The conversation between Gu Qingzhou and ye dujun referred to Buddhism, which immediately went beyond the scope.

In this way, it's not casual.

"Miss Gu, you went to the temple last time and lived for several days. But you're being asked to talk? "

Gu Qingzhou shakes his head.

No one asked her to say anything, others just wanted to use her.

When inspector Ye watched her look and saw that she didn't seem to lie, he took back his sight.

After pondering for a while, governor ye asked Gu Qingzhou, "how do you know"

he was embarrassed. He coughed and said, "the problem of my heirs"

GU Qingzhou said: "didn't you deal with your aunt last time? I'm guessing, not really knowing. "

Gu Qingzhou was originally the original intention of a doctor. He would not be taboo to any disease.

It can be seen that governor Ye has such a look that the atmosphere is a little delicate.

"Inspector, are you free tonight? Would you like to have dinner at Si Xingfu? He used to say thank you so much that he never had a chance. " Gu Qingzhou road.

Invite ye dujun to have a meal. Si Xingfu is also there. You can say anything on the table.

"Yes," said Ye

Gu Qingzhou left from governor Ye's mansion.

She went back to Hirano's mansion.

Gu took some books. By the way, he asked if his wife had come back. The servant said, "no, my wife is still in the temple. I want to give the eldest lady extra money."

"Haven't you been back?" Gu Qingzhou said casually, not focusing on this matter.

The servant said yes.

Seeing Gu pick up her things, the servant asked her, "Miss Qingzhou, do you still live here?"

"Of course." Gu chuckled. "I don't live here. Where can I go?"

The servant was sent by Ye Wu. Now he has decided to go with Gu Qingzhou, so he said to Gu: "Miss Qingzhou, if you want to move, you must take me with you. It's not easy to find a host like you. "

It seems that it has spread all over the house.

They think it's time to go.

Why do you think so? Gu Qingzhou doesn't understand.

She asked the servant, "what are you talking about recently?"

"You are the goddess." The servant said truthfully.

"And what else?"

"By the way, I heard that you are going to build a ancestral hall." Servant road.

Gu Qingzhou.

After collecting the books, Gu Qingzhou said that he didn't live here these days and asked the servants to guard the court.

The servant said yes.

Gu Qingzhou goes to the side of Si Xingfu.

She calls Ye Shan and invites her sister and governor ye to come over for dinner.

Ye Shan agreed.

In the afternoon, ye Shan and ye Wu arrived first.

Leaf Charm did not go to school, full of spirit, very happy.

"Are you ready to go with Kang Yu?" Ye Shan asked her, and a guess was right.

Ye Wu's face is reddish.

After a pause, ye Wu asked, "how do you know?"

"Who doesn't know?" Ye Shandao, "Kang family old seven like you, except for yourself, probably few people do not know."

Ye Wu is shy and surprised for a while.

She inquired carefully, only to know that her sister did not lie, and her relatives and friends all knew that Kang Yu liked Ye Wu.

Ye Wu holds her face.

"Will he come to our house?" Asked Ye Shan.

Ye Wu is silent.

They haven't talked about this topic, but they have determined each other's mind.

"Don't ask now, there will be more fights in the future." Ye Shan said.

Ye Wu looks at the boat and obviously doesn't want her sister to get involved.

Gu Qingzhou also thinks that it's a good time for two young people to fall in love. It's not a bad thing to let them enjoy a little happiness.

"Ashan, let them make up their own minds. You can't fall in love for your sister." Gu chuckled.

Ye Shan nodded, no longer studying.

Ye Wu breathed a sigh of relief.

Governor Ye didn't come until more than seven o'clock in the evening. He came in with Si Xingfu.

As soon as he came, he opened the table.

Si Xingfu and ye dujun took the throne. Gu Qingzhou and ye Shan sat at the bottom of the throne.

Today's Huaiyang dishes are all made by the cook brought by the Secretary Xingfu.

"I went to buy some noodles specially, I'm afraid you can't get used to it." Si Xingfu then pointed to several dishes on the table, which are all used to eating by Taiyuan government.

There is nothing strange about the dishes, just different cooking and different seasoning.

Huaiyang food is sweet and heavy in color. After eating two mouthfuls, ye dujun puts down his chopsticks and drinks only with Si Xingfu.

When the wine reaches 50%, the topic will be opened.

"Governor ye, you want to increase the taxes of Buddhism and Taoism to reduce the agricultural tax. It's really a good deed." "But the Buddhist wants to take this opportunity to get my wife off the horse. You can't ignore it," said the secretary

Ye Wu and ye Shan are eating a fish separately. The two sisters are having a good time and stop chopsticks after hearing the words.

They were both surprised and asked what was going on.

Gu Qingzhou explained to them, "the temple and Mrs. hepingye have reached a consensus that they want to use me to deal with the daomen and leave the burden of Taxation to the daomen."

Ye Wu and ye Shan changed their faces together.

"Light boat, isn't Mrs. Hirano your mother?" Ye Shan asked in surprise.

How can a mother use her daughter so much?

Gu chuckled.

"We are not very close." Gu Qingzhou road.

Ye dujun coughed and corrected Gu Qingzhou's words: "it's just your two guesses. Buddhism has not acted, and this is not necessarily the case."

Ye did intend to increase taxes.

He did it not to fill the Treasury, but to buy people.

He wants to buy the hearts of poor farmers, make them more loyal, and thus maintain the stability of Shanxi.

The money in the Treasury needs to support the soldiers, otherwise we can't stay out of this mess.

How to benefit farmers?

Governor ye thought of the temple.

Temples and Taoist gates all have huge farmland. They are out of the world, no longer in the five elements.

When ye was appointed governor of Shanxi Province, he borrowed money from Buddhism and Taoism and promised to respect the customs of Buddhism and Taoism.

If they are not in the five elements, then their fields will not be taxed.

After so many years, governor ye now has a firm foothold, a little ready to kill the donkey, and has come up with the idea of Buddhism and Taoism.

This was also decided by the staff after consultation.

In the turbulent times, it is impossible to keep one's life while eating and praying. The Enlightenment of Buddhism and Taoism has become less important. You can learn a little from them, and governor Ye is not going to let it go.

The temple knows the news first, and the Taoist gate is not clear.

The Buddhist knows this, and will not wait to die. However, to pick up weapons and fight against governor Ye is to revolt.

What they can do is to save the status quo of Buddhism with religious situation.

Gu Qingzhou was called to the mountain by Mrs. pingye, and Si Xingfu went to check it. He sent out several groups of people who had ordinary activities in Shanxi, which was vaguely the establishment of the "God Goddess cult".

Goddaughter, I'm going to take care of the boat.

She is not afraid of thunder and lightning, but also a living person, more inspiring than the profound Bodhisattva.

The divinities are secretly planning.

Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingqi Tell ye dujun that Buddhism will be involved in this matter, and it will become more and more noisy. Ye dujun doesn't believe it.

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