Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1325: What they want to kill is not Gu Xiaoxiao, but the child

"Dad, you have always believed in her too much. Mo'er is no longer there. Do you think there is anything she can't do now?"

Bai Yingjie put down his luggage and sat next to Bai Anqing, wanting to talk to him about Feng Shengxi again.

"Do you doubt what she wants to do?" Bai Anqing frowned and asked, "Trouble with Gu Xiaoxiao?"

"Otherwise? What is the reason why she has stayed in City B and refused to come back? Is it because she really doesn't want to see me or divorce me? Then she can go home and stay in City B for what?"

Bai Anqing asked by Bai Yingjie was speechless, because Feng Shengxi's stay in City B for such a long time was indeed abnormal.

"Dad, so many things have happened, I think... we should reflect on it."

"Reflect on what?"

"Wanting's matter, Xiaoxiao's matter. I will solve the Shengxi matter. You should have heard the news from the Feng family. The Chu family will not stop, even if they ask, it is useless. I know you don’t want to see me divorce her, but at this point, I really can’t help it.”

Bai Yingjie said clearly, there is no possibility of change. He looked at the silent Bai Anqing, got up and walked out of the house. Get in the car that has been waiting outside and head straight for the airport.

In City B, Feng Shengxi walked on the bustling street. After buying some things he needed, he returned to the hotel.

It has been a month, but within this month, she has not found any good phone meeting.

Even if Mae Chuan Yong was gone, Gu Xiaoxiao was with Chu Yichen most of the time. Even if Chu Yichen is not around, there will be other people to replace him, who is very vigilant.

And her two children...the ones protected are even better.

Lying on the bed and looking at the picture of Bai Mo'er on the phone, Feng Shengxi missed it very much.

The reason why she still stays in City B is actually not Gu Xiaoxiao. Even Maekawa, who was killed some time ago, came to City B for his real purpose, not Gu Xiaoxiao.

Feng Shengxi invited him with money to kill Gu Xiaoxiao's two children...

I want her to feel what it is like to lose like herself. Now that Yong Maekawa is gone, Feng Shengxi is the only one to do it himself.

Feng Shengxi hasn't lost her mind completely yet, she knows that this matter will definitely not work. And there is another reason why she hasn't done anything.

The Feng family's current situation is very bad. Feng Shengxi contacted the family yesterday, and she was extremely annoyed by the news. Because now even her father has already been investigated.

She didn't know how much effort the Chu family had used this time, and how much they had left. City B looks calm, but is it actually?

Every day here is a fight and deceit. If he can, if there is still a glimmer of hope, Feng Shengxi doesn't want to hurt his family for his own sake.

There has been no news from Feng Cheng, and I don't know if it is also secretly controlled. Under such circumstances, did he fight his own life to seek revenge on Gu Xiaoxiao, or don't let this face be and ask Gu Xiaoxiao for forgiveness, Feng Shengxi is making this choice.

If Gu Xiaoxiao can help her save the Feng family, then the debt between them doesn't count. If the Feng family is really ruined because of herself, then she is really meaningless to live in this world.

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