Gu Qingzhou recently walked diligently to Kang's house. Instead of looking for Kang Zhi, she went to see Kang Han's stepmother, Mrs. Kang San.

Third wife is very bored, and in pregnancy, very like to take care of the light boat, such a doctor and a man of the ability to enter the door.

She asked Gu, "can you see if I have a man or a woman in my stomach?"

"You'll be sure to get what you want." Gu chuckled.

There is no reference for this. The third wife is still very happy.

They talked for a long time about the baby in the third wife's stomach.

It was not until the third wife was embarrassed that she changed the subject and asked Gu how she was recently.

Gu Qingzhou immediately spits out bitter water.

"My younger martial brother Er Bao, there is no problem with his eyes, but he still can't see. It's probably a psychological obstacle." Gu Qingzhou road.

"Not yet?" Asked Mrs. Kang San. Then she thought of her stepdaughter Kang Han.

Mrs. Kang San knows that Kang Han likes Er Bao.

It was very difficult for her.

Kang Han is very opinionated. If she and ER Bao are really separated, she will make the whole family uneasy. At that time, it will be the fault of Mrs. Kang San's stepmother.

If you really give Kang han to ER Bao, what should people say? He said that his stepmother was vicious and married Kang han to a blind man.

It's difficult to do everything inside and outside, which makes Mrs. Kang San upset.

When she's upset, she wants to talk to someone. And she found that the present Gu Qingzhou was the best one to talk to, because Gu Qingzhou's position was the same as hers.

"Miss Gu, I really hope you can cure Er Bao as soon as possible. Han Han's friendship with ER Bao, you see. Although she is young, she is sensible. She is not ignorant. "

"I would like to ask Han Han to go to his home, pick her up in the morning and send her back in the evening. They are still small. What's more, my junior brother is stupid. I don't know if the third wife can rest assured? " Gu Qingzhou said her purpose.

"As long as Han Han is willing to go," said Mrs. Kang San

She promised, and talked about the eyes of Er Bao. She told Gu to take care of the boat and cure him.

She even said, "you say, do these two children have predestination?"

Gu Qingzhou was surprised to see Mrs. Yankang.

"I'm not that old-fashioned person," said Mrs. Kang San, bright in her heart. Han Han is not my own, I also treat her as a daughter, I hope she married well. "

"I'm also afraid of being rude to you, so I never dare to mention it." Gu Qingzhou road.

Mrs. Kang San said, "Miss Gu, you are most considerate. I'll tell you the truth. If the old man opens his mouth, I'll agree with ten thousand of them. "

Gu Qingzhou is very clear about her implication. Don't let her stepmother get involved. She can promise anything. She is not the roadblock for Kang Han and ER Bao's marriage.

However, she couldn't make up her mind. She wanted Gu Qingzhou to help her lead the trouble to the East and leave the problem to the old man, Han Han's grandfather.

"Don't talk about me. Even the third master, I can persuade him." Said Mrs. Kang San.

Gu Qingzhou is suddenly in the dark.

"Well, I'll talk to the old man. Thank you very much, Mrs. three. " Gu Qingzhou road.

Mrs. Kang San almost wanted to say that I should thank you for this hot potato. I can't throw it out without your help.

Stepmother wants virtuous name, Kang Han wants love, and Gu Qingzhou wants to beg for his younger brother's daughter-in-law. Everyone needs what they need.

On that day, Gu Qingzhou received Kang han to Si Xingfu.

"Take your schoolbag with you, even if you are not going to do your homework, and make it look like it." Gu Qingzhou said to Kang Han.

Kang Han was obedient and took his schoolbag with him.

When she arrived at the courtyard of Si Xingfu, Gu Qingzhou took Kang Han's schoolbag and let her play.

Then she gave the bag to the maid Siya. Siya is good at all kinds of needlework, which can be superb.

Siya nodded, took the bag and went back to her small room.

Siya and her brother, Gouzi, are all looking after the light boat. They have been working for only a month. Both of them turn their faces. They are no longer waxy and emaciated. Siya is a little white after eating and drinking.

The two brothers and sisters are loyal.

Gu Qingzhou also found that Siya embroidery is exquisite. She used to embroider things to sell.

Therefore, Gu Qingzhou made great use of her advantage.

Four Ya busy for more than an hour, take the bag to Gu Qingzhou again, tell Gu Qingzhou "there is a knot on the top, you should be careful when you open it."

Gu Qingzhou nods.

She took Kang Han's schoolbag, tore off several pages of the account book, and kept the copy copied. The original was put in Kang Han's schoolbag.

At 3:30 p.m., Gu Qingzhou sent Kang Han home.

Kang Han is lying on the sofa, taking a nap. He is confused and follows Gu Qingzhou.

Before leaving, Kang Han said to ER Bao, "I will bring you delicious food tomorrow."

Gu Qingzhou personally sent Kang han to the gate of Kang's family, which happened to be 4:30 in the afternoon.

At this time, the old master of the Kang family will go to the bank.

He goes there every half a month at a fixed time. Gu Qingzhou sent people to inquire about it.

Obviously, there are other people who know the old man's habit, so there are many carriages in front of Kang's house, waiting to see him.

The old man also exchanged greetings with them, saying only "go ahead and sit down, and wait for me to come back."

Kang Han got out of the car, fell into the old man's arms, and put his arms around his waist.

"Grandfather, are you going to the bank again?" Kanghan is happy.

The old man touched his granddaughter's head and said with a smile, "how grown-up! How charming! You want to go to the bank, too? "

Gu Qingzhou got off at this time.

She smiled and said hello to the old man, then handed the bag to Kang Han. "Han Han is so happy that he forgot to take the bag."

Kang Han smiles shyly and reaches for it.

Just as she got it, she swung the bag and prepared to carry it. Unexpectedly, the thread under the bag suddenly fell off, and the books and papers crashed.

The servant helped to pick it up.

Gu also stooped.

As she bent down to pick up the book, she saw that the old man bent down and took out a piece of paper.

Seeing the words on the paper, the old man pondered a little and pinched them in his hand.

In a hurry, Gu Qingzhou is going to leave. "Don't disturb you to go out."

The old man said with a smile, "it's too late today. Don't leave Miss Gu to play next time."

Gu Qingzhou says OK.

After Gu Qingzhou left, the old man carefully checked Kang Han's schoolbag, took out three pieces of paper and asked, "where is this from?"

Kang Han looked at his eyes and shook his head in a daze. "I didn't write this."

Of course, it's not written by Kang Han. It's the handwriting of my uncle Park Hang. Moreover, the words on it are obscure and the accounts are in a mess. It's a black book at first sight.

Either Kang Han's or Gu Qingzhou's.

The old man took the paper and got on the car.

He looked at the three pieces of paper carefully, as if to find out its origin, or even to know the purpose of taking care of the light boat.

He showed it to his trusted steward.

"It's my uncle's handwriting," said the steward. But this is not our family's public account. It should be my uncle's own private account. "

It's not a rare thing to have a private account. The old man has his own.

Since it's a private account, some accounts don't want others to know, so they are replaced by symbols, which can also be understood.

"Old man, do you want to go back and ask my uncle?" Ask questions.

Master Kang continued to be silent.

These papers were intentionally put in Kang Han's schoolbag by Gu Qingzhou and showed to him.

If it's just a private account, there's no doubt about it. You can take care of the boat so much that you will not be in a hurry.

"Go home." The old man suddenly kicked off the back of the car and said to the driver.

The driver turned around at once.

At home, the old man asked his trusted steward to take these books.

There is a way for him to open a bank. The old man will put in a reserve every year to cope with the big changes. He used to take care of the money himself and later gave it to the two Kangzhi.

The trusted steward hurried to get it.

When Gu Qingzhou returned home, it was getting late. The glass windows under the eaves were closed, but the curtains were opened. Therefore, the light of crystal lights shined the withered trees in the courtyard, just like the Jasper.

Two people are sitting in the sofa in the living room.

It's Si Xingfu and Cai Changting.

When she came in, Cai Changting stood up and said hello to her with a smile, "light boat, I've come to nag again."

Gu Qingzhou smiled and took off his overcoat with the help of his servant. "You run errands for my wife, too, I can understand. Do you want to go after dinner? "

"That would be disrespectful." Caichangting road.

Gu Qingzhou saw the eye Secretary Xingfu, but his expression was also indifferent.

Once upon a time, when he was in love with Gu Qingzhou, he was very domineering. Even if Sima or Gu shaoduo took a look at Gu Qingzhou, he wanted to kill people.

Now the mood is much more peaceful.

There is a kind of conviction in the heart of Si Xingfu and Gu Qingzhou that this man is his own and faithful. Therefore, Cai Changting sent roses, and Si Xingfu did not regard him as a rival.

Cai Changting is not qualified to be his rival.

If we talk about balance of power, and let Gu Qingzhou worship, it is probably Huo Yue. Cai Changting is not in this case.

"We have ham and bamboo shoot soup in the evening. Are you used to it?" The Secretary asked.

Cai Changting said, "I'm used to eating. I'm not picky."

He didn't say anything.

When Cai Changting came here, he must have something to say to Gu Qingzhou. So he went upstairs first and regarded Cai Changting as the ordinary manager beside Gu Qingzhou's mother.

If the steward comes back, does the host have to be present? That's too much for Cai Changting.

Gu Qingzhou sat in the sofa and asked Cai Changting, "what can I do for you?"

"Madame still wants you back." Caichangting road.

Gu Qingzhou glances at Cai Changting. His treacherous eyebrows are more enchanting and beautiful under the light. His lips are very red, but not abrupt.

Cai Changting's expression is soothing and sincere.

Gu understood the meaning and asked him, "what do you think?"

Cai Changting said, "canoe, you and your wife are waiting for each other to show sincerity first, otherwise you will never trust each other. In that case, I suggest you try to let your wife step back first. "

Gu Qingzhou narrowed his eyes.

"I will also advise madam to give way to you first." Cai Changting continued, "what do you want, boat?"

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