Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1230: Photos of him and Bai Mo'er

Shen Qianyun's last words were said by looking at Gu Xiaoxiao. Gu Xiaoxiao pursed her lips and did not speak. But when everyone was gone at night, she quietly ran into Shen Qianyun's room alone.

"Grandma, do you want to go back because I have not been at home during this period of time, have not been with you, and are angry with me?" Sitting in front of Shen Qianyun, Gu Xiaoxiao was particularly worried.

"How come?!" Taking Gu Xiaoxiao's hand, Shen Qianyun smiled and shook his head. "Silly girl, don't think about it. Grandma is not angry with you. I really want to go back and have a look. If you miss me some time later, you can go to America to find me. Then I will come back with you, what do you think? Your uncle and they have always hoped that you can go there, and they will nag you with me if there is nothing to do."

"I'm sorry, grandma." He rushed into Shen Qianyun's arms and hugged her, "I am too naive, so that you will always worry about me."

"Who said my Xiaoxiao is not sensible? Then I'm looking for his theory and theory." Shen Qianyun said softly, touching Gu Xiaoxiao's long hair, "You are grandma's most precious baby, grandma is worried about you, It's a normal thing, just like you do to Qianqian and Ranran, so don't have any psychological burden."

Gu Xiaoxiao lay in her arms, nodded silently, and continued to listen to her.

Gu Xiaoxiao didn't have many opportunities to talk to Shen Qianyun like this, but every time, she felt very calm in her heart.

Shen Qianyun was on the plane at 1:30 in the afternoon the next day. Gu Xiaoxiao sent her away and returned to the company with Chu Yichen to continue working. He felt that life was not affected by this. But she did not expect that everything would have changed in just one day.

Gu Xiaoxiao promised Chu Muqian that she would go to the kindergarten to pick him up in person in the past half month, so she must leave the company between four and four thirty.

After busy organizing the files, the two messages suddenly received by the mobile phone made Gu Xiaoxiao almost throw them away.

One photo, one sentence.

"Baby, do you like the present I gave you?"

Gu Xiaoxiao was a little panicked, she looked at the photo and the sentence carefully, and then confirmed that the people in the photo were Chu Yichen and Bai Mo'er.

This, what is going on...

Fingers trembled slightly, and Gu Xiaoxiao's mind went blank.

The two people in the photo are kissing. When did this happen?

The mobile phone number that sent the photo is strange. Gu Xiaoxiao was stunned for a moment, then took the phone abruptly and dialed the phone.

The phone beeped twice, and the other party answered. The cold laughter made Gu Xiaoxiao's scalp numb. The other party seemed to know her current mood very well, so even what she said was such a mockery.

"Photo, do you like it?"

"Who are you?" Gu Xiaoxiao asked with a frown, "Where did you get this picture?"

"It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that I have more pictures on hand. And, I can help you restore your memory."

Gu Xiaoxiao took a breath and instantly stood up from her chair, becoming more and more anxious.

It's not Yusuke Sakamoto, who is he? !

"Want to know who I am? Come downstairs, I will be right downstairs." Just when Gu Xiaoxiao was panicking, the other party said again.

"But you have to remember, come alone. Otherwise, this picture will fall into the hands of the media at night."

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