Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1314: The troublemaker is the Chu family

Looking at Maekawa's body, he was killed by a single blow. The bullet pierced his head, something a very professional person did.

No one thought of his death, including Chu Yichen, including Sakamoto Yusuke, including the M country embassy.

There is no doubt that country M must suspect that this matter is related to Chu Yichen and others. But the so-called body is not afraid of the shadow leaning, has not done it or has not done it, and is not worried about him doubting it. Chu Yichen took his wife and children out to play happily the day after Mae Chuan Yong died.

When Gu Xiaoxiao heard that Maekawa was dead, she was shocked to death. However, it was really relieved because of this.

The death of Maekawa was on TV, and the media did not hide his identity.

The spy of country M was assassinated the night before he was extradited and returned to China. The broadcast of such news on TV definitely has its deep meaning.

Those in the upper echelons have had a strained relationship with Country M recently, and this is why Bai Yingjie was particularly busy some time ago.

Yong Maekawa died, Gu Xiaoxiao was safe, and Bai Yingjie finally ended his vacation and returned to his job.

As soon as he returned home, he found Feng Shengxi was missing. Asked Bai Anqing, thinking that he was going back to her family's home. But after asking Bai Qifeng, he said that he was not at Feng's house and he didn't know where he was going. Such a different answer made Bai Yingjie a little worried.

Feng Shengxi has been walking for a week, where is she?

Recently, many people are looking for Feng Shengxi, Bai Yingjie is looking for, and Feng's people are also looking for.

The Feng family is also a family of soldiers, and also has a place in the army. But recently, they have encountered trouble frequently. In the final investigation, the people who were causing them trouble were actually related to the Chu family.

This apparently targeted treatment made the Feng family very angry, but also very confused. The Chubai family are relatives, even if the relationship is not harmonious, what does it have to do with their Feng family? Can't get the Bai family to find them angry? They couldn't swallow it.

Feng Shengxi has been living in a hotel these days, and when he is boring, he will go out and walk around to get familiar with this strange city. Her mobile phone was always turned off. When she returned to the hotel that day, she wanted to see if Bai Yingjie had found herself, but when she turned it on, she received a call from home.

"Where are you Shengxi? Yingjie called and said you were not at home?"

"Well, come out to relax at your classmate's house."

"What happened?"

"It's okay. Yingjie has been busy lately. I was bored at home and went out for a walk." Without telling Bai Yingjie about the divorce from him, Feng Shengxi replied softly, "Dad, what can you do with me?"

Listening to the other party's answer, Feng Shengxi was not surprised.

The Chu family started to do it, from various aspects. Recently, several people in the Feng family who are in very important positions have been investigated one after another. As a result, Feng Cheng was still not safe, and Feng Shengxi began to worry about this issue.

Hanging up the phone at home, Feng Shengxi took the initiative to contact Feng Cheng, and then patiently waited for Feng Cheng's reply.

Sitting on the bed, she looked at the message Bai Yingjie had sent to herself. After patiently watching every word on it, he smiled and cried.

He wants her to go back. Go back and divorce him.

Bai Yingjie made up his mind this time, and made up his mind to part with her. No matter how Feng Shengxi struggles, it is useless.

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