Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1326: I understand you, but I don't forgive.

Feng Shengxi hesitated for a long time and considered it for a long time. Finally, she decided to meet Gu Xiaoxiao. And this day was also the day when a member of the Feng family was officially confirmed and announced to the public.

Gu Xiaoxiao didn't pay much attention to those things in official circles, so she had no idea what happened. Attentively doing her work, until Feng Shengxi called her.

Looking at the name on the phone screen, Gu Xiaoxiao felt that she must have made a mistake. So I pressed mute and pretended not to see it. However, after a while, the call came back.

He raised his hand to take the phone and picked it up. When Gu Xiaoxiao heard Feng Shengxi say that she was waiting for herself in the meeting room on the first floor, Gu Xiaoxiao stood up reflexively.

She came to city B? Why do you come to the company to find yourself?

"I won't see you, just talk on the phone if you have anything."

"Then I go up to see you?"

"If you come up, I think it will be the security guard who is waiting for you." Gu Xiaoxiao said in a cold tone. She didn't mean to be rude to say this to an elderly person. But when she thought of what Feng Shengxi had done to herself, her attitude really didn't get better.

She has a good temper, but it is not bad temper. I have been bullied again and again, and my heart has long since become angry.

"While I still want to hear your call, just say anything. Otherwise, I'll hang up."

"I'm here this time to apologize to you." Feng Shengxi's words made Gu Xiaoxiao stunned, apologizing? Because of what?

"I know that I have done something to hurt you before, and I hope you can forgive me."

"What do you mean by the things that hurt me? Did you help Mo'er get close to my husband, or caused a car accident to kill me?"

Gu Xiaoxiao asked straightforwardly, but Feng Shengxi didn't respond for a long time.

"There are both things, so I want to have a good talk with you." After a long silence, Feng Shengxi continued to speak, "Can you see me?"

Gu Xiaoxiao bit the corner of her lip, and the answer was the same.

"No, just say it here."

Gu Xiaoxiao couldn't figure out why Feng Shengxi was so good that he would suddenly think of apologizing to herself. She certainly wouldn't do it for no reason. What happened?

"Why do you apologize to me?" Gu Xiaoxiao asked the question in his heart, "I don't believe you really feel that you are wrong."

"What if I say yes? I have been thinking a lot during this period. After Mo'er left, I have been thinking about what I have done before. I know that you have not had a good time in Japan these years, but you are also two The child’s mother, you should be able to understand why I became so selfish. I didn’t want to kill you at the time. I just wanted you to leave for a while so that Mo’er would be happy before he died. That's it."

Speaking of Bai Mo'er, Feng Shengxi's tone was a little excited. Gu Xiaoxiao listened to her in a complicated mood, took a deep breath, and responded slowly.

"You are right. I am also the mother of my child, and I will also do something for my child. I can understand what you have done, but understanding does not mean that I will forgive. Zhi, Gu Xiaoxiao, I am not an idiot. I was beaten and scolded by you. If I said I was wrong, I would smile and tell you that it’s okay. Maybe I used to do this, but now, I definitely won’t."

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