Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 932 the job of youth

Ye Wu and Gu Qingzhou go under the eaves.

After ye Wu's narration, Gu Qingzhou understood that two dandies were fighting with each other, one was the son of the military and the other was the son of the governor.

The palms and backs are full of meat. When governor Ye comes back, he doesn't know how to deal with it.

"It was the ballroom manager who was killed. Shi Qing is the son of Shi Shichang, and Shi Hai is the son of Shi provincial governor. The two of them clashed in the ballroom. They shot each other with guns and killed the manager Ye Wudao.

Gu Qingzhou asked, "all surnames are Shi? Is it a relative? "

Ye Wu shakes her head: "Shi is the surname. There is no relation between their two families, or even nothing to do with each other."

Gu Qingzhou pondered.

Ye Wu continued: "the fight between the two sides killed the manager, which is to pay for his life. But their pistols and bullets are the same. Now it's impossible to tell which gun hit the key point. "

All of a sudden, Gu understood.

Ye Wu and the military want to get Shi Qingzuo's son out. They are looking for a law that hasn't been used.

"... that law was signed by my father in a homicide the year before last, but when another witness was found, it was not filed." Ye Wudao.

At the same time, ye Wu was worried, "this matter has been brought to court. Those people in the city hall are partial to the governor and want to make Shi Qingbei cook. My father is not here again. Once the town hall finds a mess of laws, we will be passive. "

Gu knew that in China before that, the legal provisions had not formed a system.

In particular, when the government is divided into three branches, it becomes a headache for Taiyuan government to follow which laws and not touch the root.

Now it's time to talk.

"No wonder you've been very busy these days." Gu Qingzhou road.

She thought of the last time she went out with Si Xingfu and saw a fight in the ballroom.

At that time, two dandies began to fight, and then there was a gunshot.

There is no good feeling for a dandy to patronize the boat.

"In that case, I won't disturb you." Gu Qingzhou said, "the manager is dead. It's only natural that you should try your own way."

After that, Gu turned around and left.

Leaves leaf charming, the expression is slightly surprised.

Ye Shan put down the document and came out, only to see Gu's back, and asked, "what about the light boat?"

"Gone." Ye Wu points.

Ye Shanwei was surprised: "how did she go? We're counting on her to help. "

"The teacher thought that killing people should pay for their lives. We are obviously partial to Shi Qing, but the teacher is not sure that Shi Qing is innocent, so she will not help. " Ye Wudao.

After a long time of contact, ye Wu is the most familiar with Gu Qingzhou.

She knew Gu Qingzhou's temper and character, and didn't stop her.

"What needs to be innocent at this time?" Ye Shan frowned. "Stand is faith. Shi Qing is a military kid, and favoring him is what we should do. "

"But my teacher is not a military man." Ye Wu said.

Ye Shan is surprised to see ye Wu.

Look at Ye Wu. She's getting angry.

Ye Shan felt that there was no military or group in Ye Wu's world. She believed only her teachers.

What Gu Qingzhou does is right.

"Let's go. Keep looking." Ye Wudao.

After that, ye Wu is back in the pile of documents.

Ye Shan sighed.

After Gu Qingzhou left the Ye's house, he went to the dance hall.

The ballroom has been closed since the manager was killed.

This street is still bustling, and the shops nearby are in continuous business.

Gu saw a stall selling fried chestnuts and went to buy one.

The chestnuts fried with sugar are very warm and sweet. Gu Qingzhou peels them and eats them. He talks to an old couple selling chestnuts.

"Is this dance hall closed?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

"Dead!" The old woman on one side was very warm and chatted with Gu Qingzhou. "I heard it's the son of two senior officials. I shot him."

"The dancers and the singers, are they all locked up?" Gu asked again.

"No, they are all at home. They dare not go out." The old woman said, "there is a red house in the back street. It's where they live. They usually live there."

Gu took the chestnuts, ate them and walked back to the street.

There is indeed a red house.

The house is very similar to the dormitories of women's schools. There are scattered clothes under the eaves. There are people talking in the corridor, singing and voice training, and talking and quarreling.

With warehouses everywhere, the house stands out.

Gu Qingzhou stood at the door and looked, then knocked.

"Who are you looking for?" A woman in her twenties was hanging sheets in the yard and asked Gu about the boat.

Gu Qingzhou's fur is expensive.

These dancers are used to the rich and have a good taste of people's clothes. They know that Gu Qingzhou is a distinguished guest.

"I just look around." Gu Qingzhou said, "by the way, little sister, do you know about the killing the other day?"

This dancer looks bigger than Gu Qingzhou, but when she heard that others called her sister, she didn't have a happy heart.

The dancer just eats the youth meal. Who doesn't want to look young?

"Well, don't come here and ask. The city hall and the governor's office have made an order that we shouldn't talk about anything. Whoever opens his mouth will be a witness. " The dancer whispered, then pushed Gu Qingzhou out.

Gu said, "were you there?"

The dancer shook her head.

Gu Qingzhou sighed, disappointed, and walked out with chestnuts.

But for a moment, the dancer chased out, stuffed a note for Gu Qingzhou, and hurried back.

Gu Qingzhou spread out a note with an address on it.

After Gu Qingzhou got the address, he didn't immediately go to find someone, but went to the side of Si Xingfu.

Si Xingfu is just at home.

When he called Gu Qingzhou, the servant said that Gu Qingzhou was not there, and Si Xingfu was still going to ye dujun's mansion to look for Gu Qingzhou, Gu Qingzhou came.

"Send someone to check the address for me." Gu Qingzhou gave the note to Si Xingfu.

The Secretary asked her what was the matter.

Gu told him the truth.

"That day?" Si Xingfu squinted and thought about the scene of the day. "If I call all the waiters in the ballroom, I can identify a person.

At that time, the man was in the best position. He must have seen who fired the lethal shot. "

Then, Si Xingfu said to Gu Qingzhou, "in fact, the practice of the governor's office is more reliable. Check it out. If it's really Shiqing, do you want them to give up? It's better to look for law than evidence. "

Gu Qingzhou said: "I understand. I just want to help. The outside study is full of people. Although the documents are not top secret, I still don't think it's proper.

Ye Wu's sister is not defensive against me, but ye dujun is not. People trust me, I should avoid suspicion. But ye Wu is in trouble. I can't help her.

Since it's not easy to stay outside and look for documents, I'd like to go to the scene. "

Of course, it would be better if we could prove Shi Qing's innocence.

I always feel that something is going to happen in the dark.

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