Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 996 letter from the Secretary's wife

Gu Qingzhou succeeded.

She often felt guilty. She knew that Cai Jingshu, the current Secretary's wife, was suspected of murdering his mother. But at that time, in order to revenge and stand firm in Yuecheng, those letters were sent to Sima and his wife.

Of course, there are no big secrets to those letters.

However, there must be letters in the back. Otherwise, Cai Jingshu would not be intimidated by Gu Qingzhou.

When she falls in love with Si Xingfu, she should tell him as soon as possible.

Ruby appeared. Gu Qingzhou said "I'm sorry" to Si Xingfu twice. Si Xingfu hugs her and repeatedly says it's not related to her.

Gu Qingzhou didn't believe it. She didn't doubt Mrs. Hirano. She thought it was the secret of the sun family. After all, Cai Jingshu was introduced to the supervisor by the sun family's old man.

It was not until the ruby appeared that Gu Qingzhou realized that he had missed.

Mrs. Hirano has seen sixingfu's mother. She has been controlling the sun's family. Those letters must be in her hands.

She will force Mrs. Hirano to take it out.

There will be no good result if we go to ask Mrs. Hirano. She will surely make the best of Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu and drain all their value.

Only persecution.

Now it seems that Gu succeeded.

As soon as the ruby died, Mrs. Hirano would certainly come to ask for help.

Ye stood up and said, "I can't sleep tonight. You two, also appropriate stop stop stop stop stop, don't toss in Taiyuan. When you didn't come, there wasn't so much going on in Taiyuan. "

"At that time, it was just in the dark, you don't know." Si Xingfu is determined.

For a while, governor ye could not refute.

It's true that there is filth everywhere, and Taiyuan mansion is also secular, which can't be excepted.

"Inspector ye, go and have a look." Gu Qingzhou urges him.

Governor ye took his hat and gun and went out.

As soon as he left, another car drove into the street and passed inspector Ye's car.

It's Mrs. Hirano.

Mrs. Hirano also saw it, and her heart was more clear: this matter needs her to finish in person.

She stopped the car and rang the doorbell herself.

Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu are drinking coffee in the living room, waiting for the arrival of Mrs. Hirano.

"Madam, how come you are so late?" Si Xingfu had a smile on his face. He looked very gentlemanly and very affectable.

He is clearly a soldier ruffian. Once he pretends to be a gentleman, his whole words and deeds are satirical to Mrs. Hirano.

Mrs. Hirano asked for help, but she didn't understand. She sat down and said, "I came to you specially."

Glanced at Gu Qingzhou and found that Gu Qingzhou was also looking at her. In the luxuriant lights, Gu Qingzhou's eyebrows and eyes are particularly clear, and his eyes are especially black, which is very dark.

In this moment, she's a little spooky.

Mrs. Hirano said, "turn on a few more lights."

Si Xingfu gets up and turns on the big crystal light in the living room. The whole living room is bright, and there is no more gloomy and terrible before. She is also a normal and beautiful girl, but her eyes are very dark and full-bodied.

"Light boat, give me the confession of ruby." Mrs. Hirano said directly, "you can ask for anything you want."

Gu chuckled: "I'm sorry, madam. I've given it to governor Ye."

Mrs. Hirano sneered.

"When you gave it to governor ye, you could stir up the relationship between me and the military government. But how can you deal with Si Xingfu for the rest of your life?" Hirano man.

When they speak, they should only say to him that the leader does not exist.

Mrs. Hirano also knows the weakness of taking care of the boat.

Gu used those letters. She can explain that she didn't have the following words, and it's useless to give them to Si Xingqi. But on second thought, such an explanation is very pale.

Those letters, which can threaten the Secretary's wife, are enough to explain everything. Even if Gu Qingzhou leaves a letter to the Secretary, he is also famous.

Gu Qingzhou did not.

Although she killed her master and mistress, and though she fell out with her at that time, they will live forever.

Love has faded the color, will there not be this thorn in Si Xingfu's heart?

Of course there is!

Therefore, Gu's only choice now is not to take the opportunity to overthrow the royalist party, but to give Si Xingfu a new peace of mind and a peace of mind token for the rest of her marriage.

"... light boat, don't play with me any more. I'm here with sincerity." "Give me the confession," he said

"And the letter?" Take care of the boat.

She said that and the deal was done.

They did this together with governor Ye. Although it turned out to be a good thing, it was a fake thing, and governor Ye was not necessarily willing to tear up his face with the royalists now.

Gu's aim is not to take advantage of the royalist party.

From the beginning, she just wanted those letters, and dealt with the rubies, and didn't block herself and the manager.

She put the confession in her handbag, so she took it out.

She took it out, and Mrs. Hirano also took out a thick stack of letters.

Si xingxu has been sitting still, and his back is slightly tight at the moment.

"Here you are." Mrs. Hirano hands it to Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou took over with one hand and handed the confession of ruby to Mrs. Hirano with the other.

After reading it, Mrs. Hirano asked, "this is the only one?"

"Of course, trading is about honesty." Gu Qingzhou road.

Mrs. Hirano read the confession again.

It's really a move made by Si Xingfu. But now ruby is dead. No one can explain it clearly.

Ruby is not really a royalist. She is just a chess piece.

Mrs. Hirano stood up and said, "goodbye, I have to pick up the Changting."

She went out with a gloomy face.

The Secretary opened the letters.

With the age of the letter, the letter paper is very fragile. Thirty or forty percent of the handwriting on it is out of sight.

Even so, Si Xingfu read it carefully.

Cai Jingshu wrote a letter to the governor, saying that his mother had dragged the governor's feet, and that the governor was very upset about the marriage.

The marriage without love made the governor suffer enough.

But the governor will never divorce.

Cai Jingshu said in the letter: for you and your children, Si Yan chose to suffer and be loyal. When I dreamt back at midnight, I would rather die than put him in a dilemma.

In this case, the whole article is.

Cai Jingshu even said that Si xingxu was a boy. Even without his mother, his blood and tears would Polish him to be strong. He would even be valued and more promising by his father.

Then Cai Jingshu said that it was unwise for his grandfather to rely on his daughter for his own efforts.

Without his mother, his grandfather would have to make a career of his own.

Between the lines of CAI Jingshu's words, it suggests that as long as she is dead, she is good for everyone; if she is alive, everyone has no future.

What is the character of his mother? Gu can't guess.

The little Jasper, who has been kept in the boudoir all the year round, has seen only a limited number of dangers. Most people can't bear these vicious attacks, let alone the old-fashioned girl like his mother?

She committed suicide.

After she committed suicide, the governor and Cai Jingshu used the hand of the sun's family to make them look like they had just met, as if they were old sun matchmakers.

They knew each other before that.

Although Gu Qingzhou is very grateful for the love of her father from the governor, he can think of this past, and also deeply felt that the governor's fraternity and lack of justice.

After seeing it, he put it on top of each other and went to the balcony to smoke.

Gu Qingzhou stood beside him. He wanted to speak several times, but he didn't know where to start.

What does he do now?

He had always suspected that the governor and Cai Jingshu had forced his mother to death. He had such a guess since he was a child, and now it has been confirmed.

Will he go back and kill the superintendent?

Gu Qingzhou looks at him. The moon is bleak in the night, and the cigar smoke is clumps. He can only see his vague outline clearly.

I don't know for a long time, he seemed to return to his senses and found Gu Qingzhou standing beside him in silence for a long time.

He took off his coat and put it on her shoulder. His cloak was so large that it almost reached the foot of Gu's boat and covered her.

It's warm, but the cigar is clean, with his breath.

"... my grandfather, I don't know why he wants to help Cai Jingshu. After the sun family collapsed, Gu Guizhang burned all the sun family's things, and now he can't find any clues. " Gu Qingzhou whispered.

She always thinks that she is the granddaughter of the sun family, which is her insistence.

Her grandfather, who became an accomplice, killed his mother, and he also killed his master and mistress.

They seem to have a lot of blood feuds between them.

But today, they are deeply intertwined in each other's lives, and these blood feuds will not affect their marriage.

Think of here, Gu Qingzhou will feel that, like Si Xingfu, he is heartless, disloyal and unfilial.

"Light boat, injustice has head debt has Lord, this matter has nothing to do with Sun family." Si Xingfu finally spoke, his voice a little hoarse. "I'll go back to Nanjing."

The heart of Gu Qingzhou shrinks.

She didn't stop it. It was the chores of the Secretary's family. It was the chores that existed before the existence of the light boat. She couldn't interfere.

But her heart was shaking.

Finally, she put her arms around the waist of Si Xingfu and said in a low voice, "go early, go back early."

Si Xingfu says.

He went downstairs and gathered up, took his letter and his adjutant, and left immediately.

Gu is still standing on the balcony on the third floor, watching his car disappear at the end of the street.

A little bit, with the lights gone, disappeared in the vast night.

The phone rings downstairs.

Gu Qingzhou couldn't see the light completely, so he went downstairs to answer the phone.

The call was made by inspector Ye's aide.

"Mrs. Si, Cai Changting has already been released," said Ye's aide on the phone


"When the ruby happened, Cai Changting was wounded in his right hand in the prison. It was all blood. He had no chance to escape." The vice official said,

GU Qingzhou hung up the phone and couldn't tell his emotions.

Cai Changting will never kill ruby. He has already thought of the trap.

So he hurt himself and took himself out.

He also succeeded.

Without the confession, governor ye also knew that this was a play arranged by himself from the beginning to the end, so he and his fourth division commander got the benefit and ended up singing drums.

Cai Changting returns to pingye

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