Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1391: People want to save their lives, but they cannot help them

Chu Yixuan already knew what Jiang Sheng thought of him, so he made up his mind that Li Youran was wrong?

If the problem is only between the two of them, it is easy to handle. If Jiang Sheng was involved, then Gu Xiaoxiao would never say anything. The reason is simple, because I dare not.

"Okay, then I'll look for it for you." Gu Xiaoxiao tugged at the corner of her mouth with a smile, and nodded slowly, "You don't regret it."

After walking outside for a few hours, Li Youran went home. Gu Xiaoxiao hurriedly sent the child back and went out again because she had arranged an appointment with Bai Yingjie to meet tonight.

At the agreed place, Gu Xiaoxiao saw Bai Yingjie's car parked outside at a glance. The driver opened the window and was smoking. Seeing Gu Xiaoxiao, he said hello politely.

Gu Xiaoxiao nodded in response and ran in. After seeing Bai Yingjie, he said embarrassedly, "Something has been delayed. Have you waited a long time?"

"I just arrived, it's okay."

After sitting down, Gu Xiaoxiao recovered his breath. Before she could say anything, Bai Yingjie already knew her purpose of meeting him.

"You are looking for me because of Chu Yixuan, right?"

"Ah? Hmm...Yes." Nodding, Gu Xiaoxiao did not expect him to be so direct.

"Don't worry, you won't be embarrassed. Besides, people from the Chu family will not be embarrassed wherever they go. Don't worry about this."

Chu Yixuan is going to Guangzhou, but after all, there are still people from the Bai family and Feng family in Guangzhou. Whether it will embarrass him or not cooperate with his work is difficult to say. So Gu Xiaoxiao wanted to find Bai Yingjie and let him help.

"Although you are looking for me for someone else's business, I am still very happy if you are willing to see me."

"It may be because, compared to the Bai family, I think Chu Yixuan is like my family, so I am willing to do something for him." Gu Xiaoxiao said quietly, staring into Bai Yingjie's eyes. She knew her words didn't sound nice, but in fact, it was just like that.

"If this thing makes you embarrassed, you can also refuse me." Gu Xiaoxiao leaned over and picked up the teapot, filling his empty cup with water.

"Why should I reject you? This is what I should do." Bai Yingjie smiled lightly, "I know you are still angry with me and will not forgive me. But Xiaoxiao, you have to understand that you are me after all Daughter. I am willing to do a lot for you."

"I came to you, not to say this..."

"Well, let's not talk about this."

Bai Yingjie is a little helpless, he has been working hard, but still can't get closer to her.

Gu Xiaoxiao lowered her head, and after a long silence, she looked at him again.

"What would happen if my mother hadn't died? Would you be with her?"

"of course."

"Even if Grandpa disagrees?"

"Even if he disagrees." Bai Yingjie replied very positively, mentioning Gu Wanting's departure, Bai Yingjie's eyes showed a faint melancholy. "Xiao Xiao, no one wants her to live in this world more than I do, but I was really powerless at the time."

People want to save their lives, but they cannot help them. Even if Gu Wanting is two days later, he might be able to find her and redeem the tragedy.

"If she is alive in the sky, she should be a little happy to hear you."

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