Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1313: Maekawa was assassinated

"Why did you go? Call you without answering?"

"Go out with your eldest brother to do something together." Chu Yichen walked over and touched her head, "Yong Maekawa caught it. Recently, I can take you off for a few days."

"Eh? Really?!" Gu Xiaoxiao looked at him excitedly, although she hadn't been restricted in her movements recently because she had always been with him. However, the two children stayed at home all the time, and they were too suffocated. They always wanted to go out and go around.

"Well, I'll take a shower and talk later."

Chu Yichen entered the bathroom, Gu Xiaoxiao sat on the sofa with her mobile phone, flipped through it, and found the coordinates that Yong Maekawa sent him that day.

Chu Yichen and the others had been to this place that day, but they found nothing. He was caught today, and it should not be at this coordinate. So what does it mean for Maekawa to give her this position?

Gu Xiaoxiao was very puzzled. After thinking about it, she felt that it was possible...It was Maekawa who shook his hand and made a mistake.

Maekawa was put in prison again, but he felt that this was the safest place.

Outside these days, Maekawa Yu is affirmed that he did not have the chance to leave the country, so he has not shown up, and finally chose to cooperate with the government of M. But... what Yusuke Sakamoto said was right, he really wouldn't give up the goal he wanted to kill. Moreover, the person he really wanted to kill was not Gu Xiaoxiao.

Lying on the bed, Maekawa smiled coldly. It's a pity that I can't go out to see the excitement with my own eyes...

Sakamoto Yusuke returned home and took out the gum he found at Maekawa Yutaka's side. He was puzzled.

Chewing gum, what does Maekawa want to do with this thing?

The news that Maekawa was arrested was not reported. Because his existence is a problem.

In the dead of night, he relaxed in bed and slept, waiting for the M country to deal with the matter as soon as possible and take him safely out of this country.

The government of country M is still very fast, and within three days, Maekawa Yong managed to get out of prison.

From the prison to the hotel, Maekawa took five or six baths, but he still felt dirty. Tomorrow he will take a special plane to leave the city and head to New York. The person who protected him stood outside the door, and Maekawa stood on the balcony inside the house, smiling slightly.

A red light hit Maekawa Yong's body at some unknown time. When he found out, it was too late.

As soon as his body became stiff, Maekawa responded to what was going on and immediately rushed to a safe place. However, the opponent's marksmanship was really accurate, so accurate that he was completely denied a chance to survive, and he fell into a pool of blood.

"Hey, get it done."

Pressing the brim of the hat, the sniper who was a hundred meters away quickly left the place, humming a happy little song, and disappeared into the darkness silently.

Maekawa was killed, and was killed without warning.

At 12:30 in the morning, Chu Yichen was shocked when he heard the news.

Although he had thought about finding someone to kill Maekawa in secret, in fact he hadn't done that. He didn't want Maekawa to die in City B and cause unnecessary trouble.

Who killed Maekawa? Not him, nor Chu Yixuan.

Chu Yichen quickly thought about all possible people, but finally found out that he had all guessed wrong.

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