Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1360: Threatening Chu Yunfei

Feeling bad, Gu Xiaoxiao immediately changed the subject. After a few perfunctory sentences, the conversation ended, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

She is now at the airport and is about to go to the United States to attend the wedding of Fu Ziheng and Chen Jingyao.

Time passed very fast, and in a blink of an eye, it was already August. And it has been more than a month since Bai Mo'er passed away.

Gu Xiaoxiao thought of Bai Mo'er because she received a call today.

Bai Mo'er seemed to find a certain jeweler before she died and ordered her a set of jewelry. Now the person couldn't contact Bai Mo'er, and he seemed to have heard the news of Bai Mo'er's death, so he found Gu Xiaoxiao.

Gu Xiaoxiao felt a little heavy, especially after thinking of the current tense relationship between the Chu and Bai family.

Bai Yingjie had spent a lot of effort before to save Feng Shanqi temporarily. But where he wanted it, only a week later, Chu Yichen pushed Feng Shanqi to the cusp of the storm again.

The evidence was clearly there, and Feng Shanqi wanted to not admit it, it was impossible.

The details of his personal bank account have been transferred. Feng Shanqi, who was forced into a dead end again, could only turn to Bai Yingjie for help and let him find a way for himself.

"Now that the situation is so urgent, I don't expect you to get me out. Just a reprieve, Yingjie, help dad get out of the relationship."

Everyone knows that the death delay changes indefinitely, and the indefinite change for twenty years.

Bai Yingjie looked at Feng Shanqi's haggard appearance and nodded.

"I try my best."

The Chu family pressed harder step by step, not only caused the Feng family to suffer, but also many people related to the Feng family were more or less implicated.

On this day, Chu Yunfei was sitting in the living room drinking tea and watching the news. Suddenly someone called him, and he was a stranger who hadn't seen him once in 800 years.

After listening patiently, Chu Yunfei sneered.

"Is Bai Anqing looking for you, or Bai Yingjie asked you to call me?" Chu Yunfei looked contemptuous, leaning on the sofa.

He even called to persuade him to stop, and still did both soft and hard. He has never seen Chu Yunfei before, and will he be frightened by these few words? Besides, he eats soft or hard, which is correct~ But, it is not anyone's soft words that can make him happy.

What the other party meant was to tell him it was almost time to stop, don't go too far. Hearing this, Chu Yunfei couldn't be happy.

"Since it's not from the Bai family, then don't go to this stall of muddy water. If you are dirty, you can't blame others for being found. You also know that I am getting older, and maybe I will carry it back at some point and can't survive. . So, what am I afraid of?"

It is precisely because of this that these turtle grandsons can't let go.

He dared to pee on the head of his Chu family. Even if he died, he would definitely not be able to swallow it.

"Tell Bai Anqing, if you really want to beg for mercy, let him call yourself. Don't look for you who are not named, I don't know you, and I don't bother to talk."

Chu Yunfei's arrogant words made the other party angrily want to throw the phone. But cursing and not daring to curse, he can only hold back his emotions.

"His mother doesn't weigh his own weight, but he dare to threaten Lao Tzu."

Throwing the phone aside, Chu Yunfei snorted, disdainfully said.

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