Young General's Escaping Wife

Is there too many friends in Chapter 940?

As the guests dispersed, so did the drunkenness of taking care of the boat.

She did not go back, but lived with Ye Wu.

Two people stand under the eaves, looking at the Qionghua, like thin frost.

Under the sparse and Langlang branches, there is a little silver awn, and the cold wind comes through the cracks.

Gu Qingzhou is hot all over, so he takes a glass of water and stands under the eaves to drink, and ye Wu follows.

"Ah Wu, I'm very happy today." Gu Qingzhou said to her.

Leaf Charm chuckled.

The teacher has done a lot for them. If she is only used to transfer hatred, ye Wu will be very sad, although her teacher says that she is willing to accept it.

Now, seeing that the teacher really got what she wanted, ye Wu's mood brightened up.

What makes her happy is not only the teacher's benevolence, but also her father's love and justice.

If her father is always pitching the benefactor, ye Wu will look down upon him very much, and even her father's tall image will collapse.

Not now.

"Teacher, I'm glad you're happy." Ye Wudao.

Her words were obstinate and muddleheaded, but she understood them.

Gu Qingzhou smiles: "today is a few good days."

Ye Wu nodded.

When it comes to good days, ye Wu remembers something else.

She lowered her voice and asked Gu, "teacher, do you still live here?"

Since my father found out that Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu were husband and wife, would Gu Qingzhou move to live with Si Xingfu?

Gu Qingzhou lives in the residence of Silang, pingye. It's like living in the same house with Ye's house, which makes Ye Wu feel safe.

Gu Qingzhou is here, and ye Wu feels that all the supports are there.

"Of course, I will live here, and I will teach you." Gu chuckled, "at least I want to make sure you graduate smoothly.

When the governor introduced me, he first said that I was the teacher of his beloved daughter, and then he said that I was the wife of Si Xingfu and a distinguished guest of Taiyuan government. "

Leaf Charm cannot help but smile, eyes curved.

Gu Qingzhou also smiled.

As soon as she smiled, she showed her neat white teeth.

Leaf Charm has never seen Gu Qingzhou smile like this, like a child, extremely pure.

"Teacher, you look different tonight." Ye Wudao.

"Because I'm happy." Gu chuckled. "Ah Wu, I thank the Ye family very much."

Ye Wu's heart is clear.

It turns out that this is the teacher who is extremely happy. When the teacher is too happy, he will be like a child.

Ye Wu often forgets that her teacher is only in her early twenties and is not very old. She is a young girl like her.

Her intelligence should be praised, not taken for granted.

"Thank you very much." Ye Wudao.

Suddenly the two began to be polite.

Then the two of them began to giggle.

In the cold night of early winter, the cold dispelled the hot and dry brought by drinking. Two people stood under the eaves like two fools.

For a long time, Gu Qingzhou sneezed, and they just went back to the house to wash.

Gu Qingzhou sleeps in a daze.

He didn't sleep, and he didn't go home. Instead, he went outside the city.

So did governor Ye.

Cheng Yu has been waiting at home for most of the night. He is a little anxious because he doesn't see Gu Qingzhou coming and Si Xingfu coming back.

"Governor Ye's banquet, the canoe should come back together with Si Xingfu, right?" Cheng Yu asked Zhou Yan, "why haven't you arrived yet?"

Zhou Yan shakes his head.

At the same time, the cry of the child came to mind in the room.

Zhou Yan will go to tease the child, and then feed the child, but the child spits out one mouthful.

Cheng Yu asked her, "isn't Yiqiu's measles already gone? How can she still not be fed?"

Zhou Yan's daughter had measles the other day.

At that time, the governor's office was in great trouble. Gu Qingzhou hid in the residence of Hirano Shirang. Ye Wu and ye Shan were nowhere to go, and Si xingxu never came back.

Cheng Yu wanted to invite him to take care of the boat, but Zhou Yan said he didn't have to worry about it. It was the same when he carried him to the West hospital.

When we got to the hospital, the doctor said it was measles, and it had been two days. We should treat it as soon as possible.

Zhou Yan is scared.

"It doesn't matter. Just give it a shot and take care of it slowly. It's not a serious illness." The doctor relieved Zhou Yan again.

Zhou Yan nodded this time.

The child picked up, measles although good, but always keep crying, and even no longer milk, let Zhou Yan burning.

Holding the child to go to the hospital, the doctor said: "this is the sequelae of measles, the disease gas attack, the child's gum is a little inflamed."

Yiqiu is still young. Doctors prescribe prescriptions for adults, which means that Zhou Yan takes these medicines and passes them on to children through milk.

But who could have thought that the baby didn't take milk?

Zhou Yan was worried and looked at his child's gums again. On the tender red tooth bed, there are two teeth, but they are so red and swollen that they cry when they touch the child.

"Go and borrow a syringe and force it into your throat?" Cheng Yu gives advice to Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan thought that this idea could be tried, so he really went to the hospital.

The doctor thought it was a bad idea.

"You bring the baby here and I'll have another shot." The doctor said.

Zhou Yan had no choice but to go home and pick up the baby.

Cheng Yu was a little worried, and said to Zhou Yan, "why don't you call Qingzhou? The child's illness cannot be delayed. "

Zhou Yan's heart was inexplicably sour.

She was very upset.

Thinking of Gu Qingzhou's help to her and all the things in the past, her heart is heavy.

Gu Qingzhou is kind to her, and her heart surges up one by one, which makes her suffocate a little.

Zhou Yan didn't let his emotions leak out. He was just an anxious mother and said, "let's see Western medicine. Western medicine is faster."

Cheng Yu doesn't know why.

His daughter, of course, wants to give her the best, and Western medicine is really fast, Cheng Yu didn't think about it deeply, and said, "that's right."

This time, Cheng Yu and Zhou Yan went to the West hospital together.

Cheng Yu proposed to call two more Western doctors to see the child's illness, which made the doctor angry.

"It's good to see more people." Cheng Yudao.

Under Cheng Yu's unreasonable provocation, an older pediatrician came.

After the diagnosis, the doctor gave the same answer, that is, the child is the residual poison of measles, leading to redness and swelling of the gums.

"Just one shot. What's the big deal? What's the trouble?" The old doctor was full of rage.

Cheng Yu didn't dare to play fancy with the old doctor. In a low voice, he and Zhou Yan took the child to have an injection together.

Seeing Zhou Yan frowning, Cheng Yu comforted her: "it's OK, you see that old doctor is so horizontal! If the child has a big thing, he doesn't dare to be so horizontal."

Zhou Yan was amused by her.

Her heart tightened.

Cheng Yu accompanied the two of them to have an injection and sent Zhou Yan and her child home. Cheng Yu made an excuse to buy something and went out.

She came to the Ye family.

When Cheng Yu came, Gu Qingzhou and ye Wugang got up. Two people wake up from a hangover. Their heads hurt. They are drinking rice porridge.

Today is the weekend. Ye Wu doesn't have to go to school. She sits cross legged on the Kang without changing her pajamas.

The arrival of Cheng Yu made Gu Qingzhou a little uneasy, and he got up his spirits and asked her, "what's the matter?"

Gu Qingzhou thought that something happened to Si Xingfu.

But Cheng Yu said it.

She paused and then said, "it's OK."

Gu Qingzhou has a pain in his skull. After drinking half a bowl of rice porridge, he goes to wash it. When he is sober, he will talk to Cheng Yu.

When she comes out, Cheng Yu's expression will be much clearer.

She hesitated and said to Gu, "I always feel that sister Zhou seems to have something to hide from us."

"Is it?" Gu Qingzhou is surprised.

Everyone's energy is limited. Gu Qingzhou has always believed in her friends.

Once she turns each other into relatives, she will trust them unconditionally.

Until now.

"Last time she asked about cheese shop, it was quite strange. A few days ago, Yi Qiu had measles. It's a minor illness, but the child's residual poison is not clear, and her gums are swollen. I asked her to come to you, and she faltered. I don't know why. " Cheng Yudao.

Gu Qingzhou has a little meal in mind.

Her friends never betrayed her.

Gu Qingzhou is thinking, are there too many friends?

She used to be very careful in choosing her friends, but now she is living a happy life.

"I'll ask her." Gu Qingzhou road.

Cheng Yu is shocked: "ask face to face?"

She hurriedly took care of the boat and refused to let her go. She said, "if you get it wrong, how hurtful it is! You wait for me to visit slowly and tell you when I find out the reason. "

Gu Qingzhou shook his head: "it's meaningless to guess. We often have our own coercion. I will ask her face to face, so as not to misunderstand her. "

Cheng Yu feels that he is too carefree to act in a light boat.

"It's my guess," she said. "Let me ask her. If it's my guess, I'll make amends to her. Don't let me be the one who stirs up the difference. "

The attitude of Gu Qingzhou infected Cheng Yu.

To treat friends, we should have the attitude of right friends, even if we are wrong, we should also be clear about it.

Cheng Yu didn't understand it before, but now it's suddenly bright.

"Well, let's go to see Yiqiu." Gu Qingzhou road.

"Do you want me to go?" ye asked

"No, you'll go another day." Gu Qingzhou road.

On the way, Cheng Yu tells Gu Qingzhou that Si Xingfu didn't come back last night. Where did he go? Let Gu Qingzhou find out for himself.

"Governor Ye didn't live in the mansion last night. They have their own business." Gu said.

Every time she mentions Si Xingfu, Gu Qingzhou's determined tone and unquestioning attitude always make Cheng Yu angry. She also wants such love!

The car arrived at the courtyard of sixangxu.

Cheng Yu went directly to Zhou Yan's room.

Far away, Gu heard the crying of the child.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw that Zhou Yan was holding Yi Qiu in his arms, and his mother and daughter were crying bitterly.

Gu Qingzhou was surprised and rushed to take the baby.

Open the child's mouth, Gu Qingzhou looked at the gums of next Yiqiu, his face slightly changed.

Cheng Yu also came forward.

She first smelt a peculiar smell, like something rotten.

Then, she saw Yi Qiu's red gums, and began to emit a gray white color. Some places were already faintly black.

The smell comes from the children.

Cheng Yu's face changed: "how can this... Become so serious? That quack, still say no big deal, I want to go to them to settle accounts! "

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