Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1372: Not admit it afterwards

Chu Yichen sighed and felt that the so-called "no admission afterwards" was talking about Gu Xiaoxiao.

"Think about it, what you said and did last night."

Chu Yichen's calmness made Gu Xiaoxiao uneasy again. Although he knows that he has a strong ability to open his eyes and tell lies, he shouldn't be so bold in this matter, right? After all, Chu Yichen always respected her choice. How could it be possible that a single person chose to make the decision for such a big problem as having children?

Gu Xiaoxiao's facial features wrinkled and closed his eyes, trying hard to recall what happened last night. But her memory seemed to be fragmented after she left the hotel and could not be found. No matter how hard she tried, it was nothing.

"I knew it would be like this, fortunately, I kept the evidence." Chu Yichen said helplessly, feeling sorry for herself.

He stretched out his hand for the phone, and at this moment, Gu Xiaoxiao also leaned forward to see what his alleged evidence was.

"Come here and sit down, otherwise I won't show it to you." Chu Yichen patted the position on the bed next to him. Gu Xiaoxiao quickly climbed onto the bed after hearing this, saying nothing, and didn't know that Chu Yichen wanted to give it to her. Look at something.

When the black screen of the phone turned on, after Gu Xiaoxiao saw Chu Yichen find a video, she suddenly felt a bad feeling. And when she saw who the protagonist in the video was and said some nonsense, her brain buzzed and the machine crashed on the spot.

Blushing to grab the phone, Gu Xiaoxiao had no courage to watch the entire video.

"Chu Yichen, delete it, don't keep this thing!"

"No, this is rare evidence, I have to keep it to protect myself." Chu Yichen said this like a little daughter-in-law, and Gu Xiaoxiao was itchy.

"You rascal! You know I drank too much last night, you can't believe what I said!"

"Speak truth after drinking, and what you say after drinking too much is the most trustworthy~ And look, my dear, you see how active you are, how can I bear to refuse you?" Chu Yichen spoke and handed the phone to Gu Xiao In front of Shino, let her see herself inside.

Gu Xiaoxiao on the screen of her mobile phone was doing something she would never be able to do without shame. He yelled, "No recording, hurry up and give birth to a monkey with me!", and went to pick Chu Yichen's clothes. Judging from this video alone, the victim of last night... it seems that it is not her, but the smiling innocent person in front of her.

But Gu Xiaoxiao felt that she was deceived. Otherwise...otherwise how could she do such a thing?


While Gu Xiaoxiao was still thinking about how to continue discussing this matter with Chu Yichen, the sound of the car suddenly came downstairs, as well as the cheers of joy.

Why did you come back so early? !

The two of them on the bed were a little dazed, and they didn't care about anything else, put on their clothes in a hurry, and went downstairs to open the door.

"Mom, mom, mom!" Ranran rushed into her arms as soon as she saw Gu Xiaoxiao. "Good morning mom!"

"Good morning, baby. Is there any meal so early?" It was just eight o'clock, and she didn't know where she was so energetic.

"No." Shaking his head honestly, Chu Muran touched his stomach and replied, "Mom, I'm hungry."

"Why don't you come back when you are hungry? Isn't your grandma just like you?"

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