Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 941 walking horse's chancre

Cheng Yu loves Yi Qiu very much.

She's been married, and she's been looking forward to children. Yiqiu was born cute and quiet, which is the most suitable fantasy for Cheng Yu's children.

Seeing that Yiqiu is so seriously ill, Cheng Yu is mad and jumps to scold.

"Quack, quack is wrong person!" Cheng Yu said, "I have to smash the hospital."

Gu Qingzhou always has a kind of instinctive maintenance for doctors, because if Cheng Yu scolds others, Gu Qingzhou has also experienced it. She knows what it's like.

Gu Qingzhou comforted Cheng Yu and said, "don't worry, I'll see what happened first."

She doesn't look at Zhou Yan. She goes up to hold Yi Qiu, who is crying all the time.

Zhou Yan saw clearly and gave the child to Gu Qingzhou.

Children's viscera are not complete, the body is soft and fragile, a little problem may lead to premature death.

At present, western medicine is prosperous in China, but it may not keep up with the development of medicine.

Gu Qingzhou has also heard about the sufferings of the western hospital. There is no doubt that sometimes the unqualified western medicine has ruined both the doctors and the hospital.

In this regard, traditional Chinese medicine is even more important.

"It's the infantile walking horse's chancre. It's not a big obstacle. I'm all at ease." After watching the children, Gu Qingzhou said.

Cheng Yu and Zhou Yan are relieved at the same time.

When looking up at Zhou Yan, Zhou Yan was already full of tears. Her eyes were red and swollen. She could hardly see the light. How much she loved her daughter.

Cheng Yu patted his chest, worried and angry. With Gu Qingzhou's "no big trouble", he relaxed completely.

Cheng Yu didn't hear of "walking horse's chancre", and asked curiously, "what is walking horse's chancre? How do you call it such a strange name? "

"It's chancre. The teeth are attacked by residual poison. It's red, swollen, painful, rotting and blackened, and even flows out purple black blood. Because of its rapid onset, but it worsened in a short time, just like walking horse, it is called "Walking Horse chancre" Gu Qingzhou road.

Cheng Yu immediately understood: "as Western Medicine says, the difference between enteritis and acute enteritis. You say it's "acute chancre" no? You have to be literal. "

Acute diseases come and go faster, and are often easier to treat than chronic diseases. Cheng Yu is completely relieved and begins to challenge Gu Qingzhou.

Zhou Yan also broke into tears.

"Nonsense? Chinese medicine has its own specific name, which is walking horse's chancre, not acute chancre." Gu Qingzhou corrects Cheng Yu.

Cheng Yu curled his mouth and thought: it's acute chancre. I won't fight with you.

Gu Qingzhou has been holding Yi Qiu, still not looking at Zhou Yan, only to Cheng Yu: "help me write prescriptions."

While holding the child, she gently combs the channels and collaterals of the child, so that the child can sleep slowly and forget the pain temporarily.

As expected, Yi Qiu's cry stopped slowly, lying in Gu Qingzhou's arms and yawning.

Her gums were festering and her yawn was full of stench. Cheng Yu's and Zhou Yan's heart rose again.

"Say it, I'll write it." Cheng Yudao.

Gu Qingzhou, walking with his child in his arms, said to Cheng Yu, "four money in the wall and four money in the middle of people, let the pharmacy make it for me, burn it and save it. One money in ice."

Cheng Yu asked, "what is wall money? Which two words? "

Gu Qingzhou tells her that wall money is a wall money spider.

Cheng Yu is disgusted: "want to give Yi Qiu to eat spider?" She rubbed her lower arm. It was a little disgusting.

Gu Qingzhou said, "just write."

When Cheng Yu finished writing the wall money, he asked what is "white in people". When Gu Qingzhou told her that white in people is dry in urine. Healthy people naturally dry after urine precipitation.

Cheng Yu almost vomited after listening.

She taught Gu Qingzhou very seriously: "the old ancestor was short of materials, and used some strange things instead of herbs. Nowadays, both traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine have developed. Don't you feel sick after using these? You see, human urine, spider "

she said, and she wanted to vomit.

Gu Qingzhou sinks into the water.

In other words, she doesn't have any opinions. She can't accept anyone's jokes about traditional Chinese medicine.

"Zhou Yan, if you still want to save Yiqiu, go to get the medicine, or I won't care." Gu Qingzhou raised her eyes and looked at Zhou Yan quietly.

She was not angry, nor angry, but in the silence of her whole body, she sent out a light chill, which made Zhou Yan shudder.

She no longer called sister Zhou, but called her first name. Not only that, she didn't look at Zhou Yan, she was forced to.

She didn't answer Cheng Yu's joke.

Gu Qingzhou often makes trouble with Cheng Yu in his daily life, but today he is surprisingly cold.

Zhou Yan felt cool in her heart. She finally understood that Gu Qingzhou knew everything.

"Let me go." Cheng Yu takes the lead.

Cheng Yu wanted to question Zhou Yan, to know if she had betrayed them, Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu. But when she spoke, especially looking at Zhou Yan's eyes, she couldn't say.

So, she wanted to escape and leave the problem to Gu Qingzhou.

Cheng Yu also knows that her personality is not pleasant, but what can she do?

"What is burnability?" Cheng Yu asks Gu Qingzhou again.

She needs to find out lest the medicine she bought doesn't work.

"It's a way to make medicine. I usually make it myself. It's too late today. Let the drugstore make it. They know what it means." Gu said.

Cheng Yu knew that the problem was very complicated, so he stopped talking and went out with a prescription.

After Cheng Yu's departure, Yi Qiu also slowly calms down and lies in the arms of Gu Qingzhou.

Zhou Yan tries to speak.

Gu Qingzhou looks at her. Gu Qingzhou's eyes are deep and bright, as if there are broken flowers in his eyes. There is a kind of light that penetrates the heart, and it goes straight to Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan was timid at the bottom of his heart.

"If you have, let me know." Gu Qingzhou opens his mouth, his voice is very soft, for fear of waking up Yiqiu. "If I find out, we will never have room to turn back."

Zhou Yanxin sank to the bottom of the valley.

She has many secrets and wants to tell Gu Qingzhou.

In this moment, Zhou Yan suddenly despaired. She wanted to explain everything.

She was upset.

She said to Gu: "the boat, Yi Qiu, her father, he did not run, but was arrested."

Gu Qingzhou's indifference at the bottom of his eyes gradually converged.

Zhou Yan started to cry.

"That man is the servant of Kang family. He said that my husband owed him a lot of money and was arrested. He said he would not take away the deeds of the land I had hidden, nor my children.

But if I want my husband to live, I will do for them and obey their orders. When I came to Taiyuan mansion, I just listened to what they said. " Zhou Yan choked.

Gu Qingzhou hears that Zhou Yan is not fleeing her husband, but trying to save him.

After a moment's silence, Gu Qingzhou asked her, "you said that he is a gambler. If you and Yi Qiu follow him, there may not be a good day.". Are those words false? "

Zhou Yan said: "boat, I'm almost forty years old, I want a home. Yi Qiu can't live without a father and I can't live without a husband. "

After a pause, she said, "I can stop gambling. He's been locked up and suffered so much. Maybe he can sail, too. I want to save him."

"do you want to sell me?" Gu Qingzhou interrupted her.

Her heart is complex, but she can't see too much emotion.

At the moment, Gu Qingzhou is like a stone statue with profound mystery and calmness.

"That man hasn't given me news recently, and I don't know what to do. I won't do it if I'm going to sell you. ' Zhou Yan promised.

Gu Qingzhou sighs.

She didn't say she believed, nor did she say she didn't. It hasn't happened yet, and no speculation can assess people's minds.

Gu Qingzhou dare not venture to explore human nature.

"Last time, the man asked me to steal some documents from commander in chief's study. I said I didn't find them." "I didn't try," said Zhou

"What do they say?"

"They told me not to worry. It doesn't matter if I don't find it." Zhou Yan cried.

It's a long line to catch big fish. It's very far sighted.

Gu Qingzhou holds Yiqiu and gently touches the child's back.

She told Zhou Yan in a soft voice, "I didn't see your lie"

Zhou Yan's heart seemed to be pierced by something, and the cold wind poured in along the hole, cold and painful.

She understood the meaning of taking care of the boat.

For her friends, Gu Qingzhou is undefended. She always treats her friends with her greatest tolerance.

She also regards Zhou Yan as a friend.

So, she didn't find the abnormality of Zhou Yan. Gu Qingzhou's acuteness and wit are well-known all over the world. People in Taiyuan and Yuecheng all praise her.

She didn't find out the abnormality of Zhou Yan. It's not that Zhou Yan performed well and hid deeply, but that she regarded her as a friend.

Zhou Yan used to think that people need families and husbands.

It wasn't until this moment that she felt she had lost something important: a friend.

Apart from Gu Qingzhou and Cheng Yu, she has no other friends, and now she has nothing.

"I still don't see it. You told me everything." Gu Qingzhou said, "Zhou Yan, you didn't cause any loss, but I can't keep you anymore."

Zhou Yan's tears rolled down his cheeks.

"I understand," she said. "I'll go right away."

"Seven days later. Yi Qiu's health is very bad, which is natural, because your health is not good, and your husband's health is not good. In the future, you should take good care of Yiqiu. " Gu Qingzhou road.

Zhou Yandao is.

"Seven days later, Yiqiu's chancre will be cured. Let's leave then." Gu said.

As they spoke, Cheng Yu came back.

Gu Qingzhou returned the child to Zhou Yan, and then began to develop medicinal powder.

She grinds the money, people's white and some ice flakes into extremely fine powder and spreads it on Yiqiu's gums.

"Walking horse's chancre is an acute disease, so the disease can go quickly, and can be contained by tomorrow at the latest." Gu Qingzhou said, "I will not come."

She looked at Cheng Yu. "You can send Zhou Yan then."

What else did Zhou Yan want to say, but he couldn't speak.

Cheng Yu is sad and nods.

As soon as Gu Qingzhou left, Cheng Yu saw that Yi Qiu was asleep, and he pulled Zhou Yan out to talk.

When four eyes are opposite, Cheng Yu suddenly doesn't know how to speak.

Until this moment, Cheng Yu did not hate Zhou Yan.

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