Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 978 the rose of the Pavilion

Cai Changting sat in the car for a long time.

When he didn't start the car, it was cold in the car and his hands were a little stiff.

His longest contact with Gu Qingzhou was when he taught her Japanese.

It was summer.

When she studies hard, she will tap the back of her hand with a pen. It seems to hurt, so she can remember it.

Cai Changting often recalls her habit.

At the same time, the courtyard of Si Xingfu was closed. The whole family began to sit around and eat all kinds of delicious food made by Si Xingfu.

The room was full of laughter.

When they finished the reunion dinner, it was 8:30 p.m.

The servant brought the dumplings again.

"I asked my neighbor about dumplings on New Year's Eve and on the morning of new year's day, which is the auspicious meaning of reunion." Gu explained to them, "since we are in Taiyuan, we will follow their rules."

All humanity is.

Gu Qingzhou also ate a few.

After eating, they set off firecrackers and fireworks.

They need to be conservative and have no fun, so they call ye Wu.

Ye's family will sing in the hall tonight.

The generals first worship their ancestors at home and have a reunion dinner. Then they go to the Ye's house to listen to the opera and watch the Spring Festival together.

This is the rule of governor Ye.

Ye Wu is not in the yard. The servant says, "Miss Gu, the play is just starting. Would you like to hear some of it?"

Gu Qingzhou is a little sleepy, and wants to wait for the early morning. Going out for a walk is the best choice, and he can digest the delicious food.

She asked the manager.

"I can't understand Kunqu Opera very well. It's ok if I don't go to have a look," said Si Xingfu

Er Bao and Qi Shifu are not going. They are knitting a kind of straw sandals together with the servants. They heard that they would wear the first burning incense in the morning of the first day of the new year.

This is the rule of Yuecheng. It's not helpful to take care of the boat and the manager.

The two of them went to the Ye family.

The adjutant reported to ye dujun, who set up a new seat for Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu in the flower hall.

When ye dujun's wine was half full, he said to Si Xingfu, "the yellow rice wine of the last time had a good taste. Next time, we will transport a batch of it by plane."

"No problem, I can send someone back tonight. You can have a feast in the first month." Si Xingfu road.

Governor Ye laughed and said it was good.

Then, he asked Si Xingqi to go to his study and call the adjutant. He asked the adjutant to go back to Pingcheng now to get some wine and try to fill the dinner on the first day of the new year.

"More, better!" Ye Shoujun laughed.

Therefore, he and Si xingxu left the table temporarily.

They did not come back for a long time. Gu Qingzhou was surprised.

She and ye Wu, ye Shan sister said a few words, but also got up, ready to go to find the Secretary line.

Then, she saw another seat, with his wife and Cai Changting.

Gu Qingzhou went over and said, "good new year, madam."

Mrs. Hirano's expression was bland, and she had an indescribable indifference to Gu Qingzhou, saying, "good new year."

Mr. Hirano is talking with people around him. When Gu Qingzhou told him how happy the new year was, he didn't hear it.

Gu Qingzhou was tired of interest and stood up and left.

She's going to see Si Xingfu.

The whole governor's office is well lit and guarded. In addition to the banquet hall, three steps, one post, five steps and one post, the armed sergeant stood upright.

Cai Changting followed her.

"Canoe?" He was behind, his voice slow, and he called her name.

Gu Qingzhou stops.

Cai Changting smiled and said, "Madam quarreled with the general. She didn't aim at you. Don't take it to heart."

He is still Mrs. Hirano's most loyal dog.

Gu Qingzhou said, "well, then I know."

She looked at Cai Changting.

The orange light of the street lamp fell on his clothes. He wore a black flannelette suit, a vest shirt of the same color, and fresh roses in his chest pocket.

When he noticed the sight of Gu Qingzhou, he picked the flowers and handed them to Gu Qingzhou: "here you are."

Gu Qingzhou said: "it's better for you to wear it. It's pretty decorated."

"Well, I have a gold watch." Cai Changting took out the gold watch belt from his pocket. The chain of the gold watch made it more magnificent than the rose.

Gu Qingzhou still doesn't want to, so she smiles.

Cai Changting suddenly stepped forward and pinned the rose on the comb between her hair.

Gu Qingzhou wanted to pick it, but he found that it was precisely between the teeth of the comb. If he had to pull it off, he would tear her whole bun apart.

"What does Rose stand for?" she said with a smile

Cai Changting said: "beautiful, noble."

Gu Qingzhou laughed: "so that's why you like roses? Do you define yourself that way? "

This season's rose, very rare, and Cai Changting's this big and full, more extraordinary product.

The beautiful and noble Cai Changting is worthy of it.

"In my heart, you are also a rose." Caichangting road.

"Are they wild and thorny?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

Cai Changting also laughed.

The two stopped and Gu Qingzhou went to the study to find Si Xingfu. Cai Changting went back to the banquet hall.

Rose, also represents love.

What does Cai Changting's Rose stand for? Embellishment, or useless love? He never thought about it, but now he slipped a few traces in his heart.

Trace is very shallow, shallow to fleeting, Cai Changting returned to Mrs. pingye.

"What did she say?" Asked Mrs. Hirano coldly.

Cai Changting said: "she came back after the annual meeting. Madam, is that Qi Laosi going to continue to check? "

"Check." Mrs. Hirano's tone did not fluctuate, and her face was expressionless.

Cai Changting road is.

At the same time, Gu Qingzhou went to the outside study and found that ye dujun and Si Xingfu were sitting in the side hall chatting.

They seem to be discussing something.

Seeing Gu Qingzhou come in, governor ye first saw the cold and fragrant rose in her long black hair and said, "the flowers are good."

He also saw it and said, "it's beautiful. But people are more beautiful. "

He looked back at his wife. He shook his head and smiled. He asked him, "what do you always do to ingratiate yourself with your wife?"

"Who is flattered? This is from my heart, and the boat is the most beautiful. " Si Xingfu road.

Governor Ye couldn't help laughing.

Gu Qingzhou was so embarrassed that he couldn't help but stare at Si Xingfu.

The manager was at a loss.

What's funny and what's angry? Isn't it one of the husband's most basic duties to praise his wife?

Moreover, any praise put on his canoe is not enough to express her perfection.

Si Xingfu thought that governor Ye certainly didn't really love someone, so he didn't understand.

He said goodbye to inspector ye: "the party is too noisy, so we'll go back first."

Governor ye said yes.

When he came out, Gu Qingzhou said to him, "help me, pick the roses."

She bowed her head to approach him.

"It's very beautiful," said Si Xingfu

"I don't like it." Gu Qingzhou road.

Si Xingfu helped her pick it, held down the comb, and then pulled out the bun, carefully picked it off, or scattered a few strands of hair.

"I don't like it. Why do you wear it?" The Secretary asked.

Gu Qingzhou tells Si Xingfu the origin of the rose.

Si Xingfu was stunned. He immediately threw the rose on the ground, stepped on it and crushed it into mud.

He took care of the boat's waist, his mood remained unchanged, he didn't care about it at all, and quietly said to her, "let's set off fireworks?"

"Not in the early morning?"

"Early in the morning is to say goodbye to the old and welcome the new. Now the fireworks are for fun." Si Xingfu road.

"Gu Qingzhou said:" that fireworks are not enough, how to do

"I asked governor ye for it," said the secretary

Sure enough, as soon as he had finished speaking, the adjutant of governor Ye carried a basket of fireworks to Si Xingfu, who was all packed in the trunk.

They found a secluded place and set off fireworks.

Si Xingfu holds Gu Qingzhou in his arms and watches the sky lit by fireworks. He is satisfied and sweet.

Gu Qingzhou also encircles his waist and says, "Si Xingfu, you are really the best husband - compared with other husbands."

He laughed.

He kissed her on the forehead and asked, "is it cold?"

Even in thick fur, it's cold.

Gu Qingzhou nods honestly: "cold."

"Well, let's go home."

When they got home, it was already eleven o'clock, and the servants' sandals were put on, they were chatting together.

Si Xingfu sat in front of the warm fireplace and drank the hot wine from the servant. He was very comfortable.

Gu Qingzhou also sighed: "in the winter, only the best is at home!"

Si Xingfu pinched her nose.

Time soon arrived in the early morning. Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu set off a lot of fireworks. After watching others' fireworks, they went to bed at one o'clock.

On the first day of the new year, she also went to pay a new year's Eve to Mrs. Hirano.

This time, Mrs. Hirano's attitude was much better, and she asked Gu to go back to live early.

"I missed your sister so much last night." Mrs. Hirano sighed.

Gu Qingzhou doesn't answer, drinks tea in silence, and then says he's going to pay a new year to the old master of Kang's family. He leaves under an excuse.

The first day of the new year was full and very tired.

When Gu Qingzhou returned home, the servants had prepared two medical boxes for her according to Gu Qingzhou's instructions, which contained countless ready-made medicines and herbs, as well as some knives, gauze and white coats for Western medical surgery.

This is for tomorrow.

At five o'clock the next morning, Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu set out with master Qi.

Until the foot of a mountain, the sky was white.

Si Xingfu carried a medicine chest, and master Qi carried another.

The mountain road is very difficult and complicated.

Gu looked at his watch from time to time.

After walking for an hour, two hours, three hours...

they also ate dry food in the middle of the walk.

After six hours, there was a small thatched shed. Master Qi said to the Secretary, "commander, you have to stay here."

"Well, since I'm here, I'll follow your rules," said the manager

"I'll send you a meal in the evening, and I'll arrange your accommodation later. Don't worry." Master Qi seldom speaks neatly.

The Secretary nodded.

He took a look at the boat and said, "be careful. I have pistols in the mezzanine of the two medical boxes. There is another one in your coat pocket."

Speaking Kung Fu, Gu Qingzhou's mink coat's pocket sinks.

"I will," Gu said

After an hour's journey

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