Ziwei Pavilion is high-lying and cool in midsummer. Now it's winter. Although the weather is anti warm recently, a gust of wind blows over it, and Gu Qingzhou seems to be immersed in ice water.

She was cold, but she did not move.

She thought of Si Xingfu in her mind.

This lightning guiding needle was used directly without any attempt. If it fails, how sad it would be for Si Xingfu to be split into charred corpses by lightning!

The daughter-in-law had been raised for such a long time, chased after him for such a long time, and spent countless efforts. Before she could give him a safe home, she was killed by thunder.

When you think of Si Xingfu, you will feel happy.

Not far away, Yunxia Pavilion is only separated from Daochang and Ziwei Pavilion by a bridge. People hold their heads high and look at Gu Qingzhou for fear of missing her expression.

"Miss Gu is laughing."

We all saw it.

Gu Qingzhou looks very happy. Everyone is puzzled.

Ye Wu and ye Shan are very nervous. Now they are even more nervous. I don't know why the teacher laughs.

Cai Changting arrived at Sanqing Temple later.

He saw Gu Qingzhou at a glance.

Gu Qingzhou sat there, a wisp of green silk scattered by the wind, wandering around her cheek, setting off her long neck.

She has a leisurely look and a soft smile, just like sitting in a quiet hall.

Cai Changting narrowed his eyes slightly.

The wind is getting stronger.

"It's windy?"

"There was wind on the top of the mountain."

At this time, I waited for three hours, and I spent three hours in the boat.

As the cloud cloud Pavilion descends, the onlookers are impatient. Some of them keep shouting and asking when the punishment will come down. Some of them speak in twos and threes without deliberately lowering their voices.

At the gate of Sanqing temple, there are countless peddlers carrying food and tea.

Someone's coming back and forth.

Only the people in Yunxia Pavilion sit on the chair and wait patiently.

Gu Qingzhou is not used to sitting cross legged. Her feet are numb for a while. Then she feels like a needle. Now she is numb gradually. She can't feel her feet.

She didn't have any metal on her except clothes, and she didn't know the time.

"A little hungry." She thought to herself.

When bored, she looks around.

Not far away, the Taoist sat in silence and chanted words. However, immortal Xuanchong kept dancing for so long.

His movements are beautiful and complicated. Even after three hours, there was no sense of slowness or disorder.

This physical strength alone is to be praised.

"This Taoist has stamina." Gu Qingzhou praised.

Immortal Xuanchong not only has endurance, but also is good at observing the sky. If in the heyday of Tianping, he will be worshipped by thousands of people.

But now in the turbulent times, he had to live by deception.

Gu Qingzhou has no resentment in his heart.

Under the sky, people are like ants. Who is not dedicated to survival?

Gu Qingzhou turned his eyes and looked down to see Jin Qiantong.

He got up from time to time, shaking his feet. He was impatient.

When he looked at Gu Qingzhou, his eyes were vicious and cruel, like a snake that vomited a letter.

From him, Gu Qingzhou did not see anything worthy of respect or even forgiveness.

She slowly recovered her sight and stopped looking at Jin Qiantong.

It's not just the boat that's watching, it's the other people.

In the process of praying, immortal Xuanchong also saw Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou's quietness made Xuanchong feel a little bit sorry for her.

And Mrs. Jin's son, Jin Qiantong, is not a real thing. Compared with Gu Qingzhou, it's a big difference.

"This girl is very powerful. If she can live well, she will do something in the future. She will not lose to Mrs. king." Xuanchong thinks.

Mrs. king is also a heroine among women. Unfortunately, her mind is all on the family business. Instead, she neglects the education of her children, which leads to the lack of children in the family.

Between the disordered mind, the sky gradually darkened, the wind also slowly stopped, and a wisp of white light flashed through the clouds in the distance.

Baimang is very bright. It pierces the sky. On the bustling mountain road, it is quiet.

Everyone's spirit is shaking.

"Oh, there's lightning!"

"Immortal, immortal Xuanchong is a living immortal. He can really invite the punishment from heaven."

The onlookers are almost kneeling and kowtowing.

More than three hours of the ashram, when the weather changes, waiting for lightning.

Gu Qingzhou is also in danger.

She looked at the lightning needle beside her eyes and thought, "Si Xingfu, if I don't die this time, I will not be involved in danger in the future. You are pitiful without me. "

She didn't know where she was pitiful, but her heart was filled with infinite sadness and intolerance.

Her heart was troubled, but her face was expressionless.

After the lightning, a sullen thunder exploded in people's ears.

A commotion broke out at the foot of the mountain. The noise made Gu's eardrum ache.

She didn't know whether it was thunder or noise at the foot of the mountain.

At last, immortal Xuanchong stopped and, like other Taoist friends, began to sit down and meditate, leaving the sword dancing in his hand.

Are you kidding? Anyone who stands higher than others at this time is in danger of being struck by thunder.

Immortal Xuanchong sat still and began to recite something. His eyes rested on Ziwei Pavilion.

Gu Qingzhou on the Ziwei Pavilion frowned slightly and his expression changed a little, but he was slowly converging without any panic.

"There's lightning."

This sentence broke out in the crowd over and over again. Who is not surprised that all people have witnessed the practice of living immortals?

Apart from this sentence, there is no meaning in any other word.

The jins are excited.

"Niang, how can immortal Xuanchong be so magical?" Mrs. King's grandmother asked.

They were stunned, too.

Mrs. Jin believes in Xuanchong. She doesn't know where the other side's skills come from. She only knows that he is very powerful.

"He has a great skill, not a common man." Mrs. king is free.

Together with this lightning, Gu Qingzhou will surely die today.

After a sullen thunder, the world was quiet again, and everyone was waiting.

This time, it's a little long, and the weather is getting worse.

The people of the Jin family have never restrained their smiles. Even if they try to restrain themselves, they will look happy.

Jin Qiantong kept rubbing his hands, thinking that God would avenge his sister!

"Well, please help me this time." Happy way of jinqiantong.

After waiting so long, everyone was looking forward to the second lightning. One lightning split from far to near, just on the other mountain.

The trees on the top of the mountain are suffering.

After this lightning, the floodgate of some lightning was opened, and then the lightning began to stop, and they made great efforts to greet the mountain.

And a flash of lightning, white and dazzling, exploded over the heads of the people.

Gu Qingzhou watched the lightning and came to her.

Her fingers, squeeze hard, tight behind her back, and her teeth will die.

The lightning was almost on her face.

Then the lightning made a strange turn and hit the rickety steel tube.

The iron tube was shrouded in lightning. It swam all the way to the ground and disappeared gradually.

"It's a success!" Gu Qingzhou was relieved completely.

The books Ye Shan and ye Wu have read are very correct western science. They have not deceived them. The guiding needle is very simple and effective.

People at the foot of the mountain didn't see what was going on.

Then there was thunder.

Thunder doesn't hurt. What's terrible is lightning.

In the thunder and lightning rolling, there was another flash of lightning, which rushed directly to Gu Qingzhou, and then fell on the iron pipe.

"See?" Ye Wu is still very nervous, for fear that the iron tube is useless, she pinches her sister Ye Shan hard.

Ye Shan has already seen it.

"It works!" Ye Shan was so excited that she almost jumped up.

It's like an experiment. They did it.

Lightning needle can be promoted as a commodity to eliminate the disaster of lightning attack.

In excitement, their sisters saw the thundering in the sky, lightning running to Ziwei Pavilion, and then being sucked into the ground by the iron pipe.

All the lightning seems to have legs and run straight to that side.

"Punishment, punishment!" Among the crowd of onlookers, a man shouted loudly and fell on the ground in fear.

For a long time, he saw no one else lying on his side. He raised his head slowly. Then he saw the lightning twining around the iron tube like a dragon.

Because of the distance and sight, all the others saw was the iron tube beside the boat, and all the lightning kept away from the boat.

Gu Qingzhou sits there, meditates with his eyes closed, and looks as quiet as a bottle of gods.

No lightning fell on her.


Flat headed people, even if they haven't seen it in person, have heard of being killed by lightning. In the vast plain, if someone works alone in the day of thunder and lightning, he is taller than all the buildings around him, he may be killed by thunder and lightning.

The lightning in the sky should be from the east to the west, but all of them gather at the moment.

In the vast flash of lightning, Gu took a canoe.

Lightning avoided her on purpose.

No one can do that.

This is not a fairy, what is it? If Immortal Xuanchong is a living immortal and can attract lightning, Miss Gu is also a living immortal.

The ability to attract lightning and avoid lightning is the ability of immortals. Do ordinary people have such ability?


Such a sound, at first only a few, and then more and more intense.

The onlookers, all kneeling, prostrate on the ground, cried out to the goddess, including the reporters taking photos.

They seem to be crazy.

Gu Qingzhou sat in the lightning and dared not open her eyes, because she could always hear the sound of thunderbolt Barra in her ear, which worried her that there was a lightning falling on her head.

Then, Cai Changting saw that on the Ziwei Pavilion, the light was shining and roaring, and the light boat was sitting alone in the bustle, quiet and solemn.

She seemed to have light all over her.

At this moment, even Cai Changting is a bit trance, this is not a goddess, who will it be?

Knowing that there are no ghosts and gods, Cai Changting is confused at the moment.

I don't know if he is confused. Those Taoists in the Taoism field are completely confused.

Only Mrs. king, with a dead face.

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