Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1303: Go find him, beg him.

"Remove you and change to a new person, or you will withdraw all your investment, he said. And the new person is also their decision." An Chenglang observed the expressions on Xiao Yiren's faces and what happened. I already knew it from Chu Yichen.

This TV series, to put it bluntly, is the one who made the film. Chu Yichen took advantage of this opportunity to send the newcomer to the audience. The goal was obvious, which was to train people to replace Xiao Yiren. Xiao Yiren is not stupid, how could he not think of this.

"President An, do you think there is any misunderstanding?" Mai Kexin looked at An Chenglang stiffly. Chu Yichen is clearly their backer, how could it become like this?

"If there is a misunderstanding, it is also what happened between you and him. If you have any questions, you should ask him. I have another meeting to hold, so be it."

Sending the two away, An Chenglang was going to see the lucky little newcomer.

Leaving An Chenglang's office listlessly, Xiao Yiren leaned on the wall, looking at Michael Xin helplessly.

"What are you doing in a daze? Call Shao Chu!" Mai Kexin lowered her voice to remind.

"He won't pick it up." Xiao Yiren said with certainty, "definitely won't pick it up."

Although it hasn't hit yet, Xiao Yiren just knows.

Chu Yichen was angry. This was the first time that Xiao Yi had felt this way. He had always been tepid to her before. The attitude is not good, but not bad. Occasionally, I met for a meal and spoke in a gentle manner. I had never done anything excessive to her like yesterday or now.

"If you don't pick it up, go find him!" Mai Kexin knew very well what consequences Chu Yichen would do to Xiao Yiren in the future.

Life is like this. An event that happens inadvertently will most likely affect your future direction. Xiao Yiren was originally fired because of Chu Yichen. Could it be because of his decline in the future?

Involuntarily speaking, Mai Kexin dragged Xiao Yiren out. Xiao Yiren is a person with little opinion. Mai Kexin has always helped her make many decisions, so Xiao Yiren trusts her very much.

Sitting in the car, Xiao Yi was in a mixed mood. They soon reached the downstairs of Fengyang Group, but Xiao Yiren were not as confident as they were when they came here last time.

Are you really going to find Chu Yichen? Will he meet himself?

Xiao Yiren hesitated, uneasy.

"What do you want? Yiren, you have to seize this opportunity!" Mai Kexin was very anxious when she saw her motionless. "Do you know how much you can make when filming this movie? You are playing with Su Zuonan. The advertising endorsements for the next few years are now waiting for you! If you know that you are not the heroine, this bunch of **** The egg will definitely retreat."

There is no doubt about Chu Yichen's ability. Xiao Yiren was the first one he pushed, and people would naturally look forward to the second and third.

"Go to Chu Shao and ask what made him unhappy. If you confess a mistake and ask for mercy, maybe he will change his mind. How could a newcomer have such good acting skills as you? Those who don't understand the truth will surely figure it out. You are obedient, hurry up."

Urging Xiao Yiren, Mai Kexin pushed her off the car.

Xiao Yiren stood downstairs, looked up at the topmost place, took a deep breath, and finally took a step.

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