Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 992 a new way of beautifying

Gu Qingzhou turns on the light in the corridor, but turns off the one lying in, and does not draw the curtains.

She leaned in the shadow of the pillar at the gate, listening to the wind bells rustling, thinking a lot.

She thought of CAI Changting and Mrs. hepingye, especially Cai Changting.

"What's wrong?" Gu asked himself.

The problem bothered her.

She combed everything out and decided to act. She got the first-hand information, but she still didn't understand what was wrong.

Someone was behind her, covering her lips tightly.

His palms were hot, his breath was hot, and he whispered, "loot - loot!"

Gu Qingzhou hit him on the back of the hand.

She thought the question was too absorbed. She didn't know when sixingxu would come.

She took his hand and went into the room.

As soon as he came in, Gu Qingzhou drew the curtains, leaving only a small gap for the corridor lights to shine in.

They are in the dark and the yard is in the open to prevent the walls from having ears.

Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu stand at the back of the cabinet and depend on each other.

"It was made by Cai Changting." Gu Qingzhou road.

"Are you sure?" Si Xingfu's expression was slightly restrained, and his strength was also slightly tightened

"Well. He asked me why you can't leave that woman behind. So he knows why. That's his plan. " Gu Qingzhou road.

He was silent for a moment.

He is close to the cheek of Gu Qingzhou. His mind is a little empty, and Gu Qingzhou is also thinking.

After a long time, Si Xingfu returned to his mind and said, "then follow the original plan?"

"Good." Gu Qingzhou road.

"You go back first. We'll meet tomorrow, and then we'll talk about it carefully."

Si Xingfu was not in the mood to be intimate with her either. He felt a little heavy in his heart.

Gu Qingzhou touched his face and whispered: "Si Xingfu, I'm sorry..."

Si Xingfu bowed his head and kissed her on the brow and heart, saying: "this matter has nothing to do with you, Qingzhou. I'll see you tomorrow afternoon. It should be about the same time? "

"Almost." Gu Qingzhou road.

Si Xingfu left in the dark.

As soon as he left, Gu connected the ideas before and after, but still felt that there was a place he didn't touch.

She didn't want to think more.

"I need to be energetic." She told herself so and forced herself to sleep.

Gu Qingzhou slept very shallow.

When they got up early, ye Wu and ye Shan came with the delicious food of the governor's mansion.

Gu Qingzhou thinks too much about the problem, which leads to Ye Wu and ye Shan thinking that she is too sad.

"Canoe, I have never seen a woman more powerful than you. In terms of strategy and prestige, you are no worse than the manager. Why are you so angry? " Ye Shandao.

Gu Qingzhou raised his eyes, and saw that the two sisters were full of melancholy and tired faces. I don't think they slept well last night.

She couldn't bear it, so she said to them, "go to ah Wu's side, and we'll close the door and talk."

The food was taken.

To Ye Wu's yard, Gu Qingzhou first filled himself with rice porridge.

She gave Ye Wu and ye shansheng again, and said to them, "eat something."

"Teacher..." Ye Wu hesitated and considered the words.

Gu Qingzhou interrupted her: "ah Wu, do you know my mother-in-law's name?"

Leaf charming slightly Leng.

Of course, they don't know. His mother has been dead for many years. Let alone them, how many people know Yuecheng?

"My mother-in-law's name is Hongyu. Her father is a down-to-earth scholar. All her life's hope lies in this daughter. If she didn't fall in love with the supervisor and stay to marry him and give up the chance to study abroad, she would have made great achievements now." Gu Qingzhou road.

Ye Wu and ye Shan don't quite understand. Well, why do they talk about Si xingxu's mother?

"... the woman that Si Xingfu brought here, her name is ruby, and her appearance is 60% similar to that of his mother." Gu Qingzhou road.

Ye Wu and ye Shan were shocked and opened their mouths, but they did not close for a while.

Gu Qingzhou said: "this woman was given by the mayor to Si Xingfu. If she stays in Pingcheng's official residence, then Zhu Sao, the loyal servant of Si Xingfu's mother, will probably be used by this woman.

If I drive her away, I will tear my face with the mayor. Si Xingfu was just in the process of employing people. The mayor was probably framed by others. I don't know the depth. Si Xingfu can't teach him for the time being.

So he took her with him and sent her to Taiyuan, far away from the whirlpool in the south of the Yangtze River, to save his face and maintain the stability of Pingcheng regime. "

Gu added that Mrs. Zhu is the most trusted housekeeper of Si Xingfu. She has been helping him with the housework. His life is very comfortable and comfortable, and she is able to preside over it.

Once sister-in-law Zhu is broken, it's a small matter for her to fall behind the rear. Sister-in-law Zhu can't live long enough, let alone enjoy her old age. This is what the Secretary can't stand.

His elder generation, now the closest is sister Zhu.

"Si Xingfu was deeply impressed by his mother, although he was still young when his mother died. There are pictures of his mother at home, as well as portraits and sculptures that Zhu and his grandparents recalled together.

The name of the ruby is like the mother of Si Xingfu, and the appearance is also like it. Si Xingfu can't have the love of men and women towards her, so I'm not jealous or worried. " Gu Qingzhou road.

When ye Wu and ye Shan heard this, the fire in their hearts slowly died out.

I don't know about other aspects. For example, the mother of Si Xingfu is probably the best shelter.

"Who did it?" Ye asked.

"I'm investigating," Gu said. What's more, I make a heartbreaking appearance, which is for people to see. No one else was scared. You two were scared to death first. "

Ye Wu is embarrassed to smile.

Ye Shan also said, "aren't we worried about you?"

Gu Qingzhou said, "can I not understand? Well, don't worry about it now. Eat quickly. "

She pushed the small dish forward a few minutes, let Ye Shan and ye Wu hurry a little.

Ye Shan was thinking about it while eating. Suddenly she said, "no, boat!"

Gu Qingzhou slowly scooped rice porridge with a silver spoon and asked, "what's wrong?"

"There are so many beauties in the world. Why do you use a person who looks like his mother? Knowing that Si Xingfu can't give birth to affection towards her, is he not busy for nothing? " Ye Shan reminds her.

Thinking of this, ye Shan thinks that things are not simple, and her brain is a little bit unable to turn around.

Gu Qingzhou said with a smile, "why do you want Si Xingfu to be passionate about her? Do you think Si Xingfu can accept a beautiful woman at will? If you want to be accepted by the company, you need to find a new way.

Like his mother, he will surely be dazed at first sight, thus losing the opportunity of rejection; he will also consider whether such a person like his mother, left outside, has an impact on him, so he accepted first.

As long as this woman succeeds in getting to the side of Si Xingfu, it's the nail in the middle of our couple.

The tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop. Si Xingfu and I trust each other, but who can stand the trouble caused by an inner ghost? After a long time, the two of us have separated from each other, and other people's goals have been achieved. "

Ye Shan listened, only feeling cold on her back.

If it's Ye Shan, I'm afraid that she will not have such a cool head for a while to think about so many problems.

She's going to fight first.

Once it happened, it was a complete failure. Fortunately, it was Gu Qingzhou who faced it.

Sometimes it's terrible to take care of a light boat.

How many women can be so calm and rational in their love and marriage? What does she depend on?

"So, people didn't want to give that woman to Si Xingfu as an aunt. The purpose behind that is to make a gap between you two?" Ye Wu finally understood.

Gu Qingzhou nods.

That's the reason.

"Is there a way out?" "If you want to achieve this goal, you will not be stable without hind moves," ye asked

That's right.

People are crammed in. There must be some tricks behind. Otherwise, what's the purpose of taking care of the light boat?

"The latter is easy to think of." Gu Qingzhou road.

Ye Wu and ye Shan adore and look at her.

How do you want it?

Anyway, they were both unexpected.

"... if it was me, I would arrange to be assassinated in full view of the public, and then Ruby would come forward to save me.

From then on, she was the benefactor of Si Xingfu and I. she made up a tragic and extraordinary life story for her, so that everyone could know that she would not live without us.

Her kindness to me, coupled with her poor background and her mother who looks like Si Xingfu, is our only choice to keep her by our side for whatever purpose.

In this way, if we want to kill her and send her away, we will all be attacked by public opinion and even be held accountable by the law. " Gu Qingzhou road.

Ye Wu stands up suddenly.

She pulled Gu's arm and said, "teacher, this plan is vicious. They will definitely do this. You should not go anywhere these days!"

On second thought, he thought it was wrong and said, "let that woman not go out!"

"That's my guess. People don't necessarily use it." Gu chuckled and let Ye Wu sit down.

But ye Wu was worried.

Gu Qingzhou told her, "ah Wu, don't be afraid of bad things. The more scared you are, the more it will happen. "

Ye Wu sits back and takes a deep breath.

At last, she calmed down a little and made herself sane.

"Teacher, what are you going to do?" Ye asked.

"It's better to start first." Gu chuckled, "Si Xingfu wants to get a secret, so we need this ruby."

"What secret?"

"Ah Wu, I can't tell you that this is the matter of Si Xingfu. If it was my own, I would have said nothing. " Gu Qingzhou road.

People are arranged by Cai Changting. Then Mrs. pingye must have met her mother. She wants to get a secret from her husband's population, but she doesn't want to be coerced by Mrs. pingye. So she has to devise a plan to coerce her first.

"No, no, I'm just asking you what you want to find out," said Ye

Gu Qingzhou makes a sound.

As the saying goes, the mood of Ye Wu and ye Shan's sister suddenly brightens, and they begin to eat, although the rice porridge is a little cold.

Ye Shan also smiled and said, "I know that nothing can be counted in front of you two."

Gu chuckled.

"... it's good if you don't count others. You can still be counted?" Ye Shan said again.

Ye Wu felt that her second sister could not hold back her words, so she quickly winked at her.

I didn't think about it, but Gu Qingzhou didn't get angry. Instead, he smiled and said, "if other people have you so thorough, we won't have any trouble."


Ye Wu and ye Shan

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