Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1392: Is there any way Gu Xiaoxiao can cooperate

"Not necessarily, she may have a worse temper than you think."

Bai Yingjie said with a wry smile, Gu Xiaoxiao's heart hurt inexplicably because of his smile.

The two chatted in the teahouse for almost an hour, and Gu Xiaoxiao was sent home by him. Chu Yichen was watching TV with Chu Yunfei in the living room. Gu Xiaoxiao walked over and sat down, listening to them saying nothing.

Chu Yichen knew what she was doing tonight, but Chu Yunfei didn't know, only that she had gone to see Chu Xiaoxi for fun, and asked her if she had eaten. Gu Xiaoxiao was flustered.

Back in the bedroom, Gu Xiaoxiao lay paralyzed on the bed, looking at Chu Yichen impeccably.

"You said, is it harder for you, or is it harder for you?"

"Obviously it is him. I also have a wife and children, but what about him?" Chu Yichen put on a look of "I'm easy to speak", and Gu Xiaoxiao felt that if he believed him, it would be a brain injury.

Take a shower and go to bed early. The next day, when he went to work at the company as usual, Gu Xiaoxiao was so busy with a lot of things, and there was no extra thought to think about Li Youran and Chu Yixuan.

Just after returning from the meeting, Gu Xiaoxiao saw the phone rang on the table. Quickly walked over and saw that it was Ryugasaki Takumi who hadn't been in touch for many days.

I don't know what happened to the other party looking for her, Gu Xiaoxiao picked it up. After a polite greeting between the two, she heard Long Qi ask her if she had time to go to Japan recently.

"It shouldn't be over recently. Someone will take over the business there now. My domestic project has just started. It's relatively busy, you know."

Gu Xiaoxiao cherished the list he snatched from him. Ryugasaki Takumi smiled silently and sighed.

"It's so busy, there must be no time to think about me."

"So you called, were you asking for comfort or something?"

"Just for comfort, just want me to listen?"

"Stop this set, I won't be fooled." Sitting on the chair, Gu Xiaoxiao checked the email that the assistant had just sent, and dealt with Ryuqi Takumi. "Why do I always think that you called me today because of something else? Are you sure, just idle and bored, thinking of me?"

"It's true that there is something, but I can't tell you yet. If nothing else, we should be able to see it in the last half month. Let's talk about it later."

Ryugasaki Takumi’s affirmative tone made Gu Xiaoxiao feel strange. Is there any cooperation between the company and there recently? How did he know that he would definitely meet in half a month?

Ryugasaki Takumi looked at the equity transfer letter in his hand and smiled lightly.

Chu Yichen had been busy dealing with the two families of Bai Feng some time ago, so even what happened within the company was not discovered in time. Now the shares in Fengyang Group he holds are almost able to compete with Chu Yichen. But Gu Xiaoxiao still has a large part in her hands. If she transfers these shares back to Chu Yichen, she still has nothing to do with herself.

What should I do to make Gu Xiaoxiao obediently cooperate with her?

Ryugasaki Takukai thought hard, but for many days he didn't think of a way to achieve both. But I found that I missed her more and more.

She used to see every week when she was in Japan. No matter how busy you are at work, you can see you in half a month at the latest. But now, he hasn't seen Gu Xiaoxiao for more than a month.

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