Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1324: Go to City B to find Feng Shengxi

The blood soon soaked Mae Chuan Yong's clothes. Su Zhiying looked at the flash of anger under his eyes, smiled indifferently, and took out the dagger.

"You are the top microbiologist. As far as I know, you should have had contact with MX Pharmaceutical Manufacturing, right?"

As soon as the words "MX Pharmaceutical Manufacturing" came out of Su Zhiying's mouth, Maekawa Yong's expression changed. You know, even when the dagger pierced his shoulder, he didn't even frown.

"You were hired by them?"

"They can't afford me."

Su Zhiying smiled disdainfully and denied it. Then he said nothing, turned and walked out of the room, and locked the iron door outside.

Being locked up again, Maekawa looked at the room he was in. There were no windows on all sides, only the left door. It seems that it is a bit difficult to escape this time...

Su Zhiying walked out of the basement, stretched her waist and sat on the sofa, and called the person above to report her work.

"Boss, Maekawa is already here with me, when are you going to come over?"

"In half a month."

"Ah? Then I'm going to be with this pervert for half a month? I still want to go back to Japan." Su Zhiying felt a little bit cried when she heard the other's answer. "By the way, Shino will not go back to Japan soon, right?"

"probably not."

"Boss...How long have you not gone back?" Su Zhiying's voice sank, "After this incident is over, can able to go back?"

"Don't ask these useless things, pay attention to your own safety, and contact me at any time."

Listening to the busy tone on the phone, Su Zhiying knew that she had been hung up again.

With a long sigh, she resignedly went to the refrigerator to find something.

If you don’t ask, don’t ask, if you don’t answer, you won’t answer. Anyway, the person who is uncomfortable is not yourself.

After filling his stomach casually, Su Zhiying took out the computer and placed it on the desktop, staring at Maekawa's every move. Taking a trip to the sofa, Su Zhiying began to plan the next thing.

No one should have noticed the fact that Maekawa was not dead, at least for a while. Thinking of Gu Xiaoxiao's natural optimist who lacked a string in his head, Su Zhiying couldn't help but worry about her.

Yong Maekawa left City B, but Feng Shengxi stayed there all the time.

Seeing that she had left Guangzhou for a month, she still had no intention of going back. After Bai Yingjie returned to Guangzhou, she went abroad again and went home again. She still didn't see her, and could not even get in touch with her. In this way, the question of where Feng Shengxi is, has to be taken seriously by Bai Yingjie.

Let people monitor her mobile phone 24 hours a day, ready for GPRS positioning at any time. When Bai Yingjie learned that Feng Shengxi was in City B, he immediately felt a bad feeling.

"Where are you going again?" Bai Anqing frowned as she watched Bai Yingjie hurry home and was about to leave with her travel bag. "With so many things to do recently, is there a big problem?"

"I'm going to City B." Bai Yingjie replied helplessly, "Shengxi ran over there and didn't go home or answer the phone. I don't know what she wanted to do. I was a little worried. I had to go there."

"She has been there all this time?" Bai Anqing was also a little surprised when she heard this. Seeing Bai Yingjie nodded, he shook his head and said, "No, she won't do anything."

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