Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1373: Bai Yingjie came to City B

Shen Qianyun came with them. Gu Xiaoxiao glanced at the people in the living room and turned and walked towards the kitchen.

"Because Ranran dreamed of her mother last night, so I wanted to come to you soon. Mommy shouldn't be angry, OK?"

The little guy would be observant, put his arms around Gu Xiaoxiao to please her and kiss her, so that Gu Xiaoxiao couldn't say anything else.

"Well, mother is not angry, then you go to accompany grandma now, mother will make breakfast for you, okay?"

"Okay! Mom has worked hard!"

Xiaozui'er was sweet as if he had eaten candy. After Gu Xiaoxiao put it on the ground, he turned and ran back to Shen Qianyun and Chu Muqian, playing there honestly, waiting for Gu Xiaoxiao to make a meal. Call them.

Gu Xiaoxiao finished breakfast and went to tidy up, and then went out. It's the first time that she has come to Gu Ran's home, so she definitely won't leave so quickly. I followed my grandfather and uncle to meet some relatives and friends, and went to their law firm in the afternoon for a stroll. In a blink of an eye, it was almost dark.

Fu Ziheng and the others will return to China next week for a domestic wedding. Gu Xiaoxiao and Chu Yichen also plan to go back with them, because there are still many things waiting for them to deal with.

After a short but warm holiday in the United States, when he returned to China, Shen Qianyun and them made Gu Xiaoxiao and Chu Xiaoxi very happy.

"Hey hey, I can eat grandma's food again, so happy."

After getting on the plane, Chu Xiaoxi muttered to herself while holding Shen Qianyun's arm with an idiotic expression. Someone who didn't know thought she was aggrieved when she was not there.

For more than ten hours of flying, both adults and children are very tired.

Driving to the old house in the car, Gu Xiaoxiao didn't expect to see someone who surprised her when she got home.

Bai Yingjie in the living room looked at Gu Xiaoxiao and stood up. He called "Mom" to Shen Qianyun's sight, but was directly ignored by Shen Qianyun.

"I'm a little tired. Go upstairs and take a break. You guys talk."

Smiling at Chu Yunfei and the others, Shen Qianyun went upstairs after speaking. Upon seeing this, Gu Xiaoxiao gave Chu Yichen a wink, and then left with Shen Qianyun.

Why is Bai Yingjie here? Did something happen? Isn't he here to find himself?

Gu Xiaoxiao was puzzled and couldn't get the answer. Chu Yichen is in the United States these days, and it is not that he is not paying attention to domestic movements. Therefore, the news that Bai Yingjie has been transferred to City B already knows.

Bai Yingjie seemed to have just settled down, and only came to the Chu family to meet with Chu Yunfei today, but unexpectedly ran into Gu Xiaoxiao and the others back.

The matter of his coming to City B has already been settled. And the transfer of his position also caused quite a stir.

The head of the Guangzhou Military Region was suddenly taken to City B. What does the person above mean? Whether Bai Yingjie came here is a good thing or a bad thing, everyone is now at a loss and can't figure out the routine.

Chu Yunfei didn't say a few words to Bai Yingjie today, because he had just sat down for less than ten minutes when Gu Xiaoxiao and the others came back.

Chu Yichen looked at Bai Yingjie and politely passed a cigarette. Then he looked at Chu Yunfei and asked, "Where is my dad, in the company?"

"Well, I left early in the morning."

"When will Big Brother come back? I called him yesterday and said that there might be a holiday soon."

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