"Why should I believe your words?"

Gu Xiaoxiao walked quickly to the window and looked hard at the picture downstairs.

A black business car was parked on the side of the road. Gu Xiaoxiao wondered if the caller was sitting there. If so, what is his purpose in finding himself? Want to threaten her with a photo for something? Money? If that's the case, wouldn't it be more convenient for him to go directly to Chu Yichen?

Moreover, he also said that he can restore his memory. Is this so easy to say?

"Because you have no choice but to trust me. I know what you are thinking, and I can answer your questions. However, you need to come and see me." The man's voice was passed to Gu Xiaoxiao through the microphone. Ears.

"Compared with my safety in a few photos, I think I'm still willing to choose the latter. As for memory, although I don't know how you know about my amnesia, you don't have to worry about it. I have my way. "

"Oh, your method? The method you said is not counting on Yusuke Sakamoto, right?"

Does he even know Sakamoto Yusuke? !

Maekawa smiled with interest, because Gu Xiaoxiao's reaction was much calmer than he thought. She was worried that he was a kidnapper, and worried that she would be pulled into this car when she got down, and she didn't know where she would be taken.

"Since you are so worried that I am a bad person, then, how about I go to the opposite cafe and wait for you? Are you not a regular customer there? This will always show my sincerity?"

"Good." Gu Xiaoxiao gritted her teeth and agreed. "I will be there in fifteen minutes."

"Remember, don't tell anyone, or our cooperation plan will be ruined."

After hanging up the phone, Gu Xiaoxiao still stared at the movement downstairs. The floor she is on is too high, so she can't really see it. However, the car started slowly, turned around and stopped at the door of the opposite cafe. Gu Xiaoxiao could still see it.

The hand clenched into a fist unconsciously. Gu Xiaoxiao bit her lower lip forcefully, lowered her head and looked at the photo on the phone again, with the urge to smash it.

Chu Yichen, Bai Mo'er.

The two of them really carried what happened to them.

Thinking of Chu Yichen's unusual reaction when she mentioned Bai Mo, Gu Xiaoxiao knew that things would not be that simple!

He lied to himself...

Taking a deep breath, Gu Xiaoxiao grievedly faced and accepted the fact, then strode out of the office and went downstairs.

Standing at the door of the company building, Gu Xiaoxiao looked around alertly. She didn't find any suspicious characters or cars, she quickened her pace and ran to the opposite street in one breath.

The car was still parked there. Gu Xiaoxiao glanced at the license plate, and after entering the store with trepidation, she felt that her legs were a little weak.

She comes here often, and the clerk naturally recognizes her. After seeing her here, she greeted her enthusiastically.

"Mrs. Chu, please here."

Gu Xiaoxiao looked in the direction she directed, and saw a tall man in black sitting in the corner of the wall inside.

With an unfamiliar face, Gu Xiaoxiao was pretty sure that she had never seen him before.

But what happened to the fear that almost penetrated her deep in my heart?

Standing still, Gu Xiaoxiao looked at him fixedly, not daring to take a step forward.

"Mrs. Chu, are you okay?" Looking at her pale face, the waiter asked concerned.

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