Gu Xiaoxiao waited for Chu Yichen for a long time, but saw him coming back from outside the cafe, and there was an angry man behind him, which was a little surprised.

Chu Yichen put the camera on the table and sat opposite Gu Xiaoxiao casually. Huang Xing was standing next to the two of them, neither walking nor staying.

"Is he...?" Gu Xiaoxiao turned to look at the stranger on the side, puzzled.

"Friend, I just happened to meet him. I will take you to his place later." Chu Yichen opened his mouth lightly, and Huang Xing was taken aback. "Private detective, haven't you been in contact before?"

"Private detective?!" Gu Xiaoxiao heard these four words, and then looked at Huang Xing with a little admiration, which made Huang Xing embarrassed and annoyed.

"Cough." With a light cough, Huang Xing whispered. "I said handsome guy, let's just forget about this matter today?"

"Forget it?" Chu Yichen snorted and smiled, "It's not a big deal."

Call the waiter and check out. Chu Yichen and Gu Xiaoxiao walked in front with their cameras, and Huang Xing followed behind, uneasy.

The profession of private investigators is not recognized by law. So if this is a big deal today, Huang Xing won't get any benefit. Gritting his teeth, Huang Xing weighed in his heart, whether he would just run away without the camera, or would he think of a way to get the camera back and react accordingly? After all, that camera is really expensive...

When Huang Xing was in a dilemma and couldn't make up his mind, Chu Yichen in front looked back at him, as if he could read mind, and said.

"Don't try to escape, otherwise I will smash the camera today, and tomorrow it will be your detective agency."

"I said, how do you dress like a gangster, but talk like a hooligan?" Huang Xing looked at Chu Yichen dissatisfied, "I tell you, you have to pay if you smashed my camera! This is me Do you understand his private property?"

Listening to the conversation between the two, Gu Xiaoxiao felt suspicious.

Are they like friends?

How could it be a friend!

A few people quickly walked to the parking place, and Huang Xing was pushed into the car with a strong attitude by Chu Yichen, feeling like riding a tiger.

Gu Xiaoxiao sat in front, looking back at Huang Xing from time to time. He held his camera tightly in his arms and frowned slightly.

This person seems to be in his twenties. Dressing is very trendy. If she meets such a person, she will definitely think that the other person is a photographer or something.

Look at Chu Yichen again. Although he drove the car and said nothing, Gu Xiaoxiao could feel the cold anger on him.

Forty minutes later, the car arrived at Huang Xing's residence. A row of two-story buildings, looking around, there are supermarkets, hairdressers and restaurants, and Huang Xing took them to the door of a bookstore.

Huang Xing took out the key and opened the door, and walked up to the second floor without looking back. Chu Yichen and Gu Xiaoxiao followed, and when they reached the second floor, Gu Xiaoxiao looked at it.

There is a large desk in the living room with two computers and two small cameras on the desk. A grey fabric sofa, as if it had been used for a long time. There are two more rooms over there, which should be bedrooms or something.

"Let's talk, what do you have?" Huang Xing sat down on the boss chair behind the table and looked at Chu Yichen with his arms folded.

"Who brought you here with the money, I just want to know this." Chu Yichen's answer was also straightforward.

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