Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 984 Black Book

Ye Shan asks Gu Qingzhou to help her to open the feelings of Ye Wu and Kang Yu. Gu Qingzhou says, "since the two love each other, why can't they be open? I'll talk to governor Ye. "

"I'll have dinner with you later. I'll talk about it."

Leaf charm is red face even more.

Ye Shan said, "master, you are very righteous."

"Your sister comes to my house every day to eat. If I don't uphold justice, can I get used to you like this?" Si Xingfu road.

Ye Shan and ye Wu are speechless together. It's hard to be grateful to him. Now they are all gone.

Gu Qingzhou pushed him out and said, "go to work, what's the trouble?"

After Si xingxu left, Gu Qingzhou talked to Ye Wu and ye Shan about her experiences in the mountains.

Mentioning that speechless, ye Shan and ye Wu both yearn for "being able to speak continuously, but also a capable person."

"Yes, I tried. I couldn't." Gu Qingzhou road.

Several people laughed.

At dinner time, Si Xingfu came in again and said he was going to the governor's office.

Four people drove two cars and set out for ye dujun's mansion.

It was the first time they had a dinner party since the beginning of the year.

Ye dujun is still taking the medicine given by Gu Qingzhou, and he often lives with his aunt. Unfortunately, none of the three people is very active.

Gu Qingzhou also gave them three checks. They are all very healthy young women. There is no fertility problem. If they can't conceive, it's the responsibility of Ye dujun.

Ye dujun had to restrain himself and take medicine well.

When it comes to this, Si Xingfu is very uncomfortable.

Then, Si Xingfu changed the subject very strongly, and said directly about ye Wu's marriage: "don't you just think about having a son, don't you marry your daughter?"? This time, relatives and friends have arrived at the Kang family dinner. Why don't you make it clear publicly? "

Governor Ye's expression was restrained.

He looked at the leaves and eyes.

Ye Wu felt uneasy. The father does not mean to agree.

"Marriage requires the consent of both parties, and then it can be said in public, which is called icing on the cake. If I don't talk to the Kang family, I will say it rashly. It will only embarrass the Kang family. " Ye dujun's way to Si Xingfu.

This seems to be what he said to Si Xingfu, but in fact, he told ye Wu.

Ye dujun didn't mention it. In his mind, he was not very satisfied with Kang Yu.

He can give seven points to Su Peng and Gu Nan Xiang, which he chooses, and five points to Kang Yu.

Ye Wu likes it. It's her love.

Some of the young people's love is vigorous, but it ends quietly.

Now that it's opened up, and the Kang family has been making a lot of trouble. At last, ye Wu and Kang Yu are not so strong in their feelings. Are they all suffering from their own unsatisfactory son-in-law?

So governor Ye didn't mention it.

He is used to taking the initiative.

The love between Ye Wu and Kang Yu will be known by the Kang family sooner or later. If two months later, no one from the Kang family has come to ask for ye Wu's marriage, ye dujun will pretend to be deaf and dumb, and will not agree with the marriage.

The doorway in the marriage is very deep. Governor Ye is a wily warlord. He can see more clearly than that of governor Ye.

He is to maintain the peace between families and the love of his daughter.

It takes time, time to let these things ferment slowly, and finally get the best results.

The urging of Si Xingfu is quite a sense that he is not afraid of the stage height.

"Father, the day after tomorrow is the first year of the grandson of the long house of the Kang family. This is the big joy of the long house. It's not appropriate to say anything else." Ye Wudao.

Ye Wu is sensible and clever. She smells something unusual from the clues.

Governor Ye nods.

For this reason, Gu Qingzhou didn't have to say anything. Gu Qingzhou didn't say anything.

After supper, Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu left the governor's office. Gu Qingzhou said, "you shouldn't say that rashly."

"Whether it's prudent or reckless, the result is the same. In light boat, governor Ye seems to be tolerant of the children, but in fact, he has his own idea.

He has the gift of being a father, which is to draw a circle for the children and then give them a choice. In this way, ye Wu only saw the freedom of choice, but did not know that they were all in the circle of Ye Du Jun.

This is the ability of Ye dujun. He not only makes you obedient, but also doesn't make you disgusted. Do you think ye Wu and ye Shan, two little girls who are not familiar with the world, can fight against him?

It's no use playing tricks in front of such a powerful person as governor Ye. Just tell him what you need. He will let go of what he ought to have, and he will not get what he ought not to have. " Si Xingfu road.

Gu Qingzhou found that he was always dealing with the old fox.

She was helpless.

However, in the eyes of others, she is also a sly fox.

Si Xingfu said again, "since governor Ye agreed with them, he is now testing Kang Yu. Whether Kangyu can pass is his ability. Ye Wu or you can't help him. "

Gu Qingzhou nods.

She's not saying anything.

In the afternoon of the next day, Gu Qingzhou was sorting out the medical records at home. Her diagnosis and medication when she went to the mountain should be recorded. The original soil, Gu Qingzhou, has been sent to the geology professor of Taiyuan University, who promised to help Gu analyze it.

Busy, the servant knocked on the door of the study, "madam, someone has sent something."

Gu Qingzhou didn't move, but he was still waiting for the desk and writing fast, saying, "put it in the living room."

"The man said it was in his wife's hands." Servant road.

Having said that, the inner room did not reply for a long time, and the servant whispered again, "madam?"

"Well?" The sound of Gu Qingzhou's flawless side came from behind the door.

The servant did not dare to disturb and said, "you are busy, and the things are in the living room."

"Good." Gu Qingzhou road.

The servant turned and went downstairs.

At dusk, Gu Qingzhou stretched out and went downstairs to ask the servant to prepare dinner. However, he saw a paper bag on the tea table in the living room.

"Where did it come from?" Gu asked, remembering that the servant had called her before.

Without waiting for the servant to explain, she asked again, "who sent it?"

The servant thought about it, then shook his head in a daze. "It's just an ordinary person. He said that his wife ordered it. Please hand it to her and leave."

The most common people forget when they look.

Servants only think about things, can't get lost, but forget to send things to people. Now let her think about it, she can't give a general idea.

Gu chuckled, "I know who it is. Go ahead."

It must be Mr. Wu's people.

Those people are best at hiding in the world. Even if they pass by you, they will not cause ripples in your remaining light.

They are silent and haunted without fear.

Just like the servant, he also felt that he was an ordinary person without threat.

Gu Qingzhou opens the paper bag.

The paper bag is a little heavy in hand.

Gu opened the boat and found some books. Seriously, it's not books, but three books.

The account book is very detailed.

This account book, without any items, is called by strange symbols.

"Whose family is this?" Gu Qingzhou hesitates.

Gu Qingzhou's goal is to learn how to post accounts, but it's easy to learn. It's just ordinary family accounts, which my mistress taught her.

However, she did not understand the account, and did not see it for a long time.

In the middle of the depression, Si Xingyao came back.

"Have a look?" Gu Qingzhou hands it to him and regrets it. He can't understand it. Can an ignorant warlord understand it?

Just want to take it back, but the Secretary opened it.

He frowned, apparently not at first, but later seemed to understand, and his brows stretched.

After reading two pages, he turned over the back and said, "this is an empty account book. The existence of such an account book means that there is a money whose whereabouts are not clear, and there is a false account in someone's account. This black book is a solid proof. "

It also needs to be refined to make fake accounts. A person's memory can't be so good, so where is a fake, it needs to be recorded separately.

This account book is the evidence behind it.

Gu Qingzhou is shocked and looks at him.

Let Si Xingfu do the accounting. He can't do it, but he is proficient in it. Otherwise, how can his subordinates serve him?

This is the ability to frighten subordinates.

"Where did it come from?" The Secretary asked.

Gu Qingzhou said, "it may have been sent by Mr. Wu. Mr. five said that if he could solve all my problems and have accounting problems, would it have something to do with the Kang family? "

"Kang family?"

"That's right. Park Hang, the uncle of the Kang family, and his brother-in-law, who pretended to be Qu Sanye, didn't kidnap Zhou Yan's husband and use Zhou Yan to do things. Did you want to blame the Kang family?" Gu Qingzhou road.

She's been thinking about it.

"This is Kang's black book?" After a few more glances, he said, "there are many accounts in the Kang family. Which one is the black one?"

Gu Qingzhou shakes her head. She doesn't know.

"This should be the personal record of Park Hang. If I could see his handwriting, I'd better check it and make sure it's him first." Gu Qingzhou road.

"It's very simple. Park Hang didn't write a word. Many places can be found. I'll send someone to find it," said Si Xingqi

Gu Qingzhou nods.

Find the best, first determine the owner of the black account, then proceed to the next step.

An hour later, the person in charge of xingxu got the preface of his classmate's poetry collection written by Park Hang. Preface is printed directly, and this poetry collection can be bought everywhere.

After comparison, it is confirmed that it is the handwriting of Park Hang.

He looked at Gu Qingzhou's road carefully and said, "this is a huge amount. Once checked, the Kang family is very involved.

The Kang family has not paid attention to it all the time, which shows that the money is not crucial. Light boat, domestic ugliness is not out of the air. Are you sure you want to expose the domestic ugliness of Kang's family? "

Gu Qingzhou is silent.

"Old Master Kang trusts Kangzhi and Park Hang very much. Can the old man bear such betrayal when he is old?" The Secretary asked again.

Gu Qingzhou bit his lower lip and didn't know how to answer him.

"I heard a rumor that the three sons of the kangs may not be his own. Otherwise, why didn't he pass on the family to them?"

Gu Qingzhou was shocked. "Isn't that bullshit?"

"Who knows?" "The three great masters of the Kang family are not quite like the old masters," said the secretary

Gu Qingzhou did not pay special attention to their looks. They are ordinary middle-aged people.

"Stop talking nonsense." Gu Qingzhou patted him on the shoulder. "How long have you been in Taiyuan? How many gossip have you heard?"

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