Go, why don't you go to dinner?" Gu chuckled, "thank you for your kindness, Changting."

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