Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 947 Meteorology

Gu Qingzhou went out. Instead of staying in the residence of Silang pingye, he went to governor Ye's mansion.

Ye Wu and ye Shan are making some iron bars in the room.

The iron bar is very long, lying in the living room, extending from the front of the house to the back of the house, which is not too thick.

At the place near the tail, ye Shan and ye Wu are binding the iron wire, tightly winding it up, and then putting some small iron bars on the other end of the iron wire.

"Is it possible?" Gu Qingzhou asks Ye Wu.

"It's introduced like this in the book, but it's OK or not. I haven't tried it either," said Ye

Gu took a breath.

"Teacher, are you sure you want to take risks? If not, ye Wu is worried.

Ye Shan also said, "yes, it's terrible to look at it."

Gu Qingzhou smiles: "how can I kill someone without taking risks?"

Ye Wu's eyes were cold, and ye Shan thought a little.

"Ah Wu, show me the book again." Ye Shan clenched her teeth.

It's an English book that ye Wu gave her.

For every word in the book, ye Shan went through the dictionary again and marked it out.

Next to it is a book, which is the translation of Ye Shan's book.

Compared with her own understanding, and then compared with the translation, ye Shan bit her teeth: "we have no wrong understanding, which is what the book says. As for success, it depends on Providence. The book says it will succeed. Light boat, you should remember, never get close to this iron bar. "

"Good." Gu Qingzhou road.

Leaf Charm also encourages: "teacher, will succeed, we gambled this time, let those bastards all die without the burial place."

Gu Qingzhou suddenly found that when ye Wu grew up, she gradually became a little shrewd and fierce, just like Gu Qingzhou.

In this world, how can we be 100% sure?

For one thing, if we have 50% chance of success, we must try hard. This is also the principle that Si Xingfu believes in.

Governor Ye is in the process of reorganizing the Arsenal recently.

He's in town these days.

Back in the conference hall of the governor's office, I heard several generals and staff officers talking about something.

As soon as governor ye came in, they shut up again.

"What is it?" Ye asked directly.

Several people hesitated.

The chief of staff opened his mouth first and asked governor ye, "have you read the tabloids of these two days?"

Governor ye knew that this was about taking care of the light boat.

"No. What do you say? " In his spare time, governor Ye untied his gun case, loosened his belt, and listened to gossip with ease.

Several staff officers and generals were a little embarrassed.

The chief of staff struggled and said, "Xuanchong Taoist, he said Miss Gu would damage the fortune of Shanxi for 20 years."

"Nonsense." Ye dujun said.

Xuanchong Taoist made a good deal with the Jin family. The Jin family donated tens of thousands of silver dollars every year. The staff didn't know about this, but ye dujun knew it clearly.

Such a huge sum of money is enough for ghosts to grind. What's more, Xuanchong, who drives people to eat grains and grains?

Governor ye knew very well that Mrs. king still counted her daughter's death on the head of the Gu Qingzhou.

They have tried to assassinate Gu Qingzhou and failed; they have tried to frame Gu Qingzhou and failed.

Finally, even the Taoist moved out.

Taoist Xuanchong has some abilities. Even the president believes him.

He once told governor Ye fortune telling, and he said something about the past, which is true. Ye dujun knew that among the warlocks, some of them had advanced skills, and Xuanchong was one of them.

Xuanchong said that Gu Qingzhou is a monster with high credibility.

Let alone ordinary people, even the staff can not sit.

"The governor is not afraid of ten thousand in case." The chief of staff said, "can you leave this matter alone?"

Governor Ye glanced at them.

After a long time, governor ye asked, "do you mean that?"

All the people said, "governor, don't worry about the truth or the falsehood, they are all giving people something to handle. Since Xuanchong wants to do it, let him try. "

"If Miss Gu is unimpeded, he will be able to solve the people's worries. Isn't it the best of both worlds?"

What they mean is that they let governor ye not help him to take care of the boat, but let him fight with immortal Xuanchong.

To tell you the truth, evil spirits fight against Taoists, and ordinary people are hard to please.

"Nonsense!" Governor Ye slapped the table.

The conference hall was silent.

"We are in alliance with the company. You know how much money the company has provided. His wife is being put up with by his enemies. Do you stand by? In the future, if something happens to me, will you all be wise enough to protect yourself? " Ye Shoujun drinks.

This is too serious.

Several people wanted to explain. Governor Ye kicked the chair hard and walked out.

The general and the staff, who had left the room, looked at each other.

"It's said that we kill people with guns on our shoulders. Isn't it ridiculous to listen to the Taoists?" A teacher said.

And the crowd was full of tongues.

Ye dujun went to the backyard and went directly to find Ye Wu, intending to ask her to take care of the boat and discuss a solution.

According to the newspaper, Gu Qingzhou is a monster. Immortal Xuanchong wants to lead Gu Qingzhou to heaven in Ziwei Pavilion of Sanqing temple.

No idea. As soon as he entered, he saw Gu Qingzhou and ye Wu and ye Shan working on a very long iron pipe. The iron pipe is very thin, so it is light and skillful, but it is higher than the roof.

"How is it?" Ye Wu and Gu Qingzhou hold on, ye Shan is digging the earth, still ask Ye Shan how it is.

"OK, let go." Ye Shan stepped on the soil she had buried.

The three men retreated and the iron pipes stood upright, but they were so long and thin that they were staggering.

"Can you do it?" Ye Shan is a little worried. "Is it too thin?"

"Don't worry, bury it deeper then." Gu said.

"Fine, better effect." Ye Wudao.

Seeing the fog, governor ye asked them, "what are you doing?"

Three people are not prepared for someone behind them, and they are scared.

When ye dujun looked at the iron pipe, he saw that ye Shan's white leather shoes were covered with mud, and he asked, "what is it to erect an iron pipe?"

"Lead to punishment." Ye Wudao.

Governor ye did not understand.

"Do you know the punishment of Xuanchong Taoist? I haven't heard of it, but I can't help it. " Ye dujun said.

The three girls were full of smiles and cunning.

Ye dujun was very interested: "talk about it, otherwise you will carry the iron tube to Sanqing Temple by yourself. Don't expect the adjutant to help you."

"Father, how did you fall down?" Ye Shan is dissatisfied.

Governor Ye laughs.

Gu Qingzhou and ye Wu also smile.

Ye Wu looked at the boat and asked Gu to explain it to ye dujun.

"Overseer, this is the idea of ah woo." Gu Qingzhou told the truth.

Ah Wu can't always hide behind. It's her credit. She can't take advantage of the boat.

Four people came into the room, washed their hands again, and the servant brought tea, and ye Wu said slowly.

"My father and my teacher thought that Jin Jia's way of sending tabloid news was a little low-end, not like to deal with her, so she went to the Jin family." Ye Wudao.

Governor Ye nodded, and Gu Qingzhou was very good at it.

"Well, what did you ask?" Asked governor Ye.

Ye Wu said: "the teacher goes to confront the Taoist. The Taoist says that the teacher is a disaster star. He will ask God to punish the teacher.

Father, this matter has been spread all over the city. Everyone will go to see it. As long as there is no punishment, the identity of the teacher will be cleared, and the Taoist will also fall into the name of "bewitching the public" for fear that no one will believe him again.

He thinks highly of himself. When he talks to his teacher, he says that he can call the wind and the rain and invite thunder and lightning. "

Governor Ye's expression was slightly surprised.

He thought of one thing: it seems that immortal Xuanchong could really invite thunder and lightning, which was witnessed by Ye dujun.

Seeing that his expression was different, ye Shan quickly waved her hand in front of him: "father, don't be fooled by that Taoist. Lightning is a natural climate response, not controlled by human power. What the Taoist is good at is observing the weather through the stars. "

"Weather?" Asked governor Ye.

Ye Shan said: "yes, the weather! Father, there is a western theory of meteorology, and thunder and lightning may occur in winter. "

Ye recalled: "the thunder and lightning in winter is rare, but it's not the same. Far from it, I remember it happened three years ago. "

"Yes, when the cold and hot air collide, the winter thunder will roll. These days, it's extremely hot in Taiyuan, and it's snowing in the north. The air conditioner moves down, and when it reaches Taiyuan, it collides with the current temperature and heating, which is the lightning and thunder weather.

That old man has the ability of meteorology, which is a science, but he used it to play tricks. He calculated that there was lightning recently. Ziwei Pavilion in Sanqing temple was often struck by lightning because of its highest terrain.

He was sure, so he planned to put on airs for a few hours, wait for Donglei to arrive, and then put the teacher on the Ziwei Pavilion, and lightning would directly pour water on the teacher's head.

Father, let alone the teacher, is to put the Taoist in Ziwei Pavilion, he will also be struck by thunder. That's what he used to do. He wanted to kill his teacher and buy people's hearts. He didn't have to bear the responsibility to gain fame and wealth. " Ye Wu went on.

Governor ye did not speak for a long time.

Deep in his heart, the mood was intense.

This kind of thing is so profound that the non imperial magician can't detect it. However, his two daughters, because they have studied western learning, speak well.

Those mysterious and mysterious secrets become science.

Ye dujun was very proud. At this moment, he felt that his daughter was much better than the son of the king family.

"I see." Ye dujun said.

It's a good idea, I have to say.

What kind of punishment is really falling down, Gu Qingzhou is doomed.

Taoist Xuanchong is a weather expert. His skill has won him fame, but no one has ever seen through it. After all, he has real ability.

It's just that the ability to murder is a felony.

"Do you want to deal with thunder and lightning when you are working on iron pipes in the yard?" Asked governor Ye.

Ye dujun has rich experience in life. He knows that when he thunders, he can't hide under the tree, because the position of the tree is relatively high, which is easy to attract lightning.

Gu Qingzhou and ye Shan and ye Wu's iron pipes probably play the same role, right?

"Yes, we need to make a lightning needle." Ye Wudao.

"Thunder?" Governor Ye was horrified.

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