Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 985 icing on the cake

Gu Qingzhou is full of praise for his gossip ability.

About Kang family, Gu Qingzhou didn't hear any news.

"It's not that I ask, it's that you have too few friends." "In addition to Leaf Charm, who are you close to?"

Gu Qingzhou is not close to everyone.

She's always on the edge of her pants for fear that one day everything will be typed back.

Besides, after so many experiences, she has less trust in people.

"How do you know gossip when you don't associate with people? Ye Wu is close to the children of Kang's family. Who comes to her to chew the tongue? If she doesn't know, you don't know. " Si Xingfu road.

Gu Qingzhou smiled, "even if you gossip, dare to scold me?"

After that, she jumped into Si Xingfu's arms and tried to hold him by the neck, but he was unable to move.

In a physical contest, Gu Qingzhou was sweating all over and couldn't breathe even. He wanted to fight with Si Xingfu silently in his heart. This is the end. Did I have a brain attack? How could I learn a lesson?

Si Xingfu buried his head in her green silk and laughed.

Gu Qingzhou hit him on the back and felt it was heavy. He rubbed it for him.

In a flash, it's the day of Kang's family dinner.

Gu Qingzhou had already sent a gift, so she followed Si Xingfu and went to Kang's house.

At the gate, I happened to meet Ye Wu and ye Shan.

The Kang family is an old-fashioned hall meeting. When they invited the troupe, they heard gongs and drums from afar.

In the sound of gongs and drums, wusheng shouts, which is also a lively and extraordinary martial art.

Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingqi, ye Wu and ye Shan walk in and meet Kangzhi.

Kangzhi is wearing a white fox skin scarf, which sets off the skin. Although it is not as rosy and tender as the young people, it's also a proud person.

She is not the most beautiful, but she has a kind of sophistication and self-confidence.

"Mrs. secretary?" Kangzhi calls Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou is very comfortable when he hears such a call.

She is the wife of Si xingxu, which she had long hoped for, and now it has finally come true.

She was glad to be called that.

People in Taiyuan government have a delicate attitude towards her, so they mostly call her Miss Gu and call her the tutor of the governor's house.

Only Kangzhi is so knowledgeable.

"I'm also going to meet you. You won't come." Kangzhi said with a smile, and then he took Gu's arm. "Mrs. Si, come with me. I have a few private words to tell you."

Glancing at the chief executive, Kangzhi asked, "does chief commander mind?"

"I don't mind. Mrs. Park, please help me." Si Xingfu road.

Kangzhi pulled Gu to the side path.

Around the rockery, behind is the small attic of Diaolianghuadong, which is for the guests to rest.

Gu Qingzhou thought Kangzhi would take her in, but he didn't want Kangzhi to talk with her about her family life and take her to the inner court through the plagiarism corridor.

When she got to Kangzhi's own yard, she asked the servant to take something to show the boat.

It's a box.

Open the big box, there are two ginseng lying flat inside, with complete roots and quite a few years.

"All the wild ginseng bought from the ginseng picker are over 30 years old. They are the most nourishing and better than the ginseng. I'll send someone to your house." Kangzhi laughed.

Gu Qingzhou said, "Mrs. Park, you are so generous, I can't stand it! You have an old man in your family. How dare I have such a good thing? "

"The old man has more. That's what he ordered. We all heard that you got cold during the Spring Festival. When you first arrived in Taiyuan, you may not be able to adapt to the cold in the north.

When spring comes, the weather changes from cold to hot, which is more acceptable to you. You take this ginseng, cut it carefully and use it. You can eat it for half a month. Half a month of conditioning, and so on when the spring is not so uncomfortable Kang Zhi Dao.

In Gu Qingzhou's heart, there seems to be some emotion stirring slowly.

Maybe the world she grew up in was so thin that she couldn't bear too much kindness.

Whoever treats her well, she would like to repay her heartily.

Kangzhi's words may be to ingratiate himself with governor ye, or to look at her as a miracle doctor, but he only remembered her benefits and was warm in his heart.

Her eyes are a little astringent.

Seeing her moving face, Kangzhi said with a smile, "don't worry about a little thing."

"I've been thinking about it." Gu Qingzhou road.

Gu Qingzhou decided to ask about the Kang's uncle and aunt.

She wants to get in touch with Kangzhi.

Gu Qingzhou knows a truth very well that helping people need to reach out where others need them, otherwise it will backfire and increase others' burden.

She wants to know about Kangzhi's marriage.

At that time, Gu Qingzhou thought that the kangs had nothing to do with the royalists.

Since it doesn't matter, it's not Gu's goal. Gu doesn't really come and go with them.

"I'm very moved." Gu Qingzhou said, "I have nothing to give you. I have to do something for you."

Kangzhi laughed. "Mrs. Si, it's not necessary."

Gu Qingzhou calmed down, just smiled and said, "then I have the cheek to take it, thank you."

Kangzhi took her hand and said, "you are welcome again. Come on, let's go to the table. "

Gu Qingzhou and Kangzhi go out and talk about marriage by the way.

She said that the company was running, and asked Park Hang.

Kangzhi said with a smile, "let's be my uncle. There are no big problems. There are a lot of small ones. They are just ordinary people. They can't compare with the commander in chief."

It's quite intimate in words.

Gu Qingzhou's words were completely stopped.

At the banquet, Gu Qingzhou followed Kangzhi all the time, observing her words and deeds, as well as her feelings with Park Hang.

They are just like ordinary husband and wife, but Park Hang's feelings towards Kangzhi are obviously with some fear.

With fear, naturally there will be discontent.

And Kangzhi is very natural to piahang, that is, a wife should have the appearance of being coquettish and angry.

When he went back, Gu Qingzhou told Si Xingfu about Kangzhi's sending her ginseng.

"Do you need tonic?" asked the secretary

"No, I'm in good health. Ginseng is too warm. It's useless for me." Gu Qingzhou Road, and then the strange division of Xingfu interrupted her thinking, "I'm not going to say this."

"You just want to say, remind Kangzhi." "How can I remind you? If someone tells you that I want to kill you behind my back, do you believe it? "

"Of course not. Don't I know you?" Gu Qingzhou road.

"Yes, Kangzhi may not think so," said Si Xingfu. Doesn't she know her husband? Don't open your mouth easily. "

Well said, that is, to get rid of the evil for the Kang family; and wrong said, that is, to sow discord.

The interaction between people is extremely complicated.

"I understand. I didn't speak." Gu chuckled.

When the couple returned home, Gu took out the account book again and looked at it carefully.

An idea loomed in her mind.

Since it's not suitable for outsiders to talk, why not let Piao hang make a mess and let Kangzhi find out by himself?

Think of here, Gu Qingzhou Mou Guang frets, already had a plan.

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