Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1361: Transfer Bai Yingjie to City B

Chu Yunfei dismissed the people from Guangzhou in a few words. He felt very happy, but the people over there couldn't swallow the breath.

In weekdays, he is a master who is accustomed to publicity, how can he stand this anger? Chu Yunfei ridiculed and ridiculed him. He looked down on this and looked down on the other based on his age. As a result, the Bai Feng faction, who had already suffered and suffered, became more and more angry.

Bai Anqing sat at home, her brows furrowed as she listened to what someone said.

"This shameless old thing really takes himself seriously!" Bai Anqing scolded in a low voice, and Bai Anqing was unhappy.

Looking at the person on the other side who was waiting for him to speak, Bai Anqing thought for a while, and said coldly, "You go back and wait for my call. This matter will not be counted!"

"I'm relieved with your old words, then I will go back first, and wait for your news!"

After sending off the guests, Bai Anqing's eyes kept staring at the phone on the table.

Because of the things Feng Shengxi did to Gu Xiaoxiao before, Bai Anqing felt wronged by this girl, so during this time, he didn't even say a word about the repeated attacks from the Chu family.

But when he heard what Chu Yunfei said today, he felt it was too deceiving. If he doesn't come forward to do something, maybe he will be smeared by the old thing behind his back!

"Xiao Zhang, prepare the car, I want to go out!"

With a sharp roar, Bai Anqing surprised the guard outside the door.

The old general hasn't been out in the past month. Suddenly, where did he want to go?

When Bai Yingjie returned home in the evening, Bai Anqing had not yet returned. After thinking about it for a moment, he guessed what Bai Anqing was doing. Anxiously waiting in the living room, when Bai Anqing came back, Bai Yingjie said frankly, "Dad, don't interfere with Chu family affairs."

"Why, your kid is also scared by that Chu Yunfei?!"

"Dad, what are you saying? You don't know a lot of things, so don't mess up." Bai Yingjie looked helpless, he had his problems, but he didn't say it. In Bai Anqing's eyes, that would be persuaded. .

Chu Yunfei has been calling the wind and rain in Nanjing over the past few years. Isn't he Bai Anqing in Guangzhou that no one is afraid? Seeing Chu Yunfei riding on his neck to commit evil acts now, this son was not up for it, and Bai Anqing was really angry.

"Dad, Mr. Chu went to Feng's house. There is too much involved in this. I didn't understand it with you for a while. But the situation is different now, you must..."

"Why is it different? Are you planning to help them with the Chu family, or is our Bai family no longer even able to speak?" Bai Anqing asked when she interrupted Bai Yingjie, looking at him with a cold look.

Hey, this is really angry...

Bai Yingjie saw the chill in Bai Anqing's eyes, and couldn't help but tell the truth.

"I am transferred to City B at the end of the month."

"What?!" Bai Anqing was startled, thinking that she had misheard. "Transfer to City B?!"

"Well, the instructions above, but only I know now, and it is estimated that the news will be released next week. Dad, the above will not fail to notice the movement on both sides of us. When I pass, I will get along with the Chu family. Talk about it. I still don’t understand what the above means, so don’t do anything.”

"It's so good, why do you go to City B?"

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