Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 991 who is jealous

Gu Qingzhou walked in a hurry, as if in a hurry.

When the servants knew it, they reported to Mrs. Chua Changting and Mrs. Hirano.

Cai Changting is wiping an officer's long knife. He is very focused. His eyes are on the knife. It's brighter and more efficient than the bright one.

He didn't lift his eyes, just a light way: "I know, go down and busy."

The servant said yes.

Mrs. pingye's attitude is almost the same as that of CAI Changting. She doesn't take it seriously.

But ye Wu sent for Gu Qingzhou to have dinner. Hearing that Gu Qingzhou was in a hurry to go home, she asked, "is something wrong?"

"It's like a big deal to look after the young lady." The maid said.

Ye Wu's heart thumped.

She was restless and could not eat any more. She went to talk to her second sister.

Ye Shan said, "since you are worried, just go and have a look."

"Will it cause trouble to the teacher? If Si Xingfu comes back and they quarrel, aren't we embarrassed to go? " Ye asked.

Ye Wu thinks about taking care of the boat everywhere.

Ye Shan didn't think so much: "if it's true, what's the matter? Do you want to go? "

If ye Wu doesn't know, she may not be able to sleep tonight, so she nods.

The two sisters did not go out at night many times, so the staff sent two adjutants to follow.

When we arrived at the courtyard of Si Xingfu, we could see the bright lights in the living room.

The gate of the courtyard was not closed, nor was it closed tightly.

Leaf charm does not knock on the door, entered directly, then saw the situation in the room clearly.

Gu Qingzhou sat in the sofa, cold all over, frost on his face; Si Xingfu sat opposite her, not talking, just relaxed.

This is not the point. The point is that ye Wu sees a woman.

There was a woman standing next to sixianfu.

Under the bright light of the crystal lamp, you can only see the women's low eyebrows and eyes, as well as the long hair like a waterfall. Women are slim and slim, with beautiful silhouettes.

"Have you had a meal, sir, boat?" Ye Shan also came in, laughing.

Three people go by the prestige together.

Ye Wu and ye Shan take a breath of cool air at the same time: a beautiful woman.

Beside Si Xingfu, there is a beautiful woman with fine porcelain like skin. She is indescribable and delicate. She has long and thin willow eyebrows, eyes full of autumn water, and a thin lip under her slightly raised nose.

The facial features are amazing, and the combination is even more extraordinary.

"No wonder the teacher is angry!" Ye Wu and ye Shan thought at the same time.

The two of them were stunned for a moment. They seemed a little guilty when they looked at Gu, because they both thought the woman was more beautiful than Gu.

"Why are you here?" Gu Qingzhou asked, although there was no smile in his voice, he was calm and gentle.


Ye Wu and ye Shan don't know how to answer.

Who could have imagined such a situation?

Gu Qingzhou seemed to notice, and said to Si Xingfu, "first, you can arrange people to stay. I'll take them home, so as not to think about it too much."

The body of Si Xingqi is at will, and his expression is not salty. He asked, "come back in the evening?"

"I don't expect to come back." Gu said.

Ye Wu and ye Shan dare not go out.

"Then I'll go to you," said the secretary

"You'd better not come, too." Gu said.

Then she left the yard with Ye Wu and ye Shan.

As soon as they left, ruby was able to breathe at last. She raised her eyes, which was a little astringent: "master, I'll leave tonight, otherwise my wife won't be worried."

"You can live first." "My wife didn't care," said the secretary

Then he called for the servant.

Sister Xin, the maid, came out.

"Sir, isn't there an inn outside? Since it's a friend, let's arrange it in the inn? " Sister-in-law Xin asked the secretary.

Ruby was surprised to see sister Xin.

How dare a maid speak to her master like this?

However, it's also good. The more hostility others have towards her, the better. She's used to it.

"There are many rooms at home, please make arrangements." His tone was casual, and he didn't feel that the servant was disrespectful to him.

Sister-in-law Xin worried: "teacher seat..."

Si Xingfu has gone upstairs.

Gu Qingzhou sends Ye's sister back. On the way, she doesn't open her mouth, neither does Ye Wu and ye Shan. They sit in silence.

When he got to the gate of governor ye, Gu got out of the car first.

"Teacher." Leaf Charm walked behind, finally unbearable, whispered, "teacher, this is not a difficult thing, you tell division division division seat, if he has to marry his aunt, you divorce him."

After all, her heart was sour.

Think of that woman's beautiful, see her clever appearance again, Leaf Charm heart is blocked flustered.

Women are born with a sense of crisis, whether they are married or not.

From the tragic situation of Gu Qingzhou, I think of myself. This thought seems to be too jumping off, but it is quite reasonable. Therefore, ye Wu's eyes are full of tears.

Gu chuckled and said, "what's the matter? It's going to divorce."

Ye Shan cleared her throat, and the long silence made her unable to speak fluently: "light, light boat, what's going on?"

"Si xingxu met a girl in Pingcheng. She was given a gift by others. She was very beautiful. She asked me how to deal with it. I said, take it to Taiyuan mansion and show it to me. It's really beautiful. " Gu Qingzhou road.

Ye Wu and ye Shan are both stunned.

"... how to deal with it?" Asked Ye Shan.

"How can we deal with it? Naturally, we should deal with it well." Gu chuckled.

Ye Wu saw her talking and laughing, but she was not as smart as before, knowing that she was forced to smile.

Now what?

Let Gu Qingzhou test his feelings? Whatever the outcome, it's not going to be satisfying, is it?

"Light boat, this kind of foxy son, shot dead!" Ye Shan said, "if you can't do it, I'll help you!"

Gu couldn't help laughing and said, "are you a bandit?"


"I have something else to do. Let's go first. You all go back to sleep." Gu Qingzhou strides forward, leaving Ye Shan and her sisters behind.

Ye Shan starts to kill and is stopped by Ye Wu.

It's not proper to kill like this.

Gu Qingzhou's jealousy, ye Wu and ye Shan can not judge, because Gu Qingzhou is not an ordinary person.

It's nothing to do with Ye Wu and ye Shan, but the woman is so beautiful. They don't know whether they are jealous of her or worried about meeting such a person in their future marriage. They eat a stomach of inexplicable vinegar first.

The taste of jealousy was so bitter that the two young ladies of the army valve all had the idea of killing people and setting fire.

Gu Qingzhou walked slowly to Cai Changting.

Last year, I studied Japanese with CAI Changting and often came here. At that time, ah fan was still there.

Gu Qingzhou knocks on the door.

Cai Changting was just after taking a bath. He was wearing a bathrobe. He sat on the Kang and looked at the information. His expression was twisted into a ball.

The house is very warm with the dragon, and the Kang is even warmer.

Cai Changting's skirt was half draped. Gu Qingzhou saw the scars on his chest, and his expression was slightly restrained.

"Canoe?" Cai Changting immediately tied up his clothes.

He even has a black bathrobe.

"Yes?" He asked.

Gu Qingzhou said: "some words want to ask you, not three or two words can finish, do you want to change clothes first?"

Cai Changting asked her to wait.

But in a moment, he changed his clothes and sat on the Kang opposite her.

He sat cross legged and asked her, "what's the matter, please?"

"A woman came to Si Xingfu. It was a gift from the mayor of Pingcheng. Did you arrange it?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

Cai Changting looks at her.

Gu Qingzhou's expression was very calm and calm. The quieter it is, the more intense is the inner mood?

"I'm not the mayor of Pingcheng," he said

"I think it's like your pen. I want to create a gap between us." Gu Qingzhou road.

Cai Changting laughed.

When he took a bath, his hair was still half dry, so there was a wisp of it hanging on his forehead, which made his handsome face more beautiful.

He laughed and said, "you always speculate about us with the greatest malice, don't you?"

Then he said, "since it's someone else who gave it to him, he can either refuse it or put it at home as a servant, but he just takes it with him. Have you thought about the reason?"

Gu Qingzhou opens his eyes.

The anger in her eyes seemed to break out in a flash, so she raised her hand and wanted to hit Cai Changting.

Cai Changting pinched her wrist.

Her wrists are thin, cold, and her open fingers are like green onions, while the palms of her hands have already been pinched with crescent shaped marks, and even sweat.

Cai Changting's voice is more gentle: "light boat, things are changeable, don't be angry with me, OK? It's not my people, it's not what I do, I promise. "

Gu Qingzhou pulls back his hand.

Her palms, her uncontrollable anger at that moment, all showed her real emotions.

She stood up.

Cai Changting stood behind her and said, "canoe, this world can't live without you, as long as I... We."

When he said "we", he paused for a moment to let Gu Qingzhou feel that he was going to say something shocking.

Gu Qingzhou is about to leave.

Cai Changting didn't stop her.

He followed her out and stood at the door to see her. Her steps were steady, and there was no sign of it, but her hands were tight in her sleeves.

Cai Changting's eyes are bright and bright, like the stars in the sky, enough to shine on the dark night.

Gu went back to his yard.

As soon as she sat down, she told the servant, "all out, and no one is allowed to stay here."

The servant didn't understand, but all the way was, he left.

Gu Qingzhou poured himself a cup of hot tea.

Cai Changting stood at the door for a long time before returning to the house and poured himself a cup of hot tea.

There was a dark shadow standing quietly at the door, whispering a few words of Japanese to him, which means that Si xingchu entered the yard of Gu Qingzhou.

"Step back, no more surveillance." Cai Changting took a sip of tea, and the fragrance of tea came from his throat to his heart. He was warm all over.

Many times, he admired the wisdom of Gu Qingzhou, so against her, Cai Changting would not only make preparations.

He has his own strategy.

This time, he took the initiative.

As long as he can succeed this time, the most beautiful one of his dreams will come true silently in the future.

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