Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1223: She is the culprit?

Walking straight to Chu Yichen, Gu Xiaoxiao pursed her red lips and looked at the word Sichuan between his brows.

"My President, can we go home from get off work?"

Tilting her head, Gu Xiaoxiao asked aloud.

"I came in your car in the morning. If you don't leave, then I will have to take the bus back. But on such a hot day, I don't want to take that."

"Then you drive back first?" Chu Yichen suggested in a clear voice.

Shaking his head, Gu Xiaoxiao rejected him. "I want to go with you."

Going around the table and walking to Chu Yichen's side, Gu Xiaoxiao bent down to smooth his frowning brow.

"You have to work overtime? Then take the documents home and I will help you get them together. Don't frown, it's not pretty."

Pulling Gu Xiaoxiao's hand, Chu Yichen used a little force to pull her into his arms.

"What a big deal? It's hard to do?" Gu Xiaoxiao didn't struggle, but after getting close to him, he could smell the smoke more clearly.

This is how many cigarettes he smoked... What can make him so worried?

Chu Yichen didn't speak, but looked at her quietly. After Gu Xiaoxiao and him looked at each other for a few seconds, she suddenly smiled. The beautiful smile made Chu Yichen's eyes a little bit painful.

"Isn't it because I provoke you again without knowing it? Then I can apologize to you. Tell me, what did I do wrong?"

"Smiling so happily about this matter, are you sure that you really want to apologize to me?" Chu Yichen finally opened his mouth, and what he could say made Gu Xiaoxiao bitter.

"Eh? It's me?" With a look of panic, Gu Xiaoxiao hurriedly sat up straight and looked at him. "Me, what's wrong with me?"

She just opened her mouth to test it out... She didn't expect it would really be like this...

The fact that he was furious today has almost spread throughout the company. Gu Xiaoxiao doesn't want to be the culprit.

She hasn't seen Ryugasaki Takumi recently, and she hasn't even made phone calls or sent emails. So eliminate the time bomb of Longqi.

She hasn't been hypocritically angry recently because of those boring reports, because of his affairs with Xiao Yiren, so it's not because of this.

After thinking about it, there is nothing else, right?

"It's so deceitful...what if someone gets cheated away someday." Chu Yichen smiled helplessly as she watched her reaction. Recently, she really looks more and more like the person before. Because of this, he was even more reluctant to do anything to her.

"...Get up! Go home!"

Knowing that he was teasing herself, Gu Xiaoxiao breathed a sigh of relief. After hitting him and holding his hand, Gu Xiaoxiao stood up fiercely and gave him an angry look.

Fortunately, she is still seriously thinking about what she has done in the past few days. It seems that he is still not depressed enough, and he is still in the mood to joke her!

"Well, go home."

Chu Yichen also got up, turned off the computer, picked up the car key, and walked outside with Gu Xiaoxiao's shoulder.

At the secretary desk outside the office, sitting on the seats watching the two walk out side by side, they couldn't help but sigh secretly.

The president really treats his wife differently from others...

I took the elevator to the parking lot, and there was heavy rain outside. Too lazy to take an umbrella and ran directly into the car. Gu Xiaoxiao rubbed his wet hair, knowing that the way home today would be super difficult.

"There's a traffic jam again. It seems that I can't go back to eat with them tonight." Gu Xiaoxiao said, looking back to see if there was food on the back seat.

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