Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1304: Playing hooligans in front of outsiders

Taking the elevator to the floor where Chu Yichen's office is located, Xiao Yiren walked slowly outside his office.

At the secretary desk outside the door, the people sitting inside saw Xiao Yiren in a daze, and then raised a professional smile.

"Are you looking for the president?" She asked softly, and after seeing Xiao Yiren nodding, she continued to speak. "Okay, let me inform President Chu."

Chu Yichen was right in the office, but Gu Xiaoxiao was also there.

Gu Xiaoxiao was dragged to work by him today. Just after the meeting, he said that there was still something to discuss with him, so he followed.

Standing next to Chu Yichen, looking at the documents on his computer, Gu Xiaoxiao looked like a serious student.

The phone on the desk rang, it was an inside line. After Chu Yichen picked it up, his eyes sank, and he said, "Okay, let her in."

Gu Xiaoxiao thought it was a customer visiting and wanted to look back curiously. But just as soon as she turned her head, Chu Yichen's arm was pulled by Chu Yichen, her body instantly lost her balance, and she fell into his arms.

"Ah...!" Her face flushed, Gu Xiaoxiao struggled to get up. "Chu Yichen, what are you doing? Someone is here!"

Asking him frantically in a low voice, Gu Xiaoxiao didn't know what was going on.

Sitting on his lap, looking at his handsome face and enlarged facial features, Gu Xiaoxiao took a breath.

He's crazy? !


Firmly held in her arms, with her lips entangled, Gu Xiaoxiao has heard the sound of the door being opened.

I was very nervous because I knew someone was standing there. Gu Xiaoxiao blushed like a tomato, and she felt that she could no longer see people.

"Hmm, don't make trouble!"

Chu Yichen put his hand into her clothes, and Gu Xiaoxiao quickly blocked it. She didn't dare to look back, because she was afraid to see the people standing at the door. But Chu Yichen's behavior seemed as if there were only two of them in this room.

"Who's having trouble with you?" Chu Yichen whispered to her while smiling at Gu Xiaoxiao, who was looking at the fried hair. "I need to."

"I want... I want a fart! Someone! Are you crazy?!" Gu Xiaoxiao was talking and sneaking to look behind. Still wondering, is it a blind man? Can't see them? Otherwise, why is Chu Yichen so unscrupulous?

"want you."

With two simple words, Chu Yichen licked her auricle lightly, making Gu Xiaoxiao almost groan without holding it back.

Xiao Yiren stood at the door, feeling like he had fallen into an ice hole.

What is he... doing?

As soon as he entered the house, Yiren Xiao saw the intimate behavior of the two.

Gu Xiaoxiao turned her back, she couldn't see the expression on Gu Xiaoxiao's face, but she could see Chu Yichen's.

Seeing the petting in Chu Yichen's eyes, the evil smile at the corner of his mouth. She knew that he did it on purpose.

Let yourself come in deliberately, let yourself see deliberately.

Why should he be so cruel. Xiao Yiren seemed to be fixed there, and she knew that she should leave here. However, her legs did not listen.

Because of the presence of outsiders, Gu Xiaoxiao's body nerves became more sensitive. Soon, she felt teased. Attaching limply to Chu Yichen's body, she begged for mercy in a low voice, almost crying.

"Don't be like this... Go home, don't you do well when you go home."

"Not good." He took her hand out of her clothes. He bowed his head and kissed the tip of her nose, and Chu Yichen hugged her and stood up. Then, I finally remembered the existence of another person in this room.

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