Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1340: My dad won't like you

"Oh, what's the matter, the big star wants to fall in love too?" Chu Xiaoxi joked, "Is my wife earning enough?"

"I have earned enough, remember to introduce me if you have a suitable one."

A few people chatted for a while, and then went away to work on their own. Gu Xiaoxiao took the three children with Li Youran, and they talked in a low voice until someone came to interrupt.

Xiao Yiren?

Looking at the person at the table, Gu Xiaoxiao was startled and smiled slightly.

"Can you sit?" Xiao Yiren asked with a smile looking at the empty seat.

"Of course." Gu Xiaoxiao nodded, a little curious about why she came to find herself.

Chu Muqian, who was sitting on Gu Xiaoxiao's lap, hadn't looked away from her since Xiao Yiren appeared. The little eyes looked at Xiao Yiren a bit sharply, and suddenly he struggled to jump off Gu Xiaoxiao's legs and ran to the side to play with Yanran's hand. Because it was within Gu Xiaoxiao's line of sight, she did not stop her either.

"I haven't seen you in some days, your legs should be almost recovered?" Gu Xiaoxiao took the initiative to speak, and sighed when Xiao Yiren nodded.

What to do, I really can't find a topic to chat with her... Or, just ask her what she is doing?

When Gu Xiaoxiao hesitated, Ranran ran to her side.

"Mom." She tugged at Gu Xiaoxiao's skirt, and she whispered, "Ranran wants to go to the bathroom."

"Sorry, I'll leave." Gu Xiaoxiao bent over and hugged her and said to Xiao Yiren, then looked at Chu Muqian again and asked, "Are you going to go there together?"

"No, I'm waiting for mom here."

Chu Muqian was talking, climbing up the chair where Gu Xiaoxiao had just been sitting on, and staying next to Li Youran in a proper manner, very well-behaved.

Seeing him like this, Gu Xiaoxiao left with confidence. After she left, Chu Muqian looked at Xiao Yiren's eyes, and it became more and more obvious and unhappy.

Li Youran looked at Chu Muqian's tight little face and felt the hostility emanating from him, not knowing what he wanted to do. She had seen it just now, and after Chu Muqian took her sister to the side and said a few words, Ran Ran came over and led Gu Xiaoxiao away. If nothing else, that little girl must have said that on purpose.

"Do you like my father?" Chu Muqian asked surprisingly when he met Xiao Yiren's gaze. When Xiao Yiren asked stiffly, Li Youran almost laughed.

This kid...!

Trying to hold back the smile, Li Youran listened to him continue.

"Do you like my dad? But my dad won't like you. He only likes my mother." Chu Muqian said solemnly. He recognizes the person in front of him, not to mention other things, even on TV. Gossip about her and Chu Yichen entertainment reports.

Tilting his head, Chu Muqian looked at Xiao Yiren a little sadly, as if thinking about some problem.

"Your father and I are not in that kind of relationship. You misunderstood." Xiao Yiren explained with an awkward smile. He didn't expect him to say such a thing.

"Whatever, my father doesn't like you anyway."

Shaking both calves, Chu Muqian's very affirmative tone made Xiao Yiren feel a little uncomfortable.

When Michael Xin walked from a distance, he heard the conversation between the two. With a frown, she saw that only a strange newcomer was sitting at the table, and Chu Yichen and Chu Xiaoxi were not there, so she opened her mouth unhappy.

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