Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1156: Flattering each other

"If I believe it, I will castrate you while you are asleep. See which of us has suffered the most!"

"What will you do if you castrate me? Do you still want a daughter?"

Holding her to the bedroom, An Chenglang played the hooligans generously. Putting his arm on Chu Xiaoxi's shoulder, he put his hand into her clothes, and when he returned to the room, he couldn't wait to crush the person on the bed.

After some clouds and rain, Chu Xiaoxi casually rode on him with one leg.

"Husband, how is Xiao Yiren's injury?"

"There is nothing wrong. I wanted her to rest for a while, but she offered to resume work, but I have nothing to say. Now magazine ads and TV series are being filmed. Except for the inconvenience of walking, the state is no different from before. ."

"She's not dedicated, but afraid that others will steal her job."

"Youth rice is not delicious." An Chenglang asked smartly with fingers wrapped around Chu Xiaoxi's long hair, "Why do you suddenly think of her?"

"Why can't I think of her? I invested a lot of money in her back then."

After moving, Chu Xiaoxi climbed directly onto An Chenglang's body. She lay there and stared at him, she asked mysteriously.

"Is she still in touch with my brother recently?"

An Chenglang was asked and laughed. "Where do I know this? You have been in Japan, so close to Yichen, shouldn't you know better than me?"

"I'm close to him in Japan, so I don't dare to ask him! Shinoyo even dare not mention it!"

"How Yichen treats Xiao Xiao, you don't know better than anyone else. Xiao Xiao has already come back. If it weren't for his brains, Yi Chen would never contact Xiao Yiren again. He is not stupid, how can he not know how to avoid suspicion. Yi Chen had an accident in Japan before, didn’t Yi Chen also visited it?"

"That's right...My brother is so smart, he definitely knows what to do."

Nodding thoughtfully, Chu Xiaoxi closed his eyes and was about to go to bed.

"Don't go to the company today and stay with me at home." Holding An Chenglang, she said coquettishly, "I miss you all."

"Okay, stay with you at home." An Chenglang said softly after touching her head, "Go to sleep. If you wake up, go to the study to find me."

"Hmm, kneel down."

With a satisfied smile, Chu Xiaoxi tilted her body and rolled off him. Pulling the thin quilt on the lower abdomen, I took a nap comfortably.

After rest, with energy, Chu Xiaoxi also has the energy to investigate Chu Yichen's affairs.

According to taking care of Xiaoxiao, this matter must have been deliberately designed and framed. She must find out who is so boring and not afraid of death.

When he came to the study, An Chenglang was dealing with business affairs, while An Jingyan sat in his arms obediently, watching him operating the computer very seriously, looking very cute intently.

"What should I do after pressing this?"

Looking down at the villain in his arms, An Chenglang asked softly.

"It should be like this!"

Naisheng replied milkily. He stretched out his short arms, pressed a few symbols on the keyboard hard, then looked up at An Chenglang, expecting him to praise himself.

"Well, the baby is awesome."

"Well, Dad is great too!"

"Is it interesting for you two to flatter and flatter each other?" Leaning on the door frame, Chu Xiaoxi looked at the scene in front of him, not crying or laughing.

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