Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 989 thinking differently

Gu Qingzhou dare not sleep deeply.

At night, I was confused. I heard the wind bell ring again. I think it was windy.

She really hates this wind chime. It was sent by Mrs. Hirano before. It was damaged by Gaoqiao. Now it's added by Cai Changting.

She sat up and there seemed to be a black shadow passing through the window.

Push open the door and turn on the electric light in the corridor. It's found that the wind is blowing. The wind bell is ringing.

Gu Qingzhou has tried enough, not enough.

She went back to the house without turning off the lights in the corridor.

Orange lights, on the glass window, in front of the bed to look after the boat.

She was a little steadfast in her heart and fell asleep slowly. After two hours' sleep, it was dawn.

Gu Qingzhou combs and goes to Ye Wu's side for breakfast.

Ye Wu is still on winter vacation. She is too lazy to get up until noon.

Seeing Gu's boat coming, ye Wu wakes up and stretches out her head to ask her, "is it cold outside?"

Gu Qingzhou rubbed his hands straight. After a short period of time, his cheeks were cold and his hands and feet were unconscious.

"It's very cold." Gu Qingzhou said, "usually it's very cold in the morning, and the sunshine in the morning is better."

"Then I won't get up." Leaf charm is satisfied to shrink again to quilt.

Gu Qingzhou yawned.

Leaf Charm asks her: "teacher, do you want to go back to sleep?"

Gu Qingzhou is not hungry, but a little sleepy.

Taking off her coat, she got into Ye Wu's quilt. At first, she talked. Later, when ye Wu said that, Gu Qingzhou made a sound of even breathing.

She slept soundly.

When they wake up again, the sunlight spreads all over the room, the sky outside the glass window is blue, like washed, cloudless.

Gu Qingzhou stretches his back and wakes up Ye Wu.

They got up, had a meal and took a walk along the path.

"... Park Hang is not only a traitor of the Kang family, but also a royalist." Gu Qingzhou tells Ye Wu.

"I'm not too surprised," said Ye


"In the past, our school did a survey. The richer the people, the more they wanted to restore the monarchy. On the contrary, the poor at the middle and lower levels wanted democracy." "Rich people don't need freedom and equality, they need to maintain their own superiority, and at the same time lower others to the dust," ye said

"Is it?"

"Teacher, you live in Yuecheng, where the ideological trend is stronger than that of Taiyuan. I'm not surprised that Piao joined the royalists. " Ye Wu said.

Gu Qingzhou thinks a little.

After a walk, the two returned to Ye Wu's yard.

Ye Shan has been here for a long time.

"Canoe, you moved back?" Ye Shan asked with a smile, "is commander in chief gone?"

Gu Qingzhou nodded, "I just came back to stay for a few days. I have something to talk about with Mrs. Hirano."

Ye Shan said, "just stay here, and we can get together."

Then, ye Shan said to Ye Wu, "Uncle Kang is out of hospital today. I sent someone to give him a gift. In the afternoon, we will visit him."

This is the basic etiquette.

As Mrs. Si, Gu gave a present to Kang's family, and then planned to go with Ye Wu.

Three people went to the Kang family.

Already received a phone call, at the door to meet them, is Kangyu and kangnuan brother and sister.

Kangyu's expression is OK. Kangnuan looks unhappy.

"A few days ago, we came to have our first year's feast. It was so sad when it was warm. Teacher, you go back to my second sister first. I want to talk to warm." Ye Wudao.

Gu Qingzhou whispered a good word and went to see Kang Nuan.

Kang Nuan has been in a low mood for some days, not because of something at home.

Kang Yu then opened his mouth and said to them, "go to our side and sit down. Now all three heads of our house treat guests separately."

"What's the matter?" Asked Ye Shan.

Why not go to my aunt.

Even if I can't see my uncle, I can see my aunt Kangzhi, and say a few words of comfort. Greetings are meaningful.

"My uncle is in a bad mood. He's making a lot of noise. I'd better not go." Kang Yu Road.

Gu Qingzhou knows it.

Park Hang's account book has been lost for several days. He is also looking for it, but now something happened. He must know that someone started it on purpose.

The Kang family asked for his two legs. He was afraid of despair. If a broken jar breaks, it's hard to hear.

It's bad for the reputation of the Kang family that the guests come to the door and let them hear those ugly words again.

"Well, we won't go." Ye Wudao.

They went to room two.

The second master and the second wife entertained them.

Gu Qingzhou found that although the second master had a correct expression, he could not help laughing.

It seems that the second master is overjoyed and unable to control himself in case of an accident.

Maybe, he will feel that it's time for him to take charge.

How could his sister, Kangzhi, be in charge of business without her husband's help?

I sat down a little. A maid came in.

She said to the second master and the second wife, "my aunt heard that Mrs. Si is coming. She wants to ask Mrs. Si to talk."

Gu Qingzhou stands up.

The second wife asked, "do you want me to accompany you?"

The maid said, "second lady, please help my aunt to entertain Miss Ye's family. My aunt has said again and again that she is neglecting."

That is to say, my aunt Kangzhi only wants to see Gu Qingzhou. I'm afraid that she will be told something important.

Gu Qingzhou said: "then I will go first. If it's late, go home first, and I'll go back later. "

Ye Wu and ye Shan say good things.

When I saw Kangzhi, her face was tired and her fundus was silted up. I didn't sleep well for a long time.

When she saw Gu Qingzhou, she waved to her.

"... I want to know what's going on." Kangzhi's voice was hoarse, but he was not angry. He just asked the reason.

Gu tells the truth.

Park Hang's uncle and cousin, who have been working in Taiyuan, secretly helped Park Hang empty out the money of Kang's family, but blamed Kang's family.

In addition to Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu, Park Hang estimated that he had not caused trouble to Kang's family in other aspects.

Then, Gu got the iron certificate, which is the account book.

"I always told my mother that Park Hang was a wolf, but my mother loved him and treated him as a son. After all these years, we have relaxed our vigilance against him. " Kang Zhi Dao.

She sighed again.

Gu Qingzhou said: "I have thought about whether to tell you directly..."

"I understand your concerns." Kang Zhi Dao.

She was unable to sit alone, silent for a long time, and asked, "he has a woman outside, do you know who it is?"

Gu Qingzhou was slightly surprised.

She didn't expect that.

"Can I help you with that?" "I don't know yet," Gu asked

"No." Kangzhi waved.

She was silent for a long time before she said, "Miss Gu, I'm not strong enough to neglect you today..."

I'm not strong enough to entertain or be polite.

Gu Qingzhou thinks it's hard for her to hold on to this.

Therefore, he took care of the boat and rose up.

"I'll go back first, aunt. If you have any questions, send someone to ask me directly." Gu Qingzhou road.

Kangzhi yelled for the servant, and let Gu take care of the boat and prepare the car.

Gu went straight away.

When she left, ye Wu and ye Shan had not left yet.

Back to the gate of the residence of the fourth brother of pingye, I met Cai Changting again.

Cai Changting hurried out of the door and saw that Gu Qingzhou didn't stop to say hello.

He just nodded a little and passed Gu Qingzhou.

"What's the matter?" Gu Qingzhou guesses.

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