Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1356: Gu Xiaoxiao's acting skills (1)

After waiting for a whole day, Gu Xiaoxiao saw Hasegawa on the surveillance screen at 10 am the next morning.

Her eyes flashed, she quickly got up, picked up her bag and walked outside.

"Yichen~ I'll go out and call me if I have something to do."

After talking with Chu Yichen, Gu Xiaoxiao left in a hurry. Chu Yichen raised her eyebrows lightly, watched her leave, and then sat down where she had just been sitting. Fifteen minutes later, she saw her on the computer.

Why must I see Xu Jianyang at the same time as Hasegawa?

Chu Yichen narrowed his eyes slightly, guessing about Gu Xiaoxiao's abacus.

"Sorry, Mr. Xu is now receiving customers...maybe a little longer."

"It doesn't matter, I'll wait here." Gu Xiaoxiao smiled and nodded without paying attention. Of course she knew that Xu Jianyang was busy now, otherwise, she would not come to join in the fun.

Walk slowly to the rest area and sit down. This is the only way to leave Xu Jianyang's office and reach the elevator entrance. As long as Hasegawa came out, she would definitely be visible.

After idle and bored, Gu Xiaoxiao took out the price list she made and looked it over again. Resting her cheek with one hand, she glanced at Xu Jianyang's office from time to time, with the corners of her mouth raised slightly, but her heart was a little unsure.

It can be seen that Ryugasaki Takumi is also very determined to achieve this business. To beat them, the most basic condition is to know their offer. Unfortunately, Hasegawa will not give her this opportunity.

Gu Xiaoxiao thought for a long time that day and came up with a way.

She does not have to know the price given by Hasegawa, on the contrary, she can let him know herself.

Gu Xiaoxiao had just seen Xu Jianyang's secretary call to inform him that he had arrived here. Therefore, Hasegawa, who is also in that office, must already know.

Secretly watching the movement there, when she heard the voices of the two and the door opening, she immediately entered a state of preparation.

The two seemed to be talking very well, walking side by side towards this side, until they saw Gu Xiaoxiao, they stopped.

"Mr. Xu, Mr. Hase." Gu Xiaoxiao smiled and stood up and shook hands with the two. Looking at Hasegawa, she said meaningfully, "What a coincidence, I met again here."

"Maybe, this is fate." Hasegawa nodded and smiled softly.

The three stood together and said a few words. Seeing Hasegawa was planning to leave, Gu Xiaoxiao looked at Xu Jianyang and spoke.

"Mr. Xu, I have one thing I want to talk to Mr. Hase alone, so..."

"Ah, okay, I'll go to the office to wait for you." After understanding what she meant, Xu Jianyang nodded and left quickly.

After Xu Jianyang left, Gu Xiaoxiao sat down on the chair and closed the documents on the desktop. Hasegawa also took a seat afterwards, glanced at the cover of the document from the corner of his eye, and a glint of his eyes flashed.

"The last time I met, when did Mr. Long Qi give you the things you gave me?" Gu Xiaoxiao asked straightforwardly without anyone else.

"After I came to China, I was thinking of going to City B and handing it to you in person, but I didn't expect to meet it here."

"Did he tell you anything else?" Gu Xiaoxiao looked serious, as if he cared about it.

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