Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 948 punishment

The three characters of "guiding thunder needle" startled the well-known governor Ye.

As the name suggests, it is to bring thunder and lightning. These children are too naughty.

If one is not careful, he will be scorched by lightning.

"You have too much courage!" Ye dujun said, "no nonsense! Now that I know the reason, I will catch Xuanchong. "

Ye Shan and ye Wu said together, "no!"

Gu Qingzhou sipped his tea and didn't answer. At this time, what she said is not appropriate.

Governor Ye glanced at them again.

Ye Wu shrunk her shoulders, not daring to disobey her father, while ye Shan stood up.

"Father, Xuanchong Taoist is well-known outside. The Jin family also predicted that the canoe would die, and let out the wind. At this time, catch Xuanchong. Who believes your explanation?

At that time, if you shelter the Witch and imprison the Taoist priest, it will cause public anger. With the indignation of the people, there is no need for unrest in Taiyuan government. What's more, the Taoist priest's words add to his brilliance. Why do you do that? " Ye Shandao.

Of course, governor ye also knows that.

But let things go, you have to die to finish.

Xuanchong Taoist was bribed by the Jin family because of his bad moral character. But he was really good at checking the sky. He was an able man. Governor Ye couldn't bear to lose his talent.

At the same time, the contradiction between the Jin family and Gu Qingzhou is not suitable for getting deeper and deeper.

This time, we have to step back from each other. It's not bad for governor ye to be a peacemaker.

However, how to eliminate the gossip is also a headache for ye.

What's more, ye Wu and ye Shan's thunder needle looks very unreliable. It's trembling. If it doesn't work, Gu Qingzhou will be killed, and ye Shoujun, the governor of the company, can't explain it.

Whether it's for talents or for taking care of the boat, it's not suitable to do it.

He began to meditate.

"The governor, the defense of the people is better than the defense of Sichuan, and can only be dredged, not forced to block." At last, Gu Qingzhou said, "the governor is already on the line."

The Jin family opened the bow and aimed it at Gu Qingzhou. Say what monster woman turmoil Taiyuan government, this is also to pull the Ye governor into the water.

They have aimed at it. There is no room for peace talks at this time, because the Daotai of Sanqing temple has been built.

The arrow had to be sent, but now it was not possible for governor ye and Gu to retreat.

Governor ye thought that his staff and generals were worried that it was a monster to take care of the light boat. At this time, they would calm down, let alone the people, even the army.

Only by offering sacrifices to those who have provoked gossip can this incident be put to rest.

Ye's fingers tapped the table and asked them, "this lightning needle may guarantee your teacher's safety?"

Ye Wu and ye Shan falter.

It's hard to say.

"Father, what didn't happen can't have been successful." Ye Shan said, "we can't guarantee it."

Ye dujun looks at these three girls: so uncertain, dare to take risks, is this foolish and bold, or courage?

His mind is mixed with five tastes.

This kind of lone courage should be affirmed and encouraged. His daughter is a tiger girl. It's their nature to be brave and brave.

Governor Ye is more happy than worried.

"In that case, try it." "Has the final say who is winning?"

Ye Wu and ye Shan both recognized the implication of their father's words.

Two people are very happy.

"Father, we won't let you down." Ye Wu said, "you will wait to see a good play."

Governor Ye smiles and reaches for her hair.

In this case, governor ye did not tell his subordinates and staff, but agreed that they would go to Sanqing temple tomorrow to see how Xuanchong Taoist wanted monsters.

But on the morning of the third day, a servant was sent to look after the boat.

"Miss Gu agreed." "Miss, please," said the servant

Mrs. Hirano slowly stroked the jade ring on her hand, and the texture of tiny moistened fell on her heart.

She raised her eyes and said to Cai Changting, "the boat wants to prove its innocence. Now her chance has come. Changting, please accompany her. "

Cai Changting road is.

Mrs. Hirano added, "no guns."

In CAI Changting's heart, there was a chill. Mrs. Hirano asked him to find some girls with similar looks in case he needed them in the future.

Yesterday, Mrs. Hirano asked the girl again.

The girl is a bit like Mrs. Hirano. She is obedient and clever, though she can't care about the reality of the light boat.

Now see this meaning, Mrs. Hirano may use others to replace Gu Qingzhou.

"Yes." Cai Changting took the gun down and put it on the table. Then he went out.

Gu didn't wait for Cai Changting or the Jin family to invite her.

Early in the morning, she went out with Ye Wu and ye Shan.

It was windy when I got up early. Today's weather finally changed.

All the way up the mountain, on the road of Sanqing temple, an endless stream of people were all watching the bustling, bustling like a market.

It's true that some businesses have taken on the burden.

Gu Qingzhou, ye Wu and ye Shan, surrounded by adjutants, also hiked up the mountain.

Seeing this scene, Gu Qingzhou couldn't help laughing.

"Everyone loves to watch." Gu chuckled, "don't scare them back."

Ye Wu and ye Shan also laugh.

When I arrived at Sanqing temple, I saw the highest Ziwei Pavilion, which was waving flags and Xuanchong Taoist was dancing.

"Here we go, real people are doing it."

The crowd was so excited that they all stepped up.

At the gate of the Taoist temple, we need to line up and enter one by one. Everyone is blocked.

Gu Qingzhou doesn't need to line up, and ye Wu and ye Shan enter first from the side door.

When Gu Qingzhou climbed to Ziwei Pavilion, the Taoist field of Xuanchong was full of Taoists from Sanqing temple.

"Miss Gu." Xuanchong nodded. He said hello and continued to cast.

A Taoist came to Gu Qingzhou and said, "Miss Gu, please go to Ziwei Pavilion."

The so-called Ziwei Pavilion is an open-air altar, which is in the highest position and has no cover around.

Gu Qingzhou did not go up, but went to the ashram and asked immortal Xuanchong, "since there is going to be a natural punishment, no one can stop it, right?"

Immortal Xuanchong knew the power of lightning clearly, so he said: "this is nature."

"Then, I take the iron tube to defend myself, is the real person allowed?" Gu asked again.

Xuanchong is stunned.

As anyone knows, iron tube is the most lightning. If Gu Qingzhou had iron pipes, he would die faster.

I've seen people die, I've never seen people die like this.

Immortal Xuanchong only felt that he was a bit undercharged in dealing with such a fool, so he waved and said, "please help me."

Gu Qingzhou nods.

The adjutant of the military government climbed up the path behind the mountain, avoided the crowd and put an extremely long iron pipe on the mountain path.

Xuanchong looked at the real man, but he was not interested.

The adjutants began to dig. Not in the Ziwei Pavilion, but in the land beside the altar, they began to dig pits and bury iron pipes.

The iron pipe is erected, because it is long and thin, so it is staggering.

There's also wire at the tail, and there's another iron bar on the wire. Those little iron bars were all buried in the earth by the people of the governor's office.

The iron pipe, towering into the sky, stands there.

And the earth that was digged out was made strong and solid.

"Dying." Immortal Xuanchong scolded in his heart and continued.

In fact, all his practices are covert. With the help of cover up, he is waiting for today's climate change. According to his experience, there must be a thunderstorm today.

It's not that he has to fight against Gu Qingzhou, but that God doesn't keep him.

It's hard to have such a thunderstorm in winter. It's just in time. It's providence to take this girl away.

There is no way to protect her by erecting an iron tube.

And the Taoist at the gate of the mountain began to let go. Lu Lu continued to be crowded over, not far away in the cloud pavilion to watch.

There are many people on the mountain path.

Mrs. king and her children also showed up.

For a moment, Gu leaned over and said something to a little Taoist.

Soon, the little Taoist came.

"Mrs. Jin, Miss Gu said that since the Jin family thought she was a fairy, please go to Ziwei Pavilion and watch carefully." Little Taoist way.

Mrs. king was stunned.

People next to them are looking at them.

At this moment, the most can not show timidity, so Mrs. king said: "we all want to go?"

"Or three young masters alone." Little Taoist way.

"I will go!" said Jin Qiantong

Without waiting for Mrs. Jin to stop him, he has crossed the fence and reached the Daochang next to Ziwei pavilion through a bamboo and rope overpass.

He stood on the outskirts of the dojo.

Mrs. King breathed a sigh of relief.

Gu Qingzhou saw that an adjutant of the governor's office was wearing a funny plastic coat, plastic gloves and tightly wrapped.

His existence makes Gu Qingzhou's mind firmly established.

The Taoist took a futon for her.

Gu Qingzhou sits on the ground, as far away from the iron pipe as possible, and then feels the wind on the top of the mountain.

Ye Wu and ye Shan also sat down in Yunxia Pavilion and looked at this side in silence.

Ye Wu's palms sweat.

If the lightning needle doesn't work, her teacher is afraid to become a burnt corpse today.

Ye Shan is also nervous. Her forehead is sweating.

The reporters kept taking pictures.

Such an important moment is recorded by everyone.

Although Gu Qingzhou is sitting, her position is the highest, so she can overlook the life.

In this moment, she suddenly thought: if she can't escape today and died here, how can she explain to Si Xingfu?

She thought of Si Xingfu, and her heart was empty.

Soon, her attention was attracted by the complacent Jin Qiantong.

Gu Qingzhou suddenly said, "immortal, if I'm not a monster and the punishment can't hit me on the head, then whoever is killed here is a monster, right?"

The Ziwei pavilion where she lives is the highest, so the voice is down and echoed by the valley. Everyone can hear it clearly.

If she is not a monster, who is that monster?

"Yes." Immortal Xuanchong didn't stop, but loudly replied to Gu Qingzhou.

"In this case, everyone may be a monster and must accept the punishment, right?" Gu Qingzhou said again.

Gu Qingzhou has been sitting here with no regrets, waiting for the punishment.

If she is not, then what is the qualification of others not to go up?

"Yes." Xuanchong said.

Gu Qingzhou points out

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