Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1390: The Prime Minister doesn't like Chu Yixuan

When he came to Gu Xiaoxiao's room, Li Youran sat down on the sofa.

"Here, take a drink. I'll take them to change clothes first. You have a rest. If you have anything to say later."

Passing a bottle of water, Gu Xiaoxiao left with two small things. Li Youran sat in the room alone. After scanning the room, she scratched her hair irritably, not knowing what she was doing.

Gu Xiaoxiao returned in about fifteen minutes, alone. Seeing the restless people sitting there, she smiled, closed the door and asked, "What do you want to say?"

Li Youran shook her head and asked, "Don't you want to go out? When do you leave?"

"Okay, now." Shrugging her shoulders, Gu Xiaoxiao didn't even eat lunch and took her out.

After driving straight to the bookstore, the two little guys got hungry after choosing the book for themselves. So he moved to a nearby hotel.

"Have Chu Yixuan told you about me?" Li You suddenly asked such a question while waiting for the meal.


"Then... do you know who I am?" Li Youran asked, and after seeing Gu Xiaoxiao nodding, he felt relieved.

"Xiao Xi didn't know, I didn't tell her. It was Chu Yichen, who I persecuted, that he said."

"I didn't deliberately lie to you, I just don't know how to speak. You know, my identity...a bit embarrassing."

She is Jiang Sheng's unseen daughter. Few people know that she exists, and it is not worth showing off.

"I understand, I'm also quite embarrassed." Gu Xiaoxiao smiled indifferently, "He will go to Guangzhou next Wednesday. If he wants to say anything, try to get ahead of it. Otherwise, he will be very busy after he passes."

"There's nothing to say, he won't give me a chance." Li Youran said disappointedly, sitting leaning against it, "I like him, it's useless, he doesn't like me."

"But the uncle doesn't like other girls either."

The sentence Chu Muqian intervened shocked Gu Xiaoxiao and Li Youran again, and they looked at him at the same time. He was still blinking his eyes innocently, as if he didn't understand anything.

"Bear boy." Gu Xiaoxiao gritted her teeth, quickly took out the pad to call up the cartoon, put the earphones in his ears, and continued the conversation with Li Youran. "Just ignore him, talk about us!"

"He said he didn't like you?" Gu Xiaoxiao remembered the scene when she was chatting with Chu Yixuan last night. She only felt a sense of helplessness from Chu Yixuan, but she didn't feel that he was treating Li Youran. Disgust. "Is there any misunderstanding?"

"Do you think that people like him will do things that make people misunderstand. If you don't like it, you don't like it. His behavior is obvious. Moreover, there are other obstacles between me and him. My dad disagrees with me and He is together."

"Why?!" Gu Xiaoxiao asked in surprise, "Is my elder brother OK?"

"I don't know, he just doesn't agree. So, introduce me to my boyfriend. Maybe I will meet someone more suitable to my appetite than him." Li Youran sat up straight and looked at Gu Xiaoxiao with her hands on her cheeks, "This It's another reason why I came out today."

Instead of asking Jiang Sheng to find her, she might as well do it herself.

The Prime Minister does not like Chu Yixuan...

Gu Xiaoxiao turned her head and looked out the window, thinking of something that Chu Yixuan had said, as if she understood a little bit.

What he said is inappropriate, is it because of this?

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