Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1305: Xiao Yiren, don't let me see you again

Gu Xiaoxiao hugged his neck, buried his head in his arms, and followed the person at the door secretly.

After seeing Xiao Yiren standing there, her heart came to her throat and almost jumped out.


Chu Yichen's sight collided with Xiao Yiren's space. His thin lips moved slightly and said a word. A word that almost seemed to push Xiao Yiren off the edge of a cliff and let her fall to the bottom.

Taking a staggering step back, Xiao Yiren leaned on the door panel and almost fell.

"Don't let me see you again." Chu Yichen seemed to be worried that his attitude could not express what he really meant, so he added another sentence. Then, he held Gu Xiaoxiao and walked to the lounge inside, leaving Xiao Yiren in the air.

Xiao Yiren lowered her head, listening to Gu Xiaoxiao calling Chu Yichen's name in annoyance and anger, making him get out, her brain buzzed.

What an unscrupulous tone...If it weren't for enough confidence, who would dare to say the words "You gotta **** me" to Chu Yichen.

Her heart was sore and sore, Xiao Yiren felt that her face was also hot, as if she had been slapped.

Chu Yichen...

Chu Yichen...

He was chanting his name silently in his heart, and Xiao Yiren knew that he would never see himself again. Like he said just now, let her get out of his world.

Turning around slowly, opening the door, Xiao Yiren kept head down and walked away quickly. But even so, the people sitting outside the door saw the tears on her face.

The secretary at the door looked at Xiao Yiren's back quickly going away with interest and smiled.

It seems that the wife of the president of Fengyang Group will not become Xiao Yiren.

Mai Kexin has been waiting downstairs. She stood outside the car smoking a cigarette, anxiously waiting for Xiao Yiren to get Chu Yichen back.

The sound of small footsteps came quickly from far to near, and Mai Kexin turned to look, and then saw the scene of Xiao Yiren walking out of it crying.

what's the situation? !

Michael Xin quickly threw the cigarette in his hand to the ground and greeted him.

"Iren, what's wrong?!"

"Stop talking, let's go back."

Xiao Yiren sniffed, shook his head, and got into the car over Michael Xin.

Sitting in the car seat, Xiao Yiren always thinks about the scene he just saw uncontrollably. Michael Xin got into the car after that, and seeing her like this, he knew that things were messed up.

"Young Master Chu is really angry? Don't agree to change you back?"

As if he hadn't heard her question, Xiao Yiren remained silent, staring at her feet blankly.

"Iren, how did you mess with him?" Mai Kexin couldn't understand. This Chu Yichen said that if he turned his face, he turned his face. He had to give others a reason, right?

"Kexin, don't ask, let's go back." Being upset by Michael's question, Yiren Xiao glanced at her with a frown, "Don't mention Chu Yichen again."

"What about the heroine...?"

"We're not filming that movie. Don't say it." With a long sigh, Xiao Yiren closed his eyes wearily. "I'm going back to rest, and I have to go back to Hengdian tomorrow."

If Xiao Yi is like this, Mai Kexin can't help her. I had to think about waiting for her to feel better, and then talk about Chu Yichen.

Gu Xiaoxiao was taken advantage of because of Xiao Yiren’s sudden visit...

Lying on the bed wrapped in a quilt, she looked at Chu Yichen who was walking out with tears without tears, and slowly got up to pick the clothes on the floor.

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