Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1357: Gu Xiaoxiao's acting skills (2)

Hasegawa didn't know what Ryusaki Takumi gave her, so naturally he would not doubt Gu Xiaoxiao. Shaking his head honestly, seeing Gu Xiaoxiao look a little embarrassed, he asked puzzledly, "What's the matter? Is there any problem?"

"Ah I……"

As soon as she spoke, the phone Gu Xiaoxiao put in her bag rang. She smiled apologetically at Hasegawa, took the phone out of her bag, then got up and walked to a place one meter away to pick it up.

With his back to Hasegawa, Gu Xiaoxiao talked to the people on the phone in a low voice. Hasegawa looked at her back, then looked at the files on the desktop, trying hard to restrain the impulse in her heart.

Gu Xiaoxiao didn't know who was calling, but her emotions were obviously getting more and more excited.

Her voice gradually increased. In order to prevent Hasegawa from hearing it too real, she took a few steps forward, so that the distance between Hasegawa and Hasegawa became farther.

How can Hasegawa let go of such a good opportunity?

Quickly opened the files left by Gu Xiaoxiao on the desktop, while staring at Gu Xiaoxiao's actions. After seeing the price on the document, Hasegawa was taken aback.

He was just skeptical, but he didn't expect it to be this thing. But... the price is much higher than he thought.

Hasegawa always felt that if Gu Xiaoxiao wanted to suppress his successful signing, he could only use his brains on the price. Unexpectedly, the price is so "not cute".

Will Xu Jianyang consider accepting such a high price? Hasegawa felt very unreliable.

After quickly browsing the above data table, Hasegawa sat there casually. After Gu Xiaoxiao returned with an angry expression, he asked concerned, "Is it all right?"

"It's okay." Gu Xiaoxiao gave a far-fetched smile, still in a bad mood. "Sorry, I have something wrong, first go to see Mr. Xu, we will get together again if we have time."

Picking up the bag and the files on the desktop, Gu Xiaoxiao strode towards Xu Jianyang's office. After Hasegawa watched her walk in, he smiled strangely and left here.

Entering the office, Gu Xiaoxiao sat opposite Xu Jianyang and handed over the documents.

"Mr. Xu, this is our offer. I have something to go to the United States in a few days, so I need to leave Shanghai in advance. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me."


Gu Xiaoxiao seemed to be really busy. Without saying a few words, she got up and left.

What she didn't know was that Hasegawa never left this side completely. He hid in the dark, until he watched her return to the hotel, he asked the driver to drive and return to the place where he stayed.

Gu Xiaoxiao walked into the elevator and breathed a sigh of relief. Turning the phone's silent state back to its original state, and deleting the alarm clock that she had set not long ago, she was sure that Hasegawa must have moved the document.

No one has called her, the phone will ring, it's just the alarm time. No one quarreled with Gu Xiaoxiao, she would be angry, just because she was acting.

Hasegawa read the price she gave and will definitely go back and adjust their offer. Those who do business are greedy, and no one does not want to earn a little more, and earn a little more.

Twenty percent, this is a concession Gu Xiaoxiao thinks Hasegawa might make. All she needs to do is to wait for Xu Jianyang's call and send him the correct quotation form.

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