Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 929 make small

Cai Changting invited us. Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu went there.

At the dinner table, they talked about the situation for a moment. Si Xingfu introduced the topic to Yuecheng and mentioned the Cai family.

Si Xingfu often deals with CAI Longtou of Hongmen. When he was young, Cai Longtou thought he was a bully. He wanted to use him to take advantage of the military government, but he suffered a lot in secret.

"... if you grew up in Yuecheng, we might be friends." Why are you sent to Japan

"Where can I know the decision of the elder?" Cai Changting said with a smile.

Si Xingfu said again: "it should be your grandmother's meaning, right? Your old lady is very good. "

"I guess so. I don't care much about the elders. " Caichangting road.

The Secretary nodded.

Everything is as usual.

Si Xingfu also talked about CAI Keke, Cai Changting's younger sister. When he mentioned this, he felt a little guilty. He said that his carelessness made Cai Keke unhappy.

Cai Changting said, each has destiny, no blame for others.

Gu Qingzhou sat by in silence and listened to their greetings without interrupting.

"Canoe, did you go to Yuecheng when you were little?" Cai Changting suddenly said, "maybe we met when we were three children?"

"I'm eight years older than canoe, and you're six or seven years older than her. When she was a baby, we were teenagers. It's not necessarily impressive to have seen it. Maybe it's true. " Si Xingfu road.

Gu Qingzhou smiles.

No matter what the topic is, she doesn't listen to Si Xingfu and Cai Changting.

This meal, eat more than two hours, drink several bottles of wine.

He was drunk.

Gu Qingzhou said: "Changting, you come to me. Is there anything important?"

"No, it's just a chance encounter."

"I'll send him back first. He's drunk." Gu Qingzhou said, "please tell my wife for me."

"Madame said, take your time. She even wants to invite Si Xingfu to live in the general's residence, but she worries about how much you think. How about you think about that? " Caichangting road.

Gu Qingzhou's mind is slightly restrained.

She smiled the same way and said, "OK, I'll think about it."

When I got on the car, the driver's eyes were clear, and there was no more drunkenness.

He didn't drink high, just a little foreign wine.

"Cai Changting is honest today." "Light boat, you take the initiative," said Si Xingfu

Cai Changting's attitude made sixingfu understand that neither the present Cai Changting nor his wife pingye wanted to annoy Gu Qingzhou.

They want to take care of the boat.

"No use. They are wasting, and the plan is long. I'm afraid I can't waste them. This initiative has been invalid for a long time. " Gu Qingzhou road.

Si Xingfu reached out and touched her head.

He said to Gu, "one thing can be done to speed up their progress and disrupt their plans."

Gu Qingzhou asked what.

Si Xingfu's eyeground flashed some bloodthirsty mania: "kill a man."

The car went back to the other shop of Si Xingfu, and two people got off to have a rest.

The overcoat bought by Gu Qingzhou has been delivered.

Cheng Yu and Zhou Yan are trying them on.

"Gu Qingzhou, you have a conscience. The price of this kind of fur is not low. It's worth a house." Cheng Yu said with a smile.

Zhou Yan said, "I have to press the bottom of the box. I don't have money to eat in the future. If I pawn it out, maybe I can save my life."

Cheng Yu has a sour heart.

She has experienced a loss of soul, especially after her father died, her family broke up, her husband betrayed her again, openly raised a mistress, which made her extremely sad.

At that time, money was life, and one garment had to be saved.

"Don't be sad. If you don't mind, how about going to Yunnan with me in the future? When Cheng's family is here, your mother and daughter will have a stutter.

Other don't say, just say that you dress with taste and sociality, and I'm very relieved to be a housekeeper for me. " Cheng Yudao.

Zhou Yan hurriedly shook his head: "that can't be done. I'm still used to living a hard life."

Zhou Yan used to be rich.

Wealth made her heart unstable, so she began to gamble and killed her husband.

Those days made her palpitate.

Only poverty and turbulence can restrain her inner expansion, so she refuses Cheng Yu's kindness.

Gu Qingzhou saw a dress that made them so sad and said, "it's winter. When winter is over, you give it back to me and I'll sell it. "

Both women complained about taking care of the boat.

Si Xingfu smiles and takes Gu to go upstairs first.

The two men murmured in the room for a while, and Cheng Yu did not know what they said.

Then Gu went downstairs and said to Cheng Yu and Zhou Yan, "I have to go back."

"Then... When will you come back?" Zhou Yan asked.

"In a few days." Gu chuckled.

Si Xingqi personally sent Gu to go out in a light boat.

Seeing them leave, Zhou Yan suddenly asks Cheng Yu, "the light boat is not here. We both live in the sixangpu side. Isn't the light boat thoughtful?"

Cheng Yu said with a smile, "you think more. When Si Xingfu was in Taiyuan, he lived here less. Besides, he leaves early and returns late. You can't see him at all.

Gu Qingzhou has many other problems, but he has 12 points of trust in Si Xingfu. You don't have to worry about destroying your friendship with her. "

Zhou Yan is embarrassed to smile. He feels his villain's heart.

At the same time, Zhou Yan asked Cheng Yu, "commander in chief, he often leaves early and returns late. What is he busy with?"

In Cheng Yu's heart, a little vigilance was raised.

It's a secret that his whereabouts should not be known.

Cheng Yu, more than anyone else, hopes that Si Xingfu can get along well, even surpassing Gu Qingzhou.

Because, if sixingfu gets along well, the Cheng family will have the backing, Cheng Yu's brother and younger brother will have a strong ally, and Cheng Yu's prosperity will also have a foothold.

Therefore, Cheng Yu is very careful.

She smiled, made up an excuse casually, said: "he is contacting iron ore. Shanxi media iron crown the world, where can we do without iron now? We need to make weapons, and we need to develop our economy. "

"Yes, Shanxi has a lot of medium iron." Zhou Yan said with a smile.

Cheng Yu smiles and continues to talk about iron ore with Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan didn't understand it, but listened to Cheng Yu with a smile.

Cheng Yu's unwarranted vigilance was suddenly relaxed.

Gu Qingzhou went back to the residence of Silang pingye and went to Mrs. pingye first.

The secretary did not come in.

However, Gu Qingzhou was thinking all the way. She was thinking about the feasibility of Si Xingfu's saying "kill a person".

Once you do it, you'll have a lot to lose.

Gu Qingzhou is silent and arrives at Mrs. Hirano's side.

Mrs. Hirano is in a bad mood.

She asked the servants to go out, and there was a gloom over her gentle eyes.

"Canoe, what kind of mother do you want me to be?" Mrs. Hirano said in a sad voice, "when can we eliminate the estrangement between our mother and daughter?"

Gu Qingzhou's feather lashes are lowered.

She calmed down and said, "what do you want, madam?"

Mrs. Hirano sighed.

"I know that we don't trust each other," she said. It's not your fault. It's a mother's fault. I want to make it up to you. "

"How to make it up?"

"I want to make up a wedding for you. I heard that you borrowed the name of overseas Chinese from Singapore to marry Si Xingfu because of his family.

E Niang wants to make up for you and let you use your own identity to marry Si Xingfu. What do you think? " Hirano man.

Gu chuckled.

It turns out that the plot is waiting for her here.

She smiled and asked, "madam, how can I be fair?"

"You are the descendant of the royal family, the posthumous son of the former Emperor. Now the emperor in Manchuria is your cousin. Although I don't know the existence of your sisters, I'm still alive.

I want to give you a proper name, let you go to the genealogy, get the title that the princess should have. Let's go to Manchuria together and ask the emperor to electrify the whole country. " Hirano man.

Gu chuckled: "maybe, at that time, more people wanted me to die. Is it too hasty to do it now? "

Mrs. Hirano paused.

It's really a rush.

She suggested this, but she was fawning on Gu Qingzhou and showing her attitude to him.

"Madam, I know your kindness to me. When I was very young, I lived as a caretaker of light boats. This is the only identity I recognize and the only identity I have a sense of belonging.

If you still have me in your heart and really think for me, don't take my identity away and let me have a face. " Gu Qingzhou road.

Mrs. Hirano was dumbfounded and said: "you are right, you are right!"

For a while, the topic stopped.

Mrs. Hirano also put away her sadness and asked Gu Qingzhou about what she had done last time.

Gu Qingzhou said with a smile, "do you want to live in Kangjia?"


"The old master of the Kang family appreciates my medical skills very much, and even wants Kang han to follow me to learn medicine." Gu said, "I'll give them some time to think about it. They'll come to the door frequently in a few days."

Mrs. Hirano said with a sigh of relief, "it's so good. Qingzhou, e Niang will depend on you later. "

Gu chuckled.

As the two men spoke, Gu Qingzhou seemed to hear.

She listened attentively, as if there were no more.

Gu Qingzhou is still.

Towards dusk, Gu Qingzhou goes to see ye Wu, and then goes to have dinner with Si Xingfu.

Si Xingfu will stay in Taiyuan for a while.

During this period, Gu will accompany him to dinner every day as much as possible.

Gu Qingzhou plans to go out, but he meets Ye's sisters.

"Light boat, light boat!" Ye Shan immediately called Gu Qingzhou, "come here quickly."

"Second sister, you are troubling my teacher," said Ye

After that, ye Wu said to Gu Qingzhou, "teacher, do you want to do something, it's OK."

She knew that Si Xingfu had come. Gu Qingzhou and him should spend more time together.

Recently, governor Ye often went to Peiping. His family affairs were handed over to the staff.

These things, ye Shan and ye Wu sisters are not able to get involved, even more can not help to take care of the boat.

"It's all right?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

"It's just two dandies fighting and quarreling. The staff are discussing how to deal with it. It's nothing to do with the military affairs," ye said

Gu Qingzhou remembers the two people he saw in the ballroom before.

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