Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 961 Kang Yu's confession

Gu Qingzhou is Ye Wu's teacher.

She went from tutoring to "mentor".

Ye dujun provided her with status and let her take advantage of the power of Ye family, hoping that she could train his daughters.

The duty is incumbent on Gu Qingzhou.

"Ah Wu," she said, "let's first open the scar and then talk about the present."

Ye Wu's back is stiff.

Gu Qingzhou said: "first of all, you should understand that there are two things: loving you on the surface but cutting behind you, and thinking about you everywhere on the surface.

I remember when you fell to the bottom of the cliff, Kangyu looked for you all over the mountain and carried you out. At that time, you didn't show kindness to him.

When you go to the orphanage in rainy days, Kang Yu is worried about your accident. He goes to see you all night. He happens to run into your car and it's broken. This is also his feelings for you.

The young boy has no experience of getting along with girls and no one teaches him. His speech is very poor. It's not good, but it's not a big defect.

Everyone has shortcomings. If he can correct them, we can forgive him.

A Wu, feelings are not simple positive or negative. A coin is the same when it is turned over, but the feeling is totally different.

I don't agree with Kang Yu's practice. I also think he should be killed for humiliating you, but his heart is sincere. It's totally different from your mother. You need to understand. "

Ye Wu has no expression on her face, but her lips are fretting.

She made a sound, but with a cry.

She thought of her mother.

"Teacher, can people hate their parents?" "Is it not qualified?" ye asked

Gu Qingzhou can't answer this question.

Gu Qingzhou is not a good person. She can hate those who abandoned her, but ye Wu is different.

Those who hate are not happy.

"I'm not God. I'm not qualified to say no. However, the past has disappeared. I just don't think it's meaningful to think about it. " Gu Qingzhou road.

Ye Wu nodded hard.

Gu Qingzhou said again: "you put hatred in your heart, and one day will pass like this; you leave hatred behind, and one day will pass like this, and nothing will change."

Leaf Charm listened to this sentence.

She said: "I know, I don't want to bear hatred, I have already forgiven my mother."

Gu Qingzhou nods.

She continued to bring the topic to Kang Yu.

Kang Yu and ye Wu's mother are not the same feelings and styles towards Ye Wu.

Kangyu's evil is a revisable and forgivable evil. It's the hateful shell of delicious fruit. It's the sweet and juicy flesh inside when the shell is peeled off.

So, this fruit is not a bad fruit.

"He loves you, Arvin." Gu concluded, "you are childhood sweethearts. He has always loved you. Your birthday present to him is the same as what you give to others. That's his awkward beginning.

What he wants is that you are the same as him, and each other is unique and unusual. He couldn't get such a difference, so he stumbled to look for it.

He used the wrong way. He is a bastard, but his love for you is not fake. Whether or not he is sincere, you have the right to choose. "

Leaf charming expression, slightly relaxed.

She asked Gu, "can I choose? He is the only son of Kang's second room. His father is his only son. Do you expect him to come to our house? "

Gu Qingzhou said: "this is the problem between you two. Arvin, these questions are false until you are sure whether to accept his sincerity or not.

If you don't accept him, you don't have to think about it. If you accept him, this is your problem. You don't have to think about it alone. Do you know what I mean? "

Ye Wu is a clever child. Of course, she understands the meaning of taking care of the boat.

After all, Gu was telling her that she was looking for trouble.

Ye Wu couldn't help laughing.

She sighed softly, a little helpless.

"What's your plan?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

"Teacher, I want to talk to him, but I hope you are here," said Ye

"Yes, but don't expect me to speak." "I like to be a spectator," Gu chuckled

Ye Wu nodded.

So, Leaf Charm called Kang Yu.

When Kangyu heard the servant say that Miss Ye San was unbelievable, she hurried over and hit the leg of the table. The whole person was in pain.

The pain was soon covered up and he took the call.

"Seven brothers." Ye Wu called him that.

Kang Yu's heart, trying to pull up, but slowly released, answered her: "I am in."

"Can I meet you before I go to school tomorrow morning? There is a teahouse in the back street of our house. It's my friend's business. We can sit for a while in the morning. " Ye Wudao.

Kang Yu said: "yes, of course."

"I'll see you at six that morning." Ye Wudao.

Hung up the phone, Leaf Charm found that his palm pinched out the sweat.

Gu Qingzhou still thinks that ye Wu and Kang Yu can solve this problem by themselves, but she doesn't want to ask her to come out at last. She will laugh and laugh when she remembers it.

It's still in her hands.

This night, Gu Qingzhou lived in Ye Wu's side, and Si Xingfu went back by himself.

Leaf charm can't sleep. It's tossed and turned.

Gu Qingzhou sleeps on the Kang near the window. It is warm and harmonious. She sleeps sweetly.

The teahouse is Gu Qingzhou's, which is used for camouflage by the spies brought by Gu Qingzhou.

She's going in the morning. The guy opens the door and buys a big breakfast.

Gu Qingzhou drinks a bowl of sweet rice porridge, looks at Ye Wu and Kang Yu. Both of them have very heavy black eyes, and they just don't sleep.

Gu Qingzhou chuckled.

There are Gu Qingzhou, just like there are parents, Kang Yu doesn't know how to speak, and the whole person is restless.

It's Ye Wu who started.

"You kissed me." You are the first one to kiss me. Last time, first aid didn't count, it was to save people "

" I didn't go around the hall, and I didn't kiss others. " Kang Yu set up a horse road, showing that he was the same as her and did not dishonor her purity.

Gu Qingzhou has no expression.

At this time, we need to test our composure. We must not laugh or talk.

She lingered on porridge.

"What do you want to say?" Ye asked.

Kangyu is blessed to the heart and says: "I love you, ah Wu. When we grow up together, you know my temper. I'm not a flirt. That's true. "

After a pause, he probably thought of his ordinary actions. He could not get along with her. He continued, "I'm just angry. You don't know my heart."

Leaf is enchanted in the heart to jump at random, at the same time a bit sad.

She felt sorry for Kang Yu. She always felt that he was in love first and she was ignorant, which made him suffer a lot.

Ye Wu can't let others suffer for her.

"You should have told me earlier." "I didn't know much about other people's hearts at that time," ye said

"I know. But when your mother just died, I can't say anything. " Kang Yu Road.

Ye Wu thought of it, indeed.

Her mother died, her own mentality to the strange direction of development, but Kang Yu thought she was sad.

If she had not been pulled back by Gu Qingzhou, ye Wu would not know what she would be like now.

"I have a mistake." Ye Wudao.

Kang Yu seems to have been hit. Regardless of the presence of the boat, he took Ye Wu's hand and said, "no, it's all my fault. Ah Wu, it's my fault. "

seeing ye Wu's tears, his eyes got wet, and he clenched her hand even harder.

At this time, Gu Qingzhou seemed to be redundant, so he took the porridge bowl and quietly quit.

Things are going well. Next, ye Wu can handle it without taking care of the boat.

Leaf Charm chose to accept this sincerity.

The next problem she faced was that of her and Kang Yu.

They are a whole. They should overcome the difficulties together. What Gu Qingzhou can do is to tell governor Ye about it and show his attitude by the way.

Gu Qingzhou left behind and returned to the governor Ye's mansion.

She asked the servant to prepare her breakfast again.

After eating a delicious meal, Gu Qingzhou went to governor Ye.

At the same time, governor Ye is going to hold a military conference. He is smoking in the partial hall.

Gu Qingzhou told him about it.

"Are you sure?" Asked governor Ye.

Gu Qingzhou nods.

The two of them have made up their minds.

"The two children will be together. Ah Wu likes him in her heart, or she won't accept it. " Gu Qingzhou road.

Ye dujun frowned slightly.

He looked at Gu Qingzhou.

Before he spoke, Gu Qingzhou said, "governor, you are in love with ah Wu. But you should know that it is not you but her husband who will be closest to her in the future.

Kang Yu and her childhood, feelings can be trusted, character can be trusted, a Wu's happy life is foreseeable. As for the rest, it's not her responsibility, but your responsibility as a father. "

Governor Ye pondered.

Gu Qingzhou said again, "governor, ah Wu asked me yesterday if a child is entitled to hate his parents. I don't know how to answer that. If she asks you in the future, how would you respond? "

Governor Ye's heart was shaken.

Of the three daughters, he is the most sorry for ah Wu.

Ah Wu suffered so much when she was young. Governor Ye never found out that he didn't protect her.

In this way, governor ye must not let ah Wu resent his heart.

As Gu Qingzhou said, it's his responsibility, not that of ah Wu, who inherits his family property. He is not qualified to give it to his children.

Gu Qingzhou's words made governor Ye's thoughts clear as if he were pouring in the water.

"It's going to offend Kang's family. Kang Yu is the only son of Kang Lian Festival." Ye dujun said.

Kanglian Festival is Kangyu's father.

Being in the mood to joke means that I have fully accepted it.

Who is Ye Wu in love with? Ye dujun supports her.

Seeing this scene, Gu Qingzhou thought of the supervisor again. This kind of fatherly love was given to her by the superintendent.

She is eager to go back to Yuecheng as soon as possible.

"There is room for discussion in everything." Gu Qingzhou said, "even you, governor ye, have more land."

Governor ye should only take care of the boat to comfort him.

He didn't take it to heart.

Gu Qingzhou added: "governor ye, have you ever thought of me as a miracle doctor if you want an heir? Why do you have to detour to solve some problems? "

Governor Ye looked at her in dismay.

"I don't want to help." Gu Qingzhou immediately said, "I hope you can give me a convenience for Buddhism."

Gu Qingzhou takes the opportunity to make a request

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