Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1341: This kid's mouth is so poisonous! !

"You're not your father, how do you know that he won't like it?" Standing behind Xiao Yiren, Michael Xin's words shocked her again.

"Sister Kexin?!" Turning around, Xiao Yiren said nervously, "The kid is messing around, don't talk about it."

"I'm not fooling around." Chu Muqian looked at the two of them calmly, not at all like a three-year-old child. "You ask me, why doesn't my dad like her? It's very simple, because she is ugly."

Chu Muqian calmly expressed his disdain for Xiao Yiren, looked at Michael Xin's distorted face, and said in disgust, "You are even uglier than her, you must have no boyfriend?"

This kid's mouth is so poisonous! !

Li Youran looked at Chu Muqian with bright eyes. He just deliberately led Gu Xiaoxiao away, just to vent her anger?

He is only three years old, what kind of black belly will he grow up?

Li Youran looked at Chu Muqian, then at Xiao Yiren and Mai Kexin, and continued to laugh.

Chu Muqian looked back, and Gu Xiaoxiao hadn't returned with his sister, so he continued to pass the time in a good mood.

"Ha." Mai Kexin laughed awkwardly, "The child is not sensible, he can understand. It is said that our Iraqi people are not good-looking, really..."

"Face the reality." Interrupting her, Chu Muqian said sincerely, "My father said that I have a good vision. Also, she is not a star, she is my uncle's future wife, you two If you bully me, she will testify to me."

Pointing to Li Youran who was watching the excitement over there, Chu Muqian pulled her into the water. This made Mai Kexin, who had just treated her as a young actor, looked even worse.


Chu Muran's voice came from a distance, letting Chu Muqian know that Gu Xiaoxiao had returned, and their tricks worked well together.

The imposing expression on his little face disappeared in an instant, and the speed at which he changed his face was even more professional than a professional actor like Xiao Yiren.

"Mom, I'm looking for Dad!" Chu Muqian asked Gu Xiaoxiao to hug herself, raising her hands. Putting his arms around Gu Xiaoxiao, he glanced at the two ugly aunts who were still in shock, he said, "Also, this beautiful sister just said she was sick and wanted to go home. ."

"Eh? Are you uncomfortable?" Gu Xiaoxiao looked in surprise. As expected, Xiao Yiren's face was not very good.

"Well, it's a little uncomfortable." Standing up slowly, Xiao Yiren smiled far-fetched. "I'll go there for a while and then go back first. See you later if I get the chance."

"Um... well, goodbye."

Gu Xiaoxiao felt that there was something wrong with the atmosphere on the table, and silently asked Li Youran what was going on, only to see her shook her head with a smile.

Watching Xiao Yiren and Mai Kexin leave, Chu Muqian snorted coldly, lying on Gu Xiaoxiao's shoulders, holding her domineeringly.

A group of ugly ugly aunts want to bully his mother? no way!

"Are you still looking for Dad?" Gu Xiaoxiao patted Chu Muqian on the back confusedly, looking around for Chu Yichen's figure. "Something to do with him?"

"Stop looking for him, Mom, I want to go to the bathroom!"

"Didn't you just say you didn't want it?" Gu Xiaoxiao asked with a wry smile.

"Just now, now is now!"

"Fine, let's go."

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