Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 990 secret telegrams

Cai Changting went out in a hurry, but came back in a good mood.

Gu Qingzhou has dinner in front of Mrs. Hirano, and Shiro Hirano is in the camp. They eat soundlessly, only chopsticks touch the porcelain plate slightly.

After dinner, Mrs. pingye and Gu Qingzhou chat. This is when Cai Changting comes back.

After calculating the time, he went out for exactly three hours.

"Madam, you have picked the plum blossom." He was kind to Hirano.

Soon, a servant brought in two big plum bottles and inserted two fresh and colorful wintersweet.

Plum branches are cut artistically, sparse and reclining, each with its own style.

Light plum fragrance, wandering in the room.

"I've also sent you the light boat, but it's just a small bottle. It's on the table." Caichangting road.

Gu Qingzhou asked, "you are going to pick plum blossom when you go out so late?"

Mrs. Hirano stood up, gently around the plum vase, picked the twigs and took them to the palm to play.

The plum branch is tan, and the palm of her hand is as white as jade. The color is striking against each other. The red plum that embellishes on the plum branch is even more gorgeous, and it looks like blood.

Mrs. pingye raised her eyes and answered Gu Qingzhou's words for Cai Changting: "I told him to go."

Both of them are in a good mood.

Gu Qingzhou's expression is calm and quiet.

Always feel like they've done something.

However, she couldn't guess for a moment what was the matter and what was the relationship with Gu Qingzhou.

"The flowers are good." "Mrs. pingye is satisfied with CAI Changting's way," Changting handles affairs in a clear and decisive manner. "

Cai Changting thanks.

Later, Mrs. Hirano yawned as she said that the plum blossom was very good and that she could draw tomorrow.

Gu Qingzhou got up and left.

Cai Changting still sent her.

On the way, Cai Changting tells a story about Lamei and Gu Qingzhou.

"My wintersweet was picked from Chengxu Temple beside Sanqing temple outside the city. Do you know the allusion?" Cai Changting asked her.

Gu Qingzhou said, "I haven't heard of the view of taking advantage of emptiness."

"... there is a plum forest in Chengxu temple. It doesn't bloom in winter. It has to wait until around the 10th day of the first month before the garden is fully opened overnight." Caichangting road.

Gu asked: "is the special underground temperature over there causing the delay of flower blooming?"

Cai Changting was stupefied, and then laughed: "light boat, you are not romantic. I have said that there are allusions. You must be so pale and bright. "

Many beautiful legends, in the face of science to shed the gorgeous robe, showing the plain original appearance, will be greatly disappointed.

Gu Qingzhou put his hand in his coat pocket and said, "go on, I will not interrupt."

Cai Changting took the above words as expected.

He told Gu about the story.

The allusion is very vulgar, that is, between men and women, men failed women, women cursed Meiyuan. On the 10th day of the first month of each year, when she died, the ghost came out crying for blood, so the plum blossoms in the garden were blooming, cherry red like blood.

Cai Changting and Xu Daolai have a beautiful voice.

Gu Qingzhou finished listening and didn't say anything.

Cai Changting then asked her, "if your husband also breaks his vows and looks for a new girl, will you be like that woman, rather than be jade broken?"

"No," Gu said


"My husband will not betray the oath." She said.

Cai Changting: "..."

"Changting, you are cruel and vicious. How can you believe this allusion? That is, the storyteller, I'm sorry to mention this kind of vulgar bridge. " Gu Qingzhou said again.

Cai Changting smiled and finally said, "do you think I'm cruel?"

"Aren't you?"

"I'm not, but I'm honored to have you say that." Cai Changting said, "light boat, love is beautiful, and any vulgar story has its beauty."

"You tell this story. It's very penetrating. How beautiful is it?" Gu Qingzhou asked him.

Does he like this kind of abnormal love?

When it comes to love, Gu Qingzhou thinks of ahuan.

Has Cai Changting ever had love for ah fan? Gu Qingzhou can't judge. Cai Changting is a fan. He doesn't get vulgar all over.

Even if he said that no matter how vulgar the story was, it was also with an extraordinary artistic conception. Gu Qingzhou was a little jealous to belittle him.

Soon arrived at the gate of Gu Qingzhou's yard.

Gu Qingzhou looks at the gate of the Commons subconsciously.

I saw it when I went out in the morning. There were no flowers on the gate, but she thought more.

Now, no more.

Cai Changting's words today are so unintelligible that Gu Qingzhou can't understand them.

She watched the change.

When she entered the door, Cai Changting kept sending her to the steps, and suddenly said, "it's so nice."

"Which is better?"

"I can send you back. It's been a long time. It's good." Caichangting road.

Go to see him in the light boat.

He is exquisite to the extreme eyes, there is a kind of pride that will be achieved, but only for a moment.

The eyes are very complicated. People who are not very familiar with them are hard to catch accurate information.

Cai Changting's eyes were puzzled by Gu Qingzhou. When she saw the past again, his smile was clean and flawless. He looked like a good and gentle brother.

Take care of the boat.

"Thank you very much." Gu Qingzhou road.

"I'd love to." Cai Changting said, "canoe, we can't do without you. I'm willing to do anything for you."


GU chuckled: "it's easy to be disappointed if we put our hopes on others. Changting, I know you will never be alone with me, and you will never be separated from me. "

By the time she spoke, she had gone up the steps.

Cai Changting retreated a step, so he raised his face slightly to see her face.

"It's hard to get your trust." Cai Changting seems to summarize.

Gu Qingzhou is not sure.

She didn't say anything more, just said good night and went back to her room.

After going back, I think about CAI Changting's words carefully, and I always feel that he is misleading her, misleading her thinking away from his purpose.

What the hell is it?

Gu Qingzhou thought that Mrs. Hirano had just admitted her identity. It's public recognition, not specious ambiguity, so they definitely need to get something.

"What's the secret behind it?" Gu Qingzhou became more curious.

She thought for a long time, but she didn't think out.

The next morning, Gu Qingzhou went to see ye Wu as usual, and then mingled with her.

At noon, governor ye went home and took a telegram to Gu Qingzhou.

"It was sent by the secretary." Ye dujun said.

The telegram sent by Si Xingfu uses a password, which is in the safe in his yard.

"I'll go back first," Gu said

Back home, er Bao is not there. I went to the Kang's house to accompany Kang Han. I heard that I lived in the Kang's house.

The servants and adjutants guarded the court.

Gu Qingzhou went upstairs, found the codebook and began to decipher the message of Si Xingfu.

The message is short.

After watching the boat, Gu frowned a little and thought, "is this the plot of Mrs. pingye and Cai Changting? Is their purpose merely to separate me from the manager? "

She doesn't feel like much again.

Gu Qingzhou pondered for a moment, read the message repeatedly, and then went to governor Ye.

"Inspector, please return two telegrams for me." Gu Qingzhou sent a telegram to governor Ye.

On the face of it, Gu wrote five simple words: "bring me people."

And the other is the password.

The password is much more complicated. It's a long mess. Governor ye can't understand it, so he nodded.

At the same time, he asked, "who was caught?"

"You will soon know." Gu Qingzhou road.

After that, she smiled mysteriously, which made governor Ye frown.

At dusk, when governor Ye finished his administration, he received a telegram from the secretary.

There are also secret information exchanges between him and Si Xingfu, so they also have a codebook.

Si Xingfu wrote a telegram to him with a password. The matter was very serious. Governor Ye immediately went to check it.

Finding out the telegram and reading the contents, governor Ye wanted to scold his mother.

Just in time, Gu Qingzhou is still at Ye Wu's side.

Governor ye sent for Gu Qingzhou and asked her, "is that your idea? Are you two bold enough not to take my life seriously? "

"Inspector, there will be no danger. You can rest assured." Gu Qingzhou road.

Governor Ye just wanted to spit at her.

It's about to be fired. How can it be safe?

"Tell me honestly, who are you going to bring with you? Make it clear, or I won't cooperate with you. You can play by yourself. " Ye dujun was cruel.

Gu Qingzhou is in a dilemma.

So he stood up and called for the adjutant to see off the guests.

Gu Qingzhou said, "Inspector, we are asking you to do a little work."

"You're busy." Ye dujun said.

Gu couldn't help but tell him the truth.

Ye thought they were making a fuss, even putting the cart before the horse. Since I have caught the man in my hand, I can only interrogate him with severe punishment. Why do I have to mix in inspector ye?

The danger of doing so may be outweighed.

"Governor, please do me a favor." Gu Qingzhou road.

Governor ye asked to take care of the boat, and his own body depended on the medicine of taking care of the boat.

Gu Qingzhou also said that his illness was not overnight, and his medication was long-term. He had to ask Gu for a long time.

He couldn't help it, and said, "OK, you can tell me how to prepare."

Gu Qingzhou smiles and tells ye dujun about the plan one by one. At the same time, she also tells him that it's not her idea, but that it's his.

They said for a moment, and Gu went back.

Back to the residence of Mr. Hirano, Gu Qingzhou connected all the things before and after. He always thought of his shortcomings.

There must be some shortcomings - in some place, in some link.

However, she thought about what she should think about. What is the lack of?

"Si Xingfu, if you come back, I can discuss with you." Gu Qingzhou sighs.

The problem bothered her so much that she stayed up all night.

In a flash, after four or five days, it's the Lantern Festival.

The Lantern Festival was very busy that night, but Gu Qingzhou went to bed early.

On the evening of the 16th day of the first month, Gu received a call.

The phone is from the dog.

"Come back soon, madam. The teacher has come back with a man! " The dog's voice was tense, and he was full of hate for the people he brought back.

All the servants in the family call Si Xingfu their teacher's seat, and the dog is kind. Only in his mind, he is the servant of his wife, not the teacher.

Therefore, he is obliged to inform his wife.

Gu Qingzhou

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