Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1222: Isn't this a **** kid?

One monarch and one courtier, this is the eternal truth. Every time a leader takes office, he must have a **** he wants to take down.

Such-and-such person died of illness, such-and-such person was in a car accident, and such-and-such person jumped off a building and died. Just like Zhang An some time on earth he died, only a few people know the truth.

Isamu Maekawa is the machine that the government of Country M will pay for when it wants to clear the chess pieces.

"Yichen, don't you watch it?" An Chenglang looked at Chu Yichen sitting on the sofa and thought he was strange. He is the one who wants to check the information, and now it is found, but he is the one who does not check.

"Yong Maekawa has come to China." Slowly raising his head, Chu Yichen met An Chenglang's gaze and said word by word, "His target is Xiaoxiao."

His eyes flicked, and An Chenglang's hand holding the mouse froze.

"What's going on, make it clear."

After making the case, An Chenglang asked in a low voice and strode to Chu Yichen.

This "joke" is really not funny, and An Chenglang hasn't heard such bad news for too long.

"Why did Xiao Xiao get into this pervert?"

That's right, abnormal.

Maekawa's label in the database over there is murder pervert.

Chu Yichen had a low tone and told An Chenglang about the one-month appointment between Yusuke Maekawa and Yusuke Sakamoto.

She chose to personally hurt Gu Xiaoxiao, let her depression relapse and embark on the path of suicide. Still choose to face Yu Maekawa and be his enemy. This is the problem that Chu Yichen has to face now.

"Fuck." An Chenglang couldn't help but explode after hearing this, "Isn't this a **** kid?!"

This clearly shows that it is a game that Maekawa found for himself when he was bored. It was a perverted act to make jokes about life.

An Chenglang knew that although these two options were difficult to choose, Chu Yichen would definitely choose the first one. Because if it was him, he would do the same.

"Call out that Sakamoto in a moment. Let's study what should be done." With an annoyed sigh, An Chenglang said softly, "Only the two of us know about this?"


"That's fine, don't tell anyone. Xiao Xi's acting skills are too poor to help."

"Let me think about it, Sakamoto Yusuke said he will come to the company to find me tomorrow. Let's talk about it then."

Not willing to think about this matter, Chu Yichen had a terrible headache.

Chu Yichen didn't adjust his mood until he got off work. During a meeting in the afternoon, a certain department manager was almost fired by Chu Yichen on the spot because he reported a wrong data. The others were scared and did not dare to take a breath. They didn’t know what kind of gunpowder Chu had taken today and what his temper was. So big.

Six o'clock, it's time for get off work. Gu Xiaoxiao came to Chu Yichen's office, glanced at the closed door of the room, and whispered to the secretary outside, "Is Chu Yichen there?"

"The president is here."

Hearing the answer, Gu Xiaoxiao nodded, walked a few steps to the door, and knocked carefully.

I heard that Chu Yichen's face was particularly dark today. Gu Xiaoxiao met Xu Ming just now on the way here, and already knew what happened at the meeting.

Without hearing Chu Yichen's voice, Gu Xiaoxiao took the initiative to push the door and looked around. Then, I saw Chu Yichen sitting behind the table with a gloomy vision.

"It's really scary..." Gu Xiaoxiao whispered with frowning, swallowing saliva, and slowly walked into the room.

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