Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1155: Can you stop gloating

Chu Xiaoxi arrived in City B by plane at 10:30 in the morning.

When Shun Shunli returned home, An Jingyan was overjoyed when he saw An Chenglang. Riding on An Chenglang's neck and refusing to get down, he was a real demon king.

"Why do you sometimes direct me today?" Lying on the sofa, Chu Xiaoxi was eating fruit salad and chatting with him casually.

"What are you talking about? When my wife and son come back, no matter how busy they are, they have to make time."

Walking towards Chu Xiaoxi, An Chenglang bent down and called out An Jingyan in fright.

He couldn't keep his balance at all. Just when he was about to fall, An Chenglang held him firmly in his arms, then lowered his head and snatched the strawberry from Chu Xiaoxi's mouth. He turned and sat down on her. next to.

"My brother, have you checked it?" Chu Xiaoxi said displeasedly while squinting at An Chenglang, "Let this kind of bad news flow out and still occupy the front page position. Obviously, it is yours. dereliction of duty."

An Chenglang is particularly innocent. Although he runs an entertainment agency, he controls most of the lifeline of the entertainment industry. But after all, those paparazzi are really not his food, and it is impossible for him to watch their whereabouts every day.

Two hours after Chu Yichen's news broke, it was all removed and deleted. But in China, there are too many people who stay up late, so there are too many people who have screenshots.

Chu Yichen did not show up, plus some media deliberately hyped up Gu Xiaoxiao's scandal some time ago, so now the relationship between their couple is really the focus of everyone's eyes.

"But having said that, Yichen's influence is really extraordinary. You have to know that the entire entertainment industry is so big, and those stars are thinking about making trouble to make headlines, but no one has the strength of Yichen. Whatever. Just one thing, it was easy to get on the front page, and it was reported by a number of media, not convinced."

"Uncle great!" Although they didn't know what the two were talking about, An Jingyan could still hear that his father was complimenting Uncle. So he shouted a little excitedly, causing Chu Xiaoxi to roll his eyes weakly.

"When you say this, can't the gloating look on your face be so obvious?"

If you didn't know the relationship between him and Chu Yichen, you would definitely think he was Chu Yichen's enemy just by looking at his face.

"The boring days are too long, it's rare to have a little fun, can't let it go."

"Fuck off!"

Chu Xiaoxi felt a little sleepy after eating and drinking. I got up too early in the morning and I didn't sleep well. And An Jingyan was already asleep on the sofa.

Hug him back to the room and put him on the bed. Before Chu Xiaoxi could go out, he was hugged by An Chenglang.

"What do you want to do in broad daylight? Be honest!" He knocked off his dishonest hand, and Chu Xiaoxi looked back at the villain on the bed, "Don't make trouble, you should cry again if you wake him up."

You can’t make trouble in An Jingyan’s room. If you go out, it’s okay, right?

As soon as the room door closed, Chu Xiaoxi was pushed against the wall by him. From the initial surprise to the final cooperation, Chu Xiaoxi enjoyed this long-lost kiss very much.

"I'm not at home, is there any goblin coming to the door?"

Pulling An Chenglang's skirt, Chu Xiaoxi asked with squinting eyes.

"Yes, you are not here, I hug the left and the right every day, believe it or not?"

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