Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 988 maximum concession

The old master of Kang's family did things in a vigorous manner. In the evening of that day, Si Xingfu came back and told Gu Qingzhou that "Park Hang had gone to the hospital."

"What's the matter?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

"It's a car accident. You can't use either leg. It is estimated that the whereabouts of the money have not been asked, so he did not give up to let him die. " Si Xingfu road.

Gu Qingzhou seems to have some traces in his mind.

Si Xingfu thought a little and said to Gu, "I'm afraid you're right."

"What's right?"

"Old Kang is really cruel and doesn't have much capacity for people. If his three sons are really out of his hands, he won't be able to accommodate them." Si Xingfu road.

According to the eight trigrams, the kangs are wild.

Si Xingfu is always satisfied with this kind of gossip, which is fun, interesting and novel. He never goes deep into it.

Only Gu Qingzhou, while listening to the gossip, keeps rational, and occasionally defends the Kang family.

She may not believe it, but she would rather think about the good.

He has met many people and understood human nature. Mr. Kang's character is really different from that of those who can bear humiliation.

"Can't you listen to less gossip?" Gu Qingzhou said with a smile, "when people in the world talk about other people's gossips, they are all picking up any evil and saying anything. You can't be too careful."

Si Xingfu put his arm around her shoulder, deliberately smacking a mouthful of saliva on her cheek.

Gu Qingzhou felt that he was revenging on purpose.

Park Hang's business, in the life of Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu, is just a small episode. The other side is the problem of Kang's family, which will overcome it.

His mind is heavy.

After the night, he sat on the balcony smoking.

Gu Qingzhou asked him, "are you going back to Pingcheng?"


"When will you leave?" Gu asked again.

"In the morning," said the secretary

After the new year, many things in the army need to be rearranged. Si Xingfu has been late for a long time. He has to go back to spend the Lantern Festival with the soldiers.

But he was reluctant to take care of the boat.

Gu Qingzhou is very pitiful and has no relatives, except that he is er Bao. But the fool of Er Bao thinks Kang Han is more important than Gu Qingzhou, which makes Si Xingfu even more reluctant to leave.

I want to take her back to Pingcheng, but I know she won't agree.

What she meant in Taiyuan mansion, she said countless times, Si Xingfu has already remembered.

"I'm leaving in the early morning. When are you going to tell me?" Gu Qingzhou's eyes widened.

Si Xingfu takes her into his arms and tightly binds her. At the same time, he smells the faint fragrance of her hair. He took a deep breath.

When he wanted to explain, Gu chuckled and said, "you are reluctant to go, aren't you?"

A word, the road to do a million emotions.

The steward put his chin on her head.

Many parting words have been said thousands of times, and all the resolutions have been expressed thousands of times.

Even if you are tired of listening, the sadness of parting will not be relieved at all.

If he gets up at 3:00 a.m., he pretends to be half asleep and half awake.

He kissed her on the forehead and whispered, "I'll be back in a few days."

Gu Qingzhou mumbles a good sentence.

Si Xingfu covered the quilt for her and said "sleep well" in her ear

That's why I went downstairs and left.

When he left, Gu Qingzhou stood behind the curtain and watched for a long time.

Outside under the thin frost, where the lights shine, a layer of silver, like Qionghua everywhere.

When his car went far, Gu went back to bed.

That afternoon, Cai Changting called her again and said, "light boat, madam invited you to have dinner. How about you coming back?"

"Good," Gu said

As expected, she returned to the residence of Hirano Shirang.

Mrs. Hirano smiled easygoing and said to Gu Qingzhou, "don't run around any more. Isn't it good to live at home? I'll go shopping with erniang tomorrow. "

Gu Qingzhou said with a smile, "well, I also want to buy some spring materials for clothes."

It's settled between the two.

The next day, Gu Qingzhou went shopping with Mrs. pingye and found that Mrs. pingye was in a good mood. However, Cai Changting said that Mrs. pingye would give in first, which seemed to be the same.

However, when they go shopping, they sometimes take photos with a spotlight.

Gu Qingzhou asked Mrs. Hirano, "you want to expose the photos of us, so as to admit that I am princess GuLun?"

Mrs. Hirano intends to let her enter the core of the royalist party, so she begins with the exposure.

Gu Qingzhou was exposed countless times, but Mrs. Hirano didn't say anything, and others didn't dare to guess.

Now, their photos are put together. With the iron evidence of their looks, Mrs. Hirano breaks the window paper on this matter, and Gu Qingzhou becomes the leader of the royalist party.

This is a huge step forward.

At least, the Jin family dare not fight against her again, even if they hate her again, or they will be enemies of the whole royalist party.

And those who hide in the dark are ready to move even more.

This is Mrs. Hirano's biggest concession.

"You are my daughter and my dearest." "I've always wanted to find an opportunity to admit your identity, but it's a pity that the death of ahun last year made me unable to lift my spirits.

Light boat, you don't blame e Niang. Compared with your sister, e Niang doesn't care enough about you. E Niang is very irresponsible. In the future, e Niang will make up for you. "

After that, she gently hugged Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou didn't move. She was allowed to hold him.

That night, Mrs. King brought a present to see Gu.

They can't call Gu Qingzhou "Princess", they can only call her miss.

"Congratulations, miss. I still rely on miss." Said Mrs King. With a congratulatory smile on his face, his eyes are cold.

Gu Qingzhou doesn't care much.

She turned to Mrs. Hirano and didn't speak to Mrs. king again.

She said to Hirano, "I've seen her, so I'll go back to my room first."

"If you don't go fast, boat, and meet a few people." Mrs. Hirano smiled.

After a long time, many people came with gifts. Mrs. Hirano entertained them with wine and snacks.

Gu Qingzhou has met many family leaders of the Wangs in Taiyuan.

Of the largest families, only the Jin family.

"Park Hang is also a royalist. He wants to inherit the family business of the Kang family. What did you do, Canoe? " Mrs. Hirano is a little sorry for Gu Qingzhou road.

Park Hang had a car accident, so tragic, let Mrs. Hirano feel this is not good.

When she asked Gu Qingzhou, it seemed that she had some assurance, but in fact, it was all random guesses.

Even if she has an iron proof, Gu will not admit it, let alone this kind of blind cat meets mouse like questioning?

"What can I do? I don't have much contact with Kang's uncle. " Gu Qingzhou road.

Mrs. Hirano thought for a moment and said nothing more.

Gu Qingzhou didn't expect that, so did Park Hang. However, looking at Mrs. Hirano's tone, Park Hang is afraid that he will not be entrusted with a heavy task, because the Kang family will not reuse him any more.

Park Hang became lame, nothing to Mrs. Hirano.

Gu took a look at these people and found that there were no senior generals of the military government or other rich people.

Except for the Jin family, most people have little weight.

After a round of handling, Gu Qingzhou also drank a lot of wine. It didn't end until 11 p.m. and she was exhausted.

"Changting, give me a boat." Mrs. Hirano is talking to Mrs. Kim and says to Cai Changting.

Cai Changting road is.

Gu Qingzhou put on a wind cloak and gathered himself in the warm fur. He walked back all the way. The cold wind filled his face like a knife cutting.

The cold wind of Taiyuan mansion is extremely sharp.

Gu Qingzhou walked slowly. She always felt empty in her heart. So she walked slowly. She also waited for the wine to spread and let the night wind blow away.

"What's the matter with you?" Cai Changting said a few words, but Gu didn't take them.

He slowed down, approached a few minutes, and asked her, "isn't it uncomfortable?"

"No, I'm drinking too much." Gu Qingzhou road.

"Do you want to help?" Cai Changting asked again.

Gu chuckled, "not so much as to need help."

Both laughed.

When she arrived at the yard of Gu Qingzhou, the wind bells under the eaves rustled and tinkled in the night wind, which was given to her by Cai Changting.

Cai Changting stepped forward quickly and raised the curtain for Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou didn't go in, because she didn't plan to invite Cai Changting in.

"You go back." Gu Qingzhou road.

Cai Changting asked, "tell the kitchen to make you some wake-up soup?"

"I'm a little tired. You've seen so many people. Drunk is the second thing. It takes energy to talk. If there is ginseng soup in the kitchen, it's good to make a bowl. " Gu said.

Cai Changting wrote it down.

As soon as he turned around, he flicked the wind bells. The sound was clear, especially sweet in the cold and quiet night.

"I'm glad that you and your wife have finally taken a step forward in the light boat." Caichangting road.

Gu Qingzhou makes a sound.

He added, "take care of yourself. You have a good constitution, but you don't adapt to the climate of Taiyuan. You should be well cultivated. The days to come were very long "

GU Qingzhou smiled lightly.

Her eyebrows and eyes are set off by the lights under the eaves. They are also a little like ice in winter. With cold and sharp feelings, she looks at Cai Changting.

Cai Changting's concern is too much and too much.

He pursed his lips a little.

A small action, Cai Changting do is particularly good-looking.

He raised his eyes slightly, which seemed to reflect the appearance of Gu Qingzhou.

"I've said too much, and I guess I'm drunk." Cai Changting said, "light boat, good night."

"Good night." Gu Qingzhou road.

Cai Changting turns and leaves.

His legs were long and straight, and he walked in a cool and dignified way, but in a twinkling of an eye, he arrived at the gate of the courtyard.

He stopped suddenly and looked back at the boat.

There was no light at the gate of the courtyard, his face was hidden in the dark, and his black clothes almost integrated him into the boundless night.

And Gu Qingzhou stands under the light, with a delicate expression.

Two glances at each other, Gu Qingzhou falls into the downwind. She adds caution in her heart and waves at him.

Cai Changting did not move.

He looked at her as if he was still there. Night shrouded him, and the high eaves of the courtyard door cast shadows, so he was so unbridled in the dark.

Gu Qingzhou seems to see his hand on his chest.

The rose in her breast pocket was plucked and put on the copper bowl of her courtyard door, so he turned and left.

Gu Qingzhou wants to see if he sees it wrong and feels that he will be led by Cai Changting, so she lifts the curtain and returns

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