Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 931 bamboos and bamboos

I dare not hope.

It doesn't matter that Er Bao used to be a bit silly. Now he can't see. Both secular and medical definitions are "disabled".

If Gu Qingzhou mentions this, it will be shameless.

She doesn't dislike Er Bao, but kangjiasanfang will think that she despises people.

Kangzhi's words, though not malicious, do not hurt when he stands talking. He feels that kanghan has a good relationship with Erbao and can be married. Kang Han is not her daughter.

Nowadays, it's hard to find a good marriage.

What is good? What I like is good, which is Kangzhi's understanding.

Of course, if she changes to Kangzhi's own daughter, she may not give up.

"... I went first." Gu chuckled and went to the third room.

Kangzhi shook his head and said to pudaodao, "Miss Gu is not brave enough, and her face is not thick enough. It's a pity that Han Han is here."

"What a pity?" Pu hang said displeased, "her younger martial brother is stupid and blind. Do you want han to marry such a person? Are you out of your mind? "

"You just lost your mind." Kangzhi said, "I've observed Er Bao. He's not stupid because he's simple and honest, but he's not smart enough. Others told him that he was giggling and only obeying Han.

His eyes can't see, but he is sensitive. A crutch can't get lost. It's more powerful than your normal people. Our family and Miss Gu, don't we expect Han Han and ER Bao to make a living?

Er Bao doesn't have to make a living. She stays by Han Han's side all day. Such a husband is not so nice! You can't think of it. It's all fools! "

Park Hang is too lazy to talk to her. Go inside quickly.

In this way, if he told his third brother and sister-in-law, he might be beaten up by others. Piahang didn't want to hear Kang Zhi give a bad idea.

He thought Kangzhi was deliberately embarrassing Sanfang and Gu Qingzhou.

Kangzhi is serious.

She sighed.

It's a pity that her three sisters in law have no such thorough thoughts.

Gu Qingzhou went to the third wife's side, and they exchanged warm greetings with each other and met Kang Han.

After telling Kang Han the new address of Er Bao, Kang Han immediately went to see Er Bao: "I want to buy a flower quilt for ER Bao."

"It's so late..."

"if you believe me, I can take Han Han with me." Gu Qingzhou road.

The third lady's embarrassment swept away, and the smile climbed up the corner of her eyes and said: "Miss Gu, naturally I trust you very much. Han Han asked you to take care of her. She has been unhappy in recent days. "

Kang Han is really unhappy.

For this reason, the third wife also told Gu Qingzhou: an old servant who took care of Kang Han since childhood was dismissed for stealing.

"Leave it to me." Gu Qingzhou said, "I will send her back tomorrow."

"It's OK to stay a few more days. She'll be happy." Said the third wife.

Gu Qingzhou nods with a smile.

Leading Kang Han out to the other hospital of Si Xingfu, Kang Han's mood has been very good.

She is very looking forward to seeing Er Bao.

Sure enough, after seeing the two treasures, Kang Han's smile never disappeared.

She has been holding Erbao's hand.

Cheng Yu muttered: "this girl likes Er Bao!"

Gu Qingzhou took a look at her and said, "you worry about other people's love and hate all day long?"

Cheng Yu said: "it's true. You're such a dull elder martial sister that you don't allow others to have bright eyes? "

Gu Qingzhou is defeated.

Zhou Yan also said: "they are still young..."

"no, they are teenagers. My mother has been engaged to my father since she was eleven, just as old as Kang Han. " Cheng Yu said, "Gu Qingzhou, if you don't believe it, ask Kang Han's parents to see if they have Zhang Luo's marriage."

When it comes to these, Cheng Yu talks a lot.

Gu Qingzhou also likes to listen to her.

At this time, Cheng Yucai is very energetic.

As soon as Kang Han saw Er Bao, he refused to leave. They seemed to have endless whispers.

Two treasures listen to Kang Han.

Gu stayed here all night.

Si Xingfu didn't know that Gu Qingzhou came here today. He came back very late.

"Some secrets of Peiping. The cabinet is divided and there may be war. I heard that the president wants to borrow a lot of money from the Japanese. " Si Xingfu road.

"Borrowing money needs to be mortgaged. What's the mortgage?"

Si Xingfu pinched her nose.

Gu Qingzhou was sharp and intelligent, and hit the root of the problem in a flash.

"Either the land or the mine." Si Xingfu road.

"Is the news true?" Gu Qingzhou is a little worried.

Governor Ye paid a lot for the stability of Shanxi, and Gu Qingzhou did not want Shanxi to suffer from turmoil.

But once there is a war, many times it is inevitable.

"It's not settled yet." "I'm going to help governor ye," said Si

Gu Qingzhou nods.

She added: "Si Xingfu, at this time, be on guard against Cai Changting and ye Shilang. They seem to have a lot of money."

He said he knew.

He slept for a while, then got up and left. Even in Taiyuan, Si Xingfu is busy and can't stop.

Gu Qingzhou knew that he had left, but he did not open his eyes and went to sleep.

When I woke up, the bed was empty.

The next day, when kanghan knew that he was going back, he asked Gu Qingzhou, "can I take Er Bao to my home?"

"Of course. But don't let anyone else take Er Bao, will you? " Gu Qingzhou road.

Kang Han quickly said yes.

The two children went happily. Gu Qingzhou also said goodbye to Cheng Yu and Zhou Yan. After seeing the children off, he went back to the residence of Silang, pingye.

As soon as she came back, the servant said that miss three was looking for her.

"Miss Gu, the third Miss wants you to come back to her side." Servant road.

It's only Thursday today.

"Miss three is not in class today?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

"The servant said:" it should be, three Miss leave at home today

Gu Qingzhou changes his clothes, combs his hair and washes his face again, and goes to Ye Wu's side.

Ye Wu is not in her room, but in her study.

The outer study is full of documents. The two sisters and the staff are looking through them. They seem to want to find something.

No one stopped Gu Qingzhou from coming in.

A staff officer saw her and called "Miss Gu" and continued to look through it.

Ye Wu stands up in a hurry.

"What are you looking for?" Gu Qingzhou stood at the door, not going in.

Here is a mess. Gu Qingzhou knows that he can't run away. He regrets that he wants to run away.

"Looking for a document to amend the law, I don't know where it is now," ye said

"What law?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

Ye Wu said: "it's about homicide. Before, my father signed a law, which was suitable for the children in the army, but it was not sent to the city hall for filing, and now it can't be found. "

While she was talking, others were still browsing around.

Gu Qingzhou was shocked: "who killed?"

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