Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 979 a nagging man

There are not many earthly footprints in the high mountains. Neither did Gu Qingzhou find Cheng Yu's mother last time.

Now she has opened her eyes.

"... she said we are a paradise." The young man is called speechless, but he is a talker. As soon as he goes in, he takes the words of taking care of the boat as anecdotes and says them when he meets people.

People here all live in caves, which are dry and strong. Except for poor air permeability, everything else is good.

There are no four seasons in the mountain. It's spring all the year round. The temperature in the cave is also suitable.

The young man's speechless great grandfather is the leader of this group. The cave he lives in is the most spacious and luxurious, just like the luxury houses outside the mountain.

The furnishings in the room, exquisite and simple, are all made by themselves.

Gu Qingzhou also saw his great grandfather who had no words. They all called him "Mr. five".

Gu doesn't know the specific origin, and she doesn't want to inquire about it. After all, she just came to cure the disease. The less she knows, the better.

She saw Mr. five. He was a kind man with a hookah bag in his hand. If I meet him in the market, Gu Qingzhou must think that he is a hard-working old farmer.

"Doctor, please take a seat." Mr. 5 to Gu Qingzhou road.

Gu Qingzhou looks at his complexion. He is about sixty or seventy years old, but his eyes are very clear. He has a bright look at Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu.

"Mr. five, the boat is very good at treating diseases. Will it start today, or will it wait until she's rested and tomorrow? " Asked Qi Laosi.

Mr. five said, "the doctor is very tired."

Fatigue is the second thing. Gu Qingzhou is really hungry. He is very hungry.

She hasn't walked such a long mountain road for a long time. She only ate some dry food in the middle.

"... is there anything to eat?" Gu asked directly, "I'm not too tired, I'm hungry."

Everyone laughed.

Mr. Wu also feels that Gu Qingzhou is sincere. He gave his great grandson a look of silence and asked him to order him to go down.

But in half an hour the table was full.

There are all kinds of animals in the mountain, so there are meat, vegetables, soup and wine on the table.

Having had a good meal, he was full of energy.

It was quiet in the room, so everyone was looking at her.

She ate attentively and didn't pay attention.

"... who is the most ill?" When Gu had enough to eat and drink, he changed places with Mr. Wu and others.

At the same time, she found that master Qi had left. It was estimated that she had settled down with the company.

Gu Qingzhou didn't have any fear when he was among the strangers.

She asked carefully and then looked at them.

The young people look OK. The people who are 30 years old and upward are mostly sallow.

This kind of disease is the growth of a thing in the chest. It looks like a peach. There is liquid under the skin. It is black. The skin of the sick person is waxy yellow.

When the poisonous peach reaches a certain degree, the skin around it becomes transparent and thin, and it will be poisoned and die.

Mr. five asked several sick people to take off their coats and stand in a row.

Gu looked at them one by one, because their condition was the most serious, and the skin on the cancer was translucent.

Gu Qingzhou said: "Mr. five, you have heard that I can cure. Have you heard how I will cure?"

Mr. five said: "I have heard of it, but everyone said it differently, and I don't believe it."

Gu said it again in front of Mr. Wu and all the patients.

"... in the hands of our teachers and disciples, there are only two cases except for the medical records of our predecessors. My master cured the patient for the first time. He was a young man.

Later, my master went to the patient's home to discuss with his wife whether he could study the body for him. The patient's wife said that if my master understood, and later saved one more person, it would be the creation of their family, so she agreed.

My master studied the man over and over again and put forward a thought, that is, to stop the heart beating for one minute. A minute later, resuscitate the heart.

In this minute, I need to squeeze out the pus without leaving half a minute. Later, I cured an example according to master's notes. "

The hearts of the people were appalled.

Mr. Wu was silent, as if meditating.

Gu Qingzhou continued: "this is all the experience of our teachers and apprentices. We only met these two cases. We did not know the cause of the disease. We only knew that the pus blood in the tumor would flow back to the heart and expand through the heart. "

The faces of the crowd were horrified.

While looking at their expressions, Gu Qingzhou did not stop talking: "in the treatment of this disease, firstly, there should be no heat in the body; secondly, the heart will be damaged, so the elderly will not have a chance; thirdly, even if they squeeze out pus blood, they may not survive.

Once the heart is punctured, the failure of treatment will never wake up. And not to care about it, at least half a year of life. You have to think about it. "

When life and death are at stake, no one is foolhardy.

Mr. five said to him, "please go out for tea."

Gu Qingzhou retired for the time being.

Speechless, as long as he is not in front of his great grandfather, he is garrulous like a firecracker.

There is also a good thing about getting along with such people, that is, they don't need to talk to each other.

It's not that Gu doesn't want to answer, but that she can't get in. Speechless self-examination and self-answer, said hot, like the release of two hundred ducks.

He led Gu to another cave, lit a torch, and said to Gu, "this is my home."

Then, without giving Gu a chance to talk, he began to talk about the origin of his cave, how it was dug, how it was built, his parents and brothers were all on the other side of the cliff, only he and his great grandfather lived here and so on.

Gu Qingzhou would like to ask him: is it not sour to speak with such high intensity?

She was still thinking about her heart, but her ears were quiet.

This is quiet. I have to take care of the light boat to be scared. I went to see Wuyan and saw that Wuyan was looking at her.

"What's the matter?" Gu Qingzhou doesn't understand.

"I ask you, where are you from? There are parents and brothers in your family. When did you learn medicine?" No words.

He said that he was asking more and more questions unconsciously. He began to ask and answer himself. He didn't need to worry about the opening of the canoe. He said it again and again.

Gu Qingzhou continues to think.

After about two hours, speechless suddenly said: "great grandfather called us to go."

Gu Qingzhou is surprised: "how to shout?"

Silent but mysterious smile.

Instead of telling Gu Qingzhou, he took her to Mr. Wu's side.

All six people selected by Mr. Wu are willing to accept the treatment of Gu Qingzhou.

"We don't want to survive. We just want the doctor to use us as an example to save others." Said the man in his forties.

Gu Qingzhou has a hot eye.

The spirit of sacrifice for the sake of our people is always easy to move people.

Gu Qingzhou calmed down and said, "I will try my best to protect your life. If there is heat evil in the body, take medicine to eliminate it first. If your disease is not good, I will not leave. "

She felt their pulse.

One of them is about 50 years old. His heart has a serious problem, and he probably won't live for a year and a half. In addition, he has a heart attack and two dead diseases. He can't go back to the sky.

Gu told him.

I can't think of it, but the man said with a smile, "well, I have a deadline at last, and I'm confident. Doctor, I will not delay other people's treatment. "

With a wave of his hand, he went back to arrange his affairs. He was very free and easy, and Gu Qingzhou was stupefied.

The remaining five people are all in their prime of life. They have no major physical problems, no heart disease, and no pathogenic heat.

Gu Qingzhou said: "we can start tonight. I need someone who is strong and strong. "

"I'm me, I'm strong." Speechless busy way.

As soon as Gu Qingzhou thought of curing the disease, there were two hundred ducks barking in his ear, he was a little hairy and said, "you can't do it yet. I need something stronger than you."

Mr. five winked at the people next to him.

In a moment, a man came in and blocked the light at the door.

The man is two meters tall and strong.

Gu Qingzhou is very satisfied.

Everything is ready. Gu Qingzhou asked them to choose a secluded cave. Nobody is allowed to disturb it.

Everything in the cave should be dry and clean. The mat should also be clean and so on.

Gu Qingzhou began to take medicine for them one by one.

She took medicine for one person first, and then she said to other people, "look, I will treat you in the same way later."

She had been clasping the man's wrist, taking care of her pulse, and her watch was beside her.

When the heart stopped gradually and the man fell into a coma, Gu Qingzhou immediately cut the tumor and began to release toxic blood.

She was quick and accurate, and pressed hard.

Just a minute later, she cleaned up 90% of the poisoned blood and asked the man with the white rubber gloves given by Gu Qingzhou to come over and resuscitate the patient's heart.

When the heart is resuscitated, it needs to be blown. Other patients take a breath of cool air, but they don't open their mouth.

When the man wakes up slowly, Gu Qingzhou takes another medicine for him, which is clear of the remaining poison.

She went out of the cave, changed everything in her hand, and then went back into the cave.

So repeatedly, the back of her dress was already wet, and her hair was left dripping.

When the five patients are finished, Gu Qingzhou has no strength to stand up.

The wound on the tumor is very small, so there is no need to isolate it. You can see people. So taking care of the boat did not prevent other people from coming in to watch.

"Wait six hours." Gu Qingzhou said, "if they are OK within six hours, they will pick up this life."

Mr. Wu was very grateful to her. He asked people to burn the gauze covered with poisonous blood and prepare hot water for Gu Qingzhou to warm the bed.

Gu took a bath and fell asleep.

She didn't sleep very much. She woke up an hour later and found that there were many people in the cave not far away.

Everyone is around the five people.

Gu Qingzhou also came.

"The doctor is awake?" Mr. Wu and Gu Qingzhou exchanged greetings.

Gu Qingzhou nodded, and then asked him, "Mr. five, I have a kind request..."

"I know that I have sent someone to pick up Qi Laosi and your husband." Mr. 5 is knowledgeable.

Gu Qingzhou is very happy. His eyes are slightly bent. He asks Mr. Wu, "don't you violate the rules?"

"I'm the rule of life." Five Sir way.

Gu chuckled.

As soon as she had finished speaking, Qi Laosi and Si Xingfu came in.

When Gu Qingzhou was sleeping, he went to invite Qi Laosi and Si Xingfu's men to set off. He walked the path and made a round trip in an hour.

"How is it?" asked Gu

"Still waiting for the result." Gu Qingzhou road.

Master Qi introduced Mr. Wu to Si Xingqi.

He is good at greeting all kinds of people

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