Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 963 sick people

Gu believes in his own judgment.

"Goddess religion" will become more and more powerful, and eventually win over people and become a powerful tool of the royalist party.

Governor Ye has always been ambiguous with the royalists. He neither cooperates with them nor completely severs contact with them. It seems that he wants to control them.

Gu Qingzhou is afraid of catching fire.

"Teacher, what do you do with your name? Even if you don't show up, they will take advantage of you. " Ye Wu is worried.

Gu Qingzhou said, "no problem, I'm not so good at using it."

"Mrs. Hirano is so vicious. You are her daughter." Ye Wudao.

Think of here, leaf charm to this world's mother disappointed thoroughly, more and more close to the boat.

So was her mother, and so was her mother who cared for the boat.

Where have all the great maternal love gone?

Gu chuckled, "it's OK. I didn't treat her as a mother, and she didn't treat me as a daughter. It's very good that we don't owe each other."

Ye Shan is a little sad.

When governor ye came here today, he must not have listened to Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingkai.

He didn't disturb.

When his two daughters had talked about it, and half of the meal had been eaten, governor ye asked them to go to the West Flower hall for dessert.

Ye Wu and ye Shan agreed and left the table one after another.

As soon as the children left, governor Ye talked about the medical skills of taking care of the boat and his own diseases.

"If you want to cure a disease, you don't need some personal contact, do you?"

Gu understood what he wanted to say and was embarrassed.

Governor Ye is even more embarrassed.

He coughed softly.

"I can understand the benevolence of doctors, but they have gender," said Si Xingfu. What's your problem, governor ye? "

Ye dujun said, "it was my wife who gave me the medicine in the early years"

after his wife became ill, his status rose day by day, but she became more and more ill.

Maybe considering the interests of her daughters, maybe simply jealous, she began to unconsciously give ye dujun medicine, which was mixed in the tonic every time.

She drinks medicine every day, often contacts with the doctor, wants to arrive at the secret recipe.

It was not until shortly before her death that governor Ye learned about it.

He was stunned.

So, he bought a dusty woman outside and tried for half a year. How could the woman not be pregnant.

He thought it was the woman who was not well.

He waited for a year, and a whole year after his wife's death, governor Ye accepted seven aunts in one breath. They wanted to have a try in all shapes and shapes.

Now he has little hope.

His wife, let him die. This is not the most hateful, the most hateful is that she wants to kill his two daughters.

That's her daughter, too.

"Her long illness has changed her mood. I can understand her." Governor Ye sighed deeply.

Gu Qingzhou looks at him.

In Gu Qingzhou's mind, there is always an idea circling: who killed Mrs. ye?

Ye Wu's mother, after all, did not commit suicide.

Who in the world wants to end her biological mother and the suffering of all the Ye family?

Every time she saw governor ye, she would think whether it was him or not?

If it's ye dujun, Gu Qingzhou can understand: a wife who has been ill for a long time has gone beyond the normal range, tormenting Ye Wu, humiliating Ye Shan, and giving ye dujun medicine to bury them all. Such a person has lost humanity and is not worthy of being a human being.

Since she doesn't deserve it,

"I didn't kill her." Suddenly, governor ye said to Gu Qingzhou, "that fire is very strange. I didn't let it go."

Gu Qingzhou's mind was pierced and he smiled awkwardly. "Governor ye, I didn't say it's you."

"Your eyes betrayed you." Ye Shujun said coldly.

Gu Qingzhou's eyes are clearly suspicious.

"Inspector, even if it's you, we can understand it," said the secretary

"No." Ye dujun said.

He took a sip of wine and had no interest in other people's family affairs.

Put down the wine glass, and Si Xingfu winked at Gu Qingzhou and motioned for him to continue to see a doctor.

Gu Qingzhou seems more interested in Mrs. Ye's death.

She asked governor ye, "who do you think killed her?"

"My family has a motive." "In the late stage of her illness, it has become unreasonable. Your means of treating servants and animals are more terrible than ghosts," said Ye

Gu asked how terrible it was.

"Miss Gu, do you want to see a doctor or listen to gossip?" said Ye

"I just want to hear gossip. People who have shared secrets will trust each other more. " Gu Qingzhou said, "I need the trust of the sick family to treat my illness."

The Secretary smiled.

Ye didn't think she was bored, but he sighed and said that he had nothing to share with Gu.

"You have said a lot. I believe you trust me." Gu Qingzhou said, "I'll give you the pulse. Put your hand out."

Over there, ye Shan and ye Wu across the glass door saw the pulse.

They didn't know what to say, but they could see it was a little serious.

"Is father ill?" Ye Shan's voice trembled.

Her mother was ill, and then she became another devil, which made Ye Shan have a shadow so far.

Ye Wu also looks at the past.

"It seems so." Ye Wudao.

However, ye Wu's view on this matter is different from ye Shan's.

She pointed out some secrets.

"Second sister, don't worry. It may not be a serious illness." Ye Wu hinted.

Ye Shan frowns.

"If you have a minor illness, your father will ask a military doctor to see you. Only if you have a difficult illness, will you please go to Gu Qingzhou." Ye Shan was worried. "I'll go and have a look."

Ye Wu holds her sister tightly.

"Second sister, don't you think it's strange?" she said to Yeshan

Ye Shan asked what was strange.

"Why does Father marry so many aunts?" Ye asked.

It's lustful.

Apart from that, what other reasons? The parents have a good relationship. For the sake of fame, the father cultivates his body and mind while the mother is alive.

Repression is too fierce, there is a rebound.

"Then why do you think those aunts have no children?" Ye Wu asked again, "my father is not old. He is not fifty this year."

Ye Shan is surprised.

"He wants to have a son when he marries so many little wives. Can't you come out and see a doctor in a boat? " Asked Ye Shan.

Leaf charm is silent.

"He Oh" Ye Shan suddenly realized.

She looked at her eyes awkwardly. "Don't you say that earlier?"

"I said, you have to think about it." Ye Wu is wronged.

It's so embarrassing for the girls to discuss their father's condition. Ye Shan feels that she can't stay in the house. She gets up and goes to the yard.

Ye Wu also accompanies her.

The sisters didn't care at all about the outcome of the affair, they didn't want to know about it.

"If we do have a brother, will we all get married?" Ye Shan asked Ye Wu, "you can marry out, what can I do?"

Ye Wu slightly pointed out: "second sister, my father knows my mind and your mind. Why do you think my father never made a fuss about your marriage? "

Ye Shan stops.

Thinking about this, she was a little stiff.

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