Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 997 next time

Cai Changting is back.

The snow is not gone, but is reflected by the moon. The snow on the window lattice is white and cold.

Cai Changting sits in the dark and deals with his right hand.

When the guards in his prison were knocked unconscious, and those people threw their keys in and fled, Cai knew that his crisis was coming.

He snapped the chopsticks in front of him, thrust them into the palm of his hand, and pinned them to the wall.

At that moment, he almost fainted from the pain.

However, it's OK. He won't be stained with fishy smell any more.

He picked out the bamboo fiber in the wound little by little, tore the skin and flesh, and the blood was dripping.

He didn't light the lamp and touched it by hand, so his hands were full of blood.

His forehead has been covered with cold sweat.

"Such suffering will be returned in the future, Si Xingfu." He thought slowly.

He put today's account on Si Xingfu.

After cleaning the wound on the hand, someone knocked on the window, and then the voice rang out of the window: "Madam asked you to see him."

Speak Japanese.

Cai Changting responded to the sound, accelerated the speed and wrapped his hands.

Mrs. Hirano was drinking tea when she saw the gauze on his right hand and asked, "how is the injury?"

"Minor injury." Cai Changting's tone is understated.

"Pay attention to rest for several days, don't let the wound be infected. To go to the hospital for injection, the western medicine is very effective now, there is no need to carry it hard. "

Cai Changting listened and nodded slowly, without revealing anything.

Mrs. Hirano took a deep breath.

Those letters, which she will use in the future, are all given to Si Xingfu.

When she thought about it, she was also confused.

"How is it going?" Asked Mrs. Hirano, hoping for some good news.

"Yes, ma'am." Caichangting road.

Cai Changting never despised the light boat. The red jade was just a cover up. They wanted to move away from all the attention and energy of the light boat, and then they shifted their eyes and secretly did one thing.

Gu Qingzhou is too smart, but like ordinary women, she will deal with marriage problems wholeheartedly.

Therefore, although Gu Qingzhou suspected it, he was not too distracted.

She couldn't tell. At that time, she only wanted to help Si Xingfu do this. She was full of Si Xingfu and their love.

"That's good." Mrs. Hirano breathed a light sigh of relief. She stood up, picked one of the wintersweet, and slowly crushed it in the palm of her hand. She exclaimed, "it's a close victory. It's a tragic victory."

This victory almost lost Cai Changting and almost broke with the military government.

If it wasn't for the prison to deliver rice, if it wasn't for Cai Changting's excellent martial arts, he could stab chopsticks into the palm of his hand...


Cai Changting's escape this time was a fluke to Mrs. Hirano.

"Don't worry, madam." Caichangting road.

Mrs. Hirano murmured and sighed: "Changting, I made a wrong decision. I should have taken the boat.

She is the most like my daughter, not a fan. If I take her with me, maybe we are in the Forbidden City by now. "

Cai Changting is silent.

The feeling in his heart is complicated. In the air of blood and decay, he smelled the flowers of spring.

Gu Qingzhou is the most unique.

"... she was too young at that time, and I was worried that she would not look like me in the future." Mrs. Hirano continued, "wrong step, wrong step."

She can't sit in the chair.

In this moment, Mrs. Hirano was frustrated. She felt that she was old and could not fight with her energy, so she failed again and again.

Want to fight to win her, and Cai Changting two people conspire, just so narrowly win once.

They don't know how much role this victory will play in the future.

"Madam, it's not your fault. If there is a mistake, there is only one. " Caichangting road.

Mrs. Hirano did not respond.

Cai Changting continued: "it's Si Xingfu. He killed the boat, let the boat and we have no feelings of the beam bridge. After two cross ditches, it's very difficult to build a bridge. You've been doing very well. It's because the decision of Si Xingfu is too harsh. "

Mrs. Hirano closed her eyes and said, "but the boat forgives him..."

in the final analysis, it's all Si Xingfu.

Si Xingfu destroys the thread Mrs. Hirano used to restrain Gu Qingzhou.

Every time I think about it, Mrs. Hirano hates it.

The child who has been raised for more than ten years, though not raised by Mrs. Hirano herself, has not given much money, but it is her servant in the end.

Her servants raised and took care of the boat, which was inspired by her. What's the difference with her raising?

What a pity!

"There will always be accidents, ma'am. Now that it has happened and can't be changed, there's no need to be upset. The boat will come back to us. " Caichangting road.

They need her.

"I hope so." Hirano man.

I didn't sleep all night. Now it's morning.

Mrs. Hirano asked Cai Changting to have a rest, and she also wanted to sleep for a while.

Cai Changting said, "I'll go and see the boat."

Mrs. Hirano nodded.

Cai Changting covered in the morning, at sunrise, to the yard of Gu Qingzhou.

When the sun rises, the warm sunshine sprinkles on his face, he faces the light, the shadow is long.

It seemed that he was stained with the morning mist, and there was thin frost on his hair and eyebrows, which was shining in the sun.

He is the best looking man in the world.

When the servant saw him, he took a cold breath.

Gu Qingzhou didn't sleep either. He sat on the sofa in the living room and thought about his mind in silence.

When Cai Changting came in, she stood up slowly. A little smile on her face, so deliberate and false, she said: "are you ok?"

"It's OK, canoe. I'm here to report peace." Caichangting road.

He took out his pad, wiped off the water drops melted by the thin frost, and his cheeks were crystal white like new life.

His good leather bag is flawless.

"Sit down, please." Gu Qingzhou road.

Cai Changting sat on the sofa beside him and talked about last night.

Gu Qingzhou is looking at him.

Cai Changting spoke slowly, his voice was clear and regulated, but Gu Qingzhou suddenly interrupted him: "I must have overlooked something."

Cai Changting smiled: "what is the oversight?"

Gu Qingzhou frowned slightly.

So much to deal with her, but only a little bit of thunder and rain, Gu Qingzhou from the beginning felt that there were omissions.

But what's missing?

This time, Cai Changting let her have a thorough and thorough experience, and did it without any leakage.

Gu Qingzhou occasionally recalled that the horse had lost its front foot, and one day she would plant a big heel. Maybe at that time she was planted in CAI Changting's hands.

The more beautiful people are, the more vicious they are. Just like mushrooms in the mountains, those bright and dripping are all poisonous.

Gu Qingzhou looks at Cai Changting. Every time he sees his beautiful face, he is frightened.

"... I don't know what was overlooked." Gu said truthfully, "can you tell me?"

Cai Changting smiled and said, "you don't miss anything. You need to believe in yourself."

Gu Qingzhou took a sip of tea.

Cai Changting continued, "you are a very smart person. Don't lose confidence."

Gu Qingzhou raised his eyes and looked at him quietly.

Cai Changting has a deep smile.

He looked at her with a smile and asked, "did you stay up all night? I'm leaving. Take a rest. "

Gu Qingzhou says, and gets up to see off the guests.

She sent Cai Changting to the door.

Cai Changting took a few steps, stopped suddenly, and said: "Qingzhou, I have a few words that I want to tell you all the time, but Si Xingfu is not there. I'll tell you when he comes back next time. "

"Good." Gu Qingzhou road.

He wanted to arouse her curiosity, but he didn't care much about the boat.

Go back to Cai Changting in the car and sit alone in silence.

From beginning to end, Gu didn't ask how his hand was.

There is a kind of fidgety mood, brewing slowly in the chest, and finally turning into bitterness, swimming slowly. This astringent idea comes suddenly, is also unprecedented, therefore Cai Changting Leng is there.

The driver asked him, "do you drive?"

"Drive." Cai Changting just replied.

Gu Qingzhou goes back to the bedroom. If she wants to sleep for a while, she can close her eyes, but her mind is heavy, which makes her not sleep at all.

She sat alone on the big bed, thinking that Si Xingfu should be in Nanjing now, right?

Gu Qingzhou is worried about his solution.

Once it's started, it's another storm, but it can't be silent.

She sighed softly.

After waiting for three days in a row, Gu Qingzhou received the telegram from Si Xingfu.

The telegram is very simple: I have returned to Pingcheng. Don't read it.

He returned to Pingcheng for the time being.

Gu Qingzhou sent people to read the newspaper in Nanjing to find out the news.

There was nothing wrong with the Secretary's family, at least he didn't kill his wife on the spot.

Gu Qingzhou wants to ask him how he handled it. There are military affairs in Pingcheng. The Secretary has to go back. The telegram says it's unclear.

Ye Wu and ye Shan invite her to dinner.

"... when will commander in chief come back?" Ye asked.

"There are still some days," Gu said

For the next half a month, Gu Qingzhou still went back to live with Silang Hirano and waited for sixingfu.

Ten days later, the secretary sent a telegram to her, saying that he had something else to do and that he would not return to Taiyuan until late February.

Gu Qingzhou, in addition to caring about Si Xingfu, is paying attention to the Si family in Nanjing.

There is no movement for the time being, at least not a word in the newspaper.

"Would you like my father to send you back?" Ye Wu asked Gu about the boat.

Ye dujun's pilots are all trained by the people from Si Xingfu. They can fly for a long distance.

Gu Qingzhou said, "Si Xingfu has his own plan. I'll wait for him."

Ye's flight was stable, and the pilot passed the test. Ye Wu and ye Shan's sister took the plane to Tianjin.

Their aunt is in Tianjin.

Then they brought back a man from Tianjin.

They brought back their aunt and cousin, Shi Boshan.

The two sisters treat the cousin as their brother.

Gu Qingzhou also knew shiboshan. He had seen it in the two previous trips to Tianjin.

"Miss Gu, long time no see." He said hello to Gu Qingzhou.

"Long time no see." Gu Qingzhou also said hello to him with a smile.

It's true that some days are gone.

After Shi Boshan arrived at Taiyuan mansion, he stayed temporarily. I heard that he wanted to learn to fly.

At the same time, the Ye family finally has good news.

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